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四月份祈禱的要點 II


Ramadan Day 25

Pray for the Encouragement of Omani Believers

Tychicus will tell you all about my activities. He is a beloved brother and faithful minister and fellow servant in the Lord. I have sent him to you for this very purpose, that you may know how we are and that he may encourage your hearts, and with him Onesimus, our faithful and beloved brother, who is one of you. They will tell you of everything that has taken place here. (Col 4:7-9)

From Col 4:7 on, the Apostle Paul conveys finals greetings from various individuals in his life. The first persons he acknowledges are Tychicus and Onesimus, faithful and beloved brothers.

Prayer: Almighty God, we thank You that you have already raised up Tychicus’s in Oman as faithful minsters and fellow servants in the Lord – Omani believers who are encouraging and leading others. Raise up more! Send more Onesimus’s to the Omani believers to encourage their hearts in the Lord. Amen. Raise up Omani apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors and teachers to encourage and build up Your Body in Oman (Eph. 4:11-12).

Worship with us!You Never Let Go by Matt Redman. May the Omani church be encouraged that God never lets go of them!

Matthew 18:14 Focus‘Your Father in heaven does not want one of these little ones to be lost.’

Please bring these towns and villages before the Father:

Al-Ghubrah al-Janubiyah, Haima district, Al-Wusta region. Population: 1,033

Al-Jashrib, Haima district, Al-Wusta region. Population: 776

Wadi Ghayl, Haima, district, Al-Wusta region. Population: 125

Fadi, Haima district, Al-Wusta region. Population: 124

Al-Kahil 2, Haima district, Al-Wusta region. Population: 122

Barqat, Haima district, Al-Wusta region. Population: 57

齋月 第25天




















Ramadan Day 26

Pray for Prisoners and Believers Who Fail

Aristarchus my fellow prisoner greets you, and Mark the cousin of Barnabas (concerning whom you have received instructions – if he comes to you, welcome him)… (Col 4:10)

Aristarchus was a fellow prisoner with Paul, and Mark was the disciple who abandoned Paul and Barnabas on their first missionary journey (Acts 15:36-41). And yet, Paul welcomes Mark back into fellowship and remarks that he is useful for ministry (2 Timothy 4:11). Paul gives him a second chance. Some Muslim background believers are imprisoned for their faith. This can do much harm to them, or it can fortify their faith by taking away the fear of future persecution. Sadly, some professing believers revert back to Islam due to the pressure of persecution. Others backslide, leaving their believing friends bewildered and wondering what to do (Mark 4:17).

Prayer: Heavenly Father, we pray for prisoners in Oman who are in prison for Your Name’s sake. Give them grace in their severe trials. Grant them strength to stand firm in their faith and courage to resist temptations. Manifest Your love and comfort to them. Assure them of Your presence as You did with Daniel’s three friends in the fiery furnace. And we pray for the John Marks of the world. We thank You that You are a God of second chances. Encourage Omani believers to bring backsliding believers back into fellowship in order to give them a second chance. Let a spirit of forgiveness and restoration reign in the local church in Oman. Amen.

Worship with us!Praise Opens Prison Doors by Cain. May the praise coming from Oman open even prison doors!

Matthew 18:14 Focus‘Your Father in heaven does not want one of these little ones to be lost.’

Please bring these towns and villages before the Father:

Hijj, Mahut district, Al-Wusta region. Population: 7,366

Wadi as-Sayl, Mahut district, Al-Wusta region. Population: 2,422

Al-Jubah, Mahut, district, Al-Wusta region. Population: 2,115

An-Najdah, Mahut district, Al-Wusta region. Population: 1,538

Sarab, Mahut district, Al-Wusta region. Population: 1,035

齋月 第26天



















Ramadan Day 27

Pray During the Night of Power

Today is the holiest day of Ramadan – the Night of Power or Destiny. Muslims believe that the Qur’an was first revealed to Mohammad during this last week of Ramadan. Many have chosen the 27th day as a special day to commemorate this event. Therefore, millions of and maybe over a billion Muslims around the world will be praying in mosques all night long for Allah’s special favor. They pray extra prayers. They recite more of the Qur’an. They make special requests. They believe that their sins can be forgiven on this night.

Prayer: O Lord of all power and might, on this night of power, would You reveal Yourself in dreams and visions to the millions who will be praying and seeking Allah. They want to experience Your power but are looking in the wrong places. Lead them to Christian people and the Bible that can explain what they see. We ask for many conversions on this night! May we hear testimonies later of many Muslims in Oman who first encountered You on this night. Show Yourself as the resurrection power who raised Jesus from the dead (Ephesians 1:20)! Amen.

Worship with us!Resurrection Power by Chris Tomlin. May many Omanis discover His resurrection power this night!

Matthew 18:14 Focus‘Your Father in heaven does not want one of these little ones to be lost.’ 

Please bring these towns and villages before the Father:

Al-Khaluf, Mahut district, Al-Wusta region. Population: 1,022

Madayrah, Mahut district, Al-Wusta region. Population: 561

Shibat Raghab, Mahut, district, Al-Wusta region. Population: 263

As-Sifay, Mahut district, Al-Wusta region. Population: 248

Ash-Shuayb, Mahut district, Al-Wusta region. Population: 139

齋月 第27天

















Ramadan Day 28

Pray for the Nations of the Arab Gulf

…and Jesus who is called Justus. These are the only men of the circumcision among my fellow workers for the kingdom of God, and they have been a comfort to me. Epaphras, who is one of you, a servant of Christ Jesus, greets you, always struggling on your behalf in his prayers, that you may stand mature and fully assured in all the will of God. For I bear witness that he has worked hard for you and for those in Laodicea and in Hierapolis. Luke the beloved physician greets you, as does Demas. Give my greetings to the brothers at Laodicea, and to Nympha and the church in her house. And when this letter has been read among you, have it also read in the church of the Laodiceans; and see that you also read the letter from Laodicea. (Col 4:11-16)

There are Gulf 6 nations: Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Bahrain, Qatar, the United Arab Emirates, and Oman. The region has many similarities in its shared oil wealth, materialism, rapid development, and conservative culture and religion. This wealth has become a stumbling block to the gospel.

Prayer: O King of kings and Lord of lords, we lift up the nations of the Arab Gulf to You now. They are like those in Laodicea who were rich but were wretched, pitiable, poor, blind, and naked (Revelation 3:17). But the good news is that there was a church in Laodicea! Bring many Gulfi men and women to faith in Your Son so that they may gather in their own churches, fully assured of the will of God. Bring them into Your sheepfold (John 10:16) as You did with the Laodiceans and make them powerful prayer warriors like Epaphras was. We need the prayers of the saints from the Gulf! Build your church in the Gulf through prayer and mature disciples. May they work hard for You and be ambassadors of reconciliation outside of the Gulf too (2 Corinthians 5:16-21). Amen.

Worship with us!Broken Vessels (Amazing Grace) by Hillsong. May many Omanis declare that they were blind, but now they see!

Matthew 18:14 Focus‘Your Father in heaven does not want one of these little ones to be lost.’ 

Please bring these towns and villages before the Father:

Wadi Nafi Mahut district, Al-Wusta region. Population: 128

Muyat ash-Shair, Mahut district, Al-Wusta region. Population: 105

Sidrah, Mahut, district, Al-Wusta region. Population: 96

Filim, Mahut district, Al-Wusta region. Population: 77

An-Nuwayfi, Mahut district, Al-Wusta region. Population: 56

齋月 第28天



















Ramadan Day 29

Pray for Muscat


And say to Archippus, “See that you fulfill the ministry that you have received in the Lord.” (Col 4:17)

The city of Muscat is the capital of Oman and the heart of the nation. It is the governmental, economic, and cultural center and key gateway into the rest of the country. Pray that Muscat would join the thousands of cities in the world where there are gospel-centered, Christ-exalting churches of local indigenous believers!

Prayer: O God, we remember Muscat before You. We pray for thousands of new believers to come from Muscat, and for hundreds of house churches to be planted there. We pray that we would read letters and reports from the churches in Muscat, that they are fulfilling the ministry given to them by You! May they be a blessing to the rest of the nation, the Arabian Peninsula, and to the whole world! Amen.

Worship with us!Audience of One by Big Daddy Weave. May many Omanis dedicate their lives to serving Jesus, and be faithful to the ministry He gives them!

Matthew 18:14 Focus‘Your Father in heaven does not want one of these little ones to be lost.’ 

Please bring these towns and villages before the Father:

Falaj Bani Rabiah, Al-Khaboura district, Al-Batinah North region. Population: 1,797

Al-Qasf, Al-Khaboura district, Al-Batinah North region. Population: 1,494

Al-Hijari, Al-Khaboura district, Al-Batinah North region. Population: 1,262

Sana Bani Ghafir, Al-Khaboura district, Al-Batinah North region. Population: 1,167

As-Sihaylah, Al-Khaboura district, Al-Batinah North region. Population: 1,034

Al-Ghizayn, Al-Khaboura district, Al-Batinah North region. Population: 1,014

齋月 第29天









與我們一同敬拜吧!Audience of One》(http://https/,Big Daddy Weave。願許多阿曼人奉獻一生來侍奉耶穌,並忠於耶穌交給他們的事工!











Ramadan Day 30

Pray that You Would Reach Muslims

I, Paul, write this greeting with my own hand. Remember my chains. Grace be with you. (Col. 4:18)

Paul ends his letter with a greeting from his own hand. He asks the Colossians to remember his chains as he blesses them with the grace of God. Christian workers are expected to give reports to supporting churches when they return to their home countries. How are you doing in your own personal ministries? What would be your missions report? What would you write in your newsletters if you had to write them? May our Lord be gracious to us and give us the nations as we walk with him all the days of our lives. There are risks and there is danger. Paul wanted us to remember his chains. May we all go in confident obedience and make disciples of all the nations and receive God’s commendation – “Well done, good and faithful servant.”

Prayer: O gracious God, help me to reach out to the lost, especially Muslims. Give me a greater passion to win souls with You. May I be compelled by the love of Christ (2 Corinthians 5:14) to love my neighbor as myself. I am weak, but Your grace is sufficient. Make Your power perfect in my weakness (2 Corinthians 12:8-9). Amen.

Worship with us!For the Sake of the World by Bethel. May we all burn for His Kingdom to come to Oman, and to all the world!

Matthew 18:14 Focus‘Your Father in heaven does not want one of these little ones to be lost.’

Please bring these towns and villages before the Father:

Al-Mayhah, Al-Khaboura district, Al-Batinah North region. Population: 436

Al-Birayk, Al-Khaboura district, Al-Batinah North region. Population: 409

Adh-Dhuwayhir, Al-Khaboura district, Al-Batinah North region. Population: 406

Khadra al-Makatim, Al-Khaboura district, Al-Batinah North region. Population: 345

Al-Quwayrah, Al-Khaboura district, Al-Batinah North region. Population: 337

齋月 第30天



















Eid Al-Fitr

Celebrating the End of Ramadan

Today’s prayer point is adapted from You can watch the prayer video here.

Muslims around the world celebrate the end of the fasting month of Ramadan with Eid al-Fitr. Translated literally, Eid al-Fitr yields something like: “The Celebration of Breaking the Fast.”

Traditionally, it is a three-day holiday, but in some Muslim-majority countries they extend it to a week or longer. It is a very festive occasion, as people wear new clothes and eat all kinds of special foods that they have not been able to eat during the month of fasting.

Communal prayers are a significant part of the Eid, with thousands of people meeting in mosques, large public squares, or fields on the morning of the first day of Eid al-Fitr. Pictured here is Sultan Haitham leading Eid prayers with other members of the royal family. After the prayers, the feasting and celebrating begins. In Oman, it is typical to eat “shuwa”, meat that has been cooked overnight in an underground oven. Families also give “eidiya” to children, money that is creatively tied and often accompanied by bags of treats. Omanis will also visit and greet their families and friends during the holiday.

Pray that on these days of celebration:

·    Muslims in Oman will see that their righteous acts will never attain God's favor.

·    they accept the finished work of Christ as their only means of salvation.

·    they will courageously share stories of dreams, visions, and Christ's love during family visits.

Worship with us!Celebrate Jesus by Gary Oliver. May many Omanis celebrate discovering Jesus this Eid!

Matthew 18:14 Focus‘Your Father in heaven does not want one of these little ones to be lost.’

Please bring these towns and villages before the Father:

Ar-Rakkah, Al-Khaboura district, Al-Batinah North region. Population: 303

Sakhiyat, Al-Khaboura district, Al-Batinah North region. Population: 281

Al-Furdah, Al-Khaboura district, Al-Batinah North region. Population: 229

Hilayhil, Al-Khaboura district, Al-Batinah North region. Population: 225

Ash-Shirayshah, Al-Khaboura district, Al-Batinah North region. Population: 202

Wadi al-Himd, Al-Khaboura district, Al-Batinah North region. Population: 195















l   阿曼的穆斯林將看到他們的正義行為永遠不會得到神的悅納。

l   他們接受基督所成就的工作作為他們唯一的救恩途徑。

l   他們會在家人探訪期間勇敢地分享夢境、異象和基督之愛的故事。












Al Batinah North Region

Re-digging the Ancient Wells

Previously one governorate, the Al Batinah coastal region was divided into North and South in 2011. The name of this region comes from the Arabic root b-t-n, بطن, which refers to the interior, inside, internal, or stomach. It also can mean hidden-the opposite of ظهر / Adh-Dhahira (revealed, manifest) region on the other side of the Hajar mountains. Al Batinah North (pop. 784,681) is a fertile zone between the mountains and the sea, dotted with date plantations and fishing villages. The capital of this region is Sohar, which once was the ancient capital of Oman and a thriving producer of copper for thousands of years. Sohar currently is a leading industrial and commercial center in the nation with a major port. Sohar also was the site of the manifestation of the 2011 Arab Spring in Oman. It is rumored that the Apostle Thomas stopped here along his travels to India, and there once was a thriving church in Sohar, large and important enough to send its bishop to the Nicaean Council in 325 AD.

We want what is hidden to become manifest in this region! And we want to see Him raise up His Body here once again, as in the ancient days! May what God did in Genesis 26 happen again in this region-that the wells of the ancient church here, long stopped up, would be dug up and flow once again!

18 And Isaac dug again the wells of water that had been dug in the days of Abraham his father, which the Philistines had stopped up... 24 And the LORD appeared to him the same night and said, "I am the God of Abraham your father. Fear not, for I am with you and will bless you and multiply your offspring for my servant Abraham's sake." 25 So he built an altar there and called upon the name of the LORD and pitched his tent there. And there Isaac's servants dug a well.

·    Although there has been a steady amount of Harvest Laborers in Sohar over the years, there seems to be a lot of turnover. Pray for longevity, established relationships and increased opportunities to share.

·    There are a handful of local believers in this region. Pray for their protection, maturity, unity, boldness, and multiplication.

Worship with us!Do It Again by Elevation. May the Lord’s faithfulness be made manifest once again in Al Batinah North!

Matthew 18:14 Focus—‘Your Father in heaven does not want one of these little ones to be lost.’

Please bring these towns and villages before the Father:

Ar-Ruwaydat, Al-Khaboura district, Al-Batinah North region. Population: 178

Al-Qilayah, Al-Khaboura district, Al-Batinah North region. Population: 166

Hayl al-Rasah, Al-Khaboura district, Al-Batinah North region. Population: 135

Halhal, Al-Khaboura district, Al-Batinah North region. Population: 134

Al-Harjah, Al-Khaboura district, Al-Batinah North region. Population: 133











l   盡管多年來在蘇哈爾有穩定數量的收莊稼工人,但似乎有很多人員流動。禱告建立長久而牢固的關係以及更多的分享機會。

l   這個行政區有少量當地信徒。願他們蒙神保守,為他們的成熟、合一、勇敢和倍增禱告。












Saints and Sailors

Sohar (pop. 219,264, Arabic: صُحَار) is the capital and largest city of the Al Batinah North region, and seat of Sohar district (pop, 232,849). It once was the ancient capital of Oman and was an important port town throughout the centuries, described as "flourishing, populous, beautiful, pleasant and delightful" by 10th-century travelers. Because of its ancient maritime importance, Sohar has been credited as the mythical birthplace of Sinbad the Sailor. As mentioned yesterday, it is said that the Apostle Thomas stopped here along his travels to India, and there once was a thriving church in Sohar, large and important enough to send its bishop to the Nicaean Council in 325 AD. At various points in its history, Sohar was ruled by the Persians, and later by the Portuguese in the 16th century.

Today, Sohar is the industrial center of Oman, fueled by the more recent development of the Sohar Industrial Port during the 2000s. Combined with an economic Free Zone, dozens of international companies have invested in the area, spurring economic growth and development.

Video Clip: Click here for a short prayer video about Sohar.

Declare this over Sohar:

And now, God, do it again—Bring rains to our drought-stricken lives so those who planted their crops in despair will shout hurrahs at the harvest, so those who went off with heavy hearts will come home laughing, with armloads of blessing. (Psalm 126:5-6, The Message)

We bless Al Batinah North and the people of Sohar to receive from God what He gave them in centuries past! We declare that God is faithful and He will do it again!

Pray for the Town and District of Sohar:

·    Glory of God. That God would be glorified and exalted and worshipped in Sohar. (Habakkuk 2:14, Psalm 138:4-5)

·    Expansion of the Kingdom. That many people in Sohar will come to know Jesus, and that communities of believers will be planted, that movements will be ignited. (Luke 1:32-33, 2 Cor 10:15-16)

·    Hearts and Minds. That spiritual blindness and bondages will be lifted from the minds of the people in Sohar, and that hearts will be stirred with hunger for Jesus and truth. (2 Cor 4:4, Luke 24:45)

·    Authority. Pray with the authority that Jesus gives you over principalities, powers and spiritual strongholds in Sohar. Pray that God would release prophetic words over the land, releasing visions, dreams, signs and wonders in Jesus’ name. (Matthew 18:18, 2 Cor 10:4)

·    Revival. That any believers living in Sohar would be awakened by the Holy Spirit, have love and passion stirred in them for the lost, and rise to meet the need in their neighborhood. (Luke 10:2, Ezekiel 37:10)

·    Provision. That God would bring His provision and blessing to all those in need in Sohar. That He would show His eternal kindness, demonstrate the blessing of His Kingdom, and cause His people to prosper. (Philippians 4:19, Jeremiah 29:7)

Worship with us!Same God by Elevation Worship. The same God of the ancient church in Sohar can do it again!

Matthew 18:14 Focus—‘Your Father in heaven does not want one of these little ones to be lost.’

Please bring these towns and villages before the Father:

Mashin, Al-Khaboura district, Al-Batinah North region. Population: 132

Majzi, Al-Khaboura district, Al-Batinah North region. Population: 125

Al-Qalah, Al-Khaboura district, Al-Batinah North region. Population: 124

As-Sayhrah, Al-Khaboura district, Al-Batinah North region. Population: 123

Al-Busayri, Al-Khaboura district, Al-Batinah North region. Population: 119

Dhaharat at-Tawi, Al-Khaboura district, Al-Batinah North region. Population: 118



















l   神的榮耀。神將在蘇哈爾得榮耀,尊崇和敬拜。(哈巴谷書2:14;詩篇138:4-5)

l   神國的擴展。蘇哈爾的許多人將會認識耶穌,信徒群體將會扎根,激起植堂運動。(路加福音1:32-33;哥林多後書10:15-16)

l   心靈與頭腦。在蘇哈爾人民的頭腦中,屬靈的盲目和束縛將被破除,他們的心靈將萌發對耶穌和真理的渴慕。(哥林多後書4:4,路加福音24:45)

l   權柄。用耶穌給你的權柄禱告,這權柄勝過蘇哈爾的公國統治權、權勢和屬靈的營壘。求神奉耶穌的名在地上賜下先知的話語,賜下異象、異夢、神蹟和奇事。(馬太福音18:18,哥林多後書10:4)

l   復興。願任何生活在蘇哈爾的信徒都能被聖靈喚醒,對失喪之人的愛和熱心在他們裡面被激發,並起來滿足他們鄰舍的需要。(路加福音10:2,以西結書37:10)

l   供應。願神將祂的供應和福氣帶給蘇哈爾所有有需要的人。他要顯示他永遠的慈愛,顯明他國度的賜福,使他的百姓興旺。(腓立比書4:19,耶利米書29:7)












Holy Spirit

Move in Al-Batinah North

Today, let us pray for the release of the Holy Spirit over Al-Batinah North. At Pentecost, God poured out the promised Holy Spirit, empowering the early church and drawing many to believe. Peter said in Acts 2:17-21,

“What you see was predicted long ago by the prophet Joel:

‘In the last days,’ God says, ‘I will pour out my Spirit upon all people. Your sons and daughters will prophesy. Your young men will see visions, and your old men will dream dreams. In those days I will pour out my Spirit even on my servants—men and women alike—and they will prophesy. And I will cause wonders in the heavens above and signs on the earth below—blood and fire and clouds of smoke. The sun will become dark, and the moon will turn blood red before that great and glorious day of the Lord arrives. But everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved.’

We want to see this, so that people in Al-Batinah North will call on the name of the Lord and be saved!

·    Pray for the Holy Spirit to be moving over Al-Batinah North region of Oman, stirring up hunger and thirst to know Truth. (Matthew 5:6)

·    Pray for many in Al-Batinah North to have dreams and visions of Jesus. (Joel 2:28)

·    Pray for miraculous signs and wonders to be released in Al-Batinah North, pointing to the power and authority of Jesus. (Acts 4:30)

·    Pray for any believers in Al-Batinah North to be strengthened in the gifts of the Spirit, and growing in the fruit of the Spirit. (1 Cor. 12:4-11, Galatians 5:22–23)

Worship with us!Holy Spirit by Francesca Battistelli. Holy Spirit, You are welcome in Al-Batinah North!

Matthew 18:14 Focus—‘Your Father in heaven does not want one of these little ones to be lost.’ 

Please bring these towns and villages before the Father:

Khuzam, Al-Khaboura district, Al-Batinah North region. Population: 115

Albdayah, Al-Khaboura district, Al-Batinah North region. Population: 113

Al-Ayanah, Al-Khaboura district, Al-Batinah North region. Population: 108

Al-Harmali, Al-Khaboura district, Al-Batinah North region. Population: 107

Saddan, Al-Khaboura district, Al-Batinah North region. Population: 97













l   禱告聖靈運行在阿曼的北巴提奈行政區,激起人們想認識真理的渴慕之心。(馬太福音5:6)

l   禱告北巴提奈的許多人得到關於耶穌的異夢和異象。(約珥書2:28)

l   禱告降下神蹟奇事在北巴提奈,指向耶穌的能力和權柄。(使徒行傳4:30)

l   禱告北巴提奈的信徒在聖靈的恩賜上得到堅固,並在聖靈的果子中成長。(哥林多前書12:4-11,加拉太書5:22-23)












Knowing the Truth

Shinas (شناص in Arabic, population 55,549) is a city and the seat of Shinas district (pop. 82,741). It is the northernmost district of Oman (excluding the enclave of Musandam) and borders the United Arab Emirates. Shinas has a distinctive collection of traditional buildings, including its historical fort built around 1800. According to once source, at that time the town of Shinas was allied with the Persians and quite separate from the rest of Oman. The people of Shinas fought against British shipping in the Arab Gulf, along with some tribes in what is now the UAE. The British and Omanis retaliated and in 1810 the castle was attacked and forced to surrender. Since that time Shinas has been under Omani rule.

Shinas is known for its for its mangrove forests, and agriculture, such as mangoes, lemons, bananas, and sweet potatoes. It also has a ferry port, with boats running to the Musandam enclave. The port of Shinas has dhows (traditional boats) that are still operated and generate profits from fishing and exporting fresh seafood to the neighboring Dubai for restaurant use.

The meaning of “Shinas” in Arabic is “Knower, Identifier, Distinguisher, Intelligent”. Jesus said, “If you hold to My teaching, you are really My disciples. Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.” (John 8:31-32). We bless the people of Shinas to hold to Jesus’s teachings, and know the Truth and be set free!

Pray for the Town and District of Shinas:

·    Glory of God. That God would be glorified and exalted and worshipped in Shinas. (Habakkuk 2:14, Psalm 138:4-5)

·    Expansion of the Kingdom. That many people in Shinas will come to know Jesus, and that communities of believers will be planted, that movements will be ignited. (Luke 1:32-33, 2 Cor 10:15-16)

·    Hearts and Minds. That spiritual blindness and bondages will be lifted from the minds of the people in Shinas, and that hearts will be stirred with hunger for Jesus and truth. (2 Cor 4:4, Luke 24:45)

·    Authority. Pray with the authority that Jesus gives you over principalities, powers and spiritual strongholds in Shinas. Pray that God would release prophetic words over the land, releasing visions, dreams, signs and wonders in Jesus’ name. (Matthew 18:18, 2 Cor 10:4)

·    Revival. That any believers living in Shinas would be awakened by the Holy Spirit, have love and passion stirred in them for the lost, and rise to meet the need in their neighborhood. (Luke 10:2, Ezekiel 37:10)

·    Provision. That God would bring His provision and blessing to all those in need in Shinas. That He would show His eternal kindness, demonstrate the blessing of His Kingdom, and cause His people to prosper. (Philippians 4:19, Jeremiah 29:7)

Worship with us!Jesus The Truth by New Wine. May many Omanis know Jesus, the Truth!

Matthew 18:14 Focus—‘Your Father in heaven does not want one of these little ones to be lost.’

Please bring these towns and villages before the Father:

Al-Manzlah, Al-Khaboura district, Al-Batinah North region. Population: 93

Janah, Al-Khaboura district, Al-Batinah North region. Population: 81

Al-Baks, Al-Khaboura district, Al-Batinah North region. Population: 80

Biayq, Al-Khaboura district, Al-Batinah North region. Population: 74

Dhaharat as-Salam, Al-Khaboura district, Al-Batinah North region. Population: 74

Lifayyah, Al-Khaboura district, Al-Batinah North region. Population: 74













l   神的榮耀。神將在希納斯得榮耀,尊崇和敬拜。(哈巴谷書2:14;詩篇138:4-5)

l   神國的擴展。希納斯的許多人將會認識耶穌,信徒群體將會扎根,激起植堂運動。(路加福音1:32-33;哥林多後書10:15-16)

l   心靈與頭腦。在希納斯人民的頭腦中,屬靈的盲目和束縛將被破除,他們的心靈將萌發對耶穌和真理的渴慕。(哥林多後書4:4,路加福音24:45)

l   權柄。用耶穌給你的權柄禱告,這權柄勝過希納斯的公國統治權、權勢和屬靈的營壘。求神奉耶穌的名在地上賜下先知的話語,賜下異象、異夢、神蹟和奇事。(馬太福音18:18,哥林多後書10:4)

l   復興。願任何生活在希納斯的信徒都能被聖靈喚醒,對失喪之人的愛和熱心在他們裡面被激發,並起來滿足他們鄰舍的需要。(路加福音10:2,以西結書37:10)

l   供應。願神將祂的供應和福氣帶給希納斯所有有需要的人。他要顯示他永遠的慈愛,顯明他國度的賜福,使他的百姓興旺。(腓立比書4:19,耶利米書29:7)













Raising the Banner

Liwa (Arabic لواءpop. 18.321)is a city and seat of the Liwa district (pop. 55,698) in Al Batinah North. It lies north of Sohar and has a lively marketplace where local produce and fresh fish are sold. The ancient fortress ruins of Awla Ya'rab, built of white clay, is located on the beach in the Harmul area; this area is also known for its graffiti street art depicting various leaders, fictional characters, and current events. Liwa also has a number of beautiful wadis, sulfur springs (pictured), wetlands, and caves. Liwa also has 2 impressive forts; the Liwa Fort near the sea, and Fazah Fort near the mountains.

Sohar Port borders Liwa, and as a result this area has been positively and negatively affected by the industrial growth. There has been greater economic development and job opportunities, but also increased pollution and forced relocation of residents as the Port expands.

The name Liwa means “banner, brigade, general.” We bless the people of Liwa to surrender to the rule of King of Jesus!

Pray for the Town and District of Liwa:

·    Glory of God. That God would be glorified and exalted and worshipped in Liwa. (Habakkuk 2:14, Psalm 138:4-5)

·    Expansion of the Kingdom. That many people in Liwa will come to know Jesus, and that communities of believers will be planted, that movements will be ignited. (Luke 1:32-33, 2 Cor 10:15-16)

·    Hearts and Minds. That spiritual blindness and bondages will be lifted from the minds of the people in Liwa, and that hearts will be stirred with hunger for Jesus and truth. (2 Cor 4:4, Luke 24:45)

·    Authority. Pray with the authority that Jesus gives you over principalities, powers and spiritual strongholds in Liwa. Pray that God would release prophetic words over the land, releasing visions, dreams, signs and wonders in Jesus’ name. (Matthew 18:18, 2 Cor 10:4)

·    Revival. That any believers living in Liwa would be awakened by the Holy Spirit, have love and passion stirred in them for the lost, and rise to meet the need in their neighborhood. (Luke 10:2, Ezekiel 37:10)

·    Provision. That God would bring His provision and blessing to all those in need in Liwa. That He would show His eternal kindness, demonstrate the blessing of His Kingdom, and cause His people to prosper. (Philippians 4:19, Jeremiah 29:7)

Worship with us!White Flag by Chris Tomlin. May many Omanis surrender all to Jesus!

Matthew 18:14 Focus—‘Your Father in heaven does not want one of these little ones to be lost.’

Please bring these towns and villages before the Father:

Al-Ajam, Al-Khaboura district, Al-Batinah North region. Population: 70

Wadi ar-Rak, Al-Khaboura district, Al-Batinah North region. Population: 68

Shakhbut, Al-Khaboura district, Al-Batinah North region. Population: 64

Ar-Rawgh, Al-Khaboura district, Al-Batinah North region. Population: 63

Al-Khabt, Al-Khaboura district, Al-Batinah North region. Population: 59













l   神的榮耀。神將在利瓦得榮耀,尊崇和敬拜。(哈巴谷書2:14;詩篇138:4-5)

l   神國的擴展。利瓦的許多人將會認識耶穌,信徒群體將會扎根,激起植堂運動。(路加福音1:32-33;哥林多後書10:15-16)

l   心靈與頭腦。在利瓦人民的頭腦中,屬靈的盲目和束縛將被破除,他們的心靈將萌發對耶穌和真理的渴慕。(哥林多後書4:4,路加福音24:45)

l   權柄。用耶穌給你的權柄禱告,這權柄勝過利瓦的公國統治權、權勢和屬靈的營壘。求神奉耶穌的名在地上賜下先知的話語,賜下異象、異夢、神蹟和奇事。(馬太福音18:18,哥林多後書10:4)

l   復興。願任何生活在利瓦的信徒都能被聖靈喚醒,對失喪之人的愛和熱心在他們裡面被激發,並起來滿足他們鄰舍的需要。(路加福音10:2,以西結書37:10)

l   供應。願神將祂的供應和福氣帶給利瓦所有有需要的人。他要顯示他永遠的慈愛,顯明他國度的賜福,使他的百姓興旺。(腓立比書4:19,耶利米書29:7)











Al-Batinah North Seekers

Come to Jesus

We know that the Father is actively at work in Oman, to begin drawing people to His Son, Jesus. Researchers estimate that approximately 2.5% of any given population are open for religious change. So in Al-Batinah North region, that means approximately 19,617 people are potentially open!

‘Broad sowing’ initiatives are challenging in Oman, because of laws outlawing proselytization. However, social media campaigns are starting to connect with seekers and beginning to bear fruit. Today, let’s pray for seekers in Al-Batinah North region, and the social media efforts to reach them.

·    Pray for the 2.5% of Al-Batinah North region (19,617 people) that are potentially open for spiritual change. (Acts 26:18)

·    Pray for thousands of sincere seekers to go online to learn more about Jesus, and to come across the media ads, and to engage with the content. (Psalm 63:1)

·    Pray for boldness for seekers, to start up a conversation with the online responder, and to be willing to meet face-to-face with a disciple-maker. (Psalm 27:1)

·    Pray for the meetings with seekers and disciples-makers, that they would lead to the seeker’s commitment to follow Jesus. (Matthew 16:24)

Worship with us!Jesus, Strong and Kind by City Alight. May Omani seekers come to our Strong and Kind Jesus!

Matthew 18:14 Focus—‘Your Father in heaven does not want one of these little ones to be lost.’

Please bring these towns and villages before the Father:

Adh-Dhalilah Al-Khaboura district, Al-Batinah North region. Population: 56

Al-Ghushayn, Al-Khaboura district, Al-Batinah North region. Population: 50

Khadra al-Saad, As-Suwaiq district, Al-Batinah North region. Population: 36,271

Al-Bidayah, As-Suwaiq district, Al-Batinah North region. Population: 14,106

Diyan al-Bu Said, As-Suwaiq district, Al-Batinah North region. Population: 11,637

As-Subaykhi, As-Suwaiq district, Al-Batinah North region. Population: 8,975









l   為可能對屬靈改變保持開放的2.5%北巴提奈行政區人口(19,617人)禱告。(使徒行傳26:18)

l   禱告成千上萬真誠的慕道友在網上更多地了解耶穌,並看到媒體廣告,並參與其中。(詩篇63:1)

l   禱告慕道友有勇氣與網路回應者對話,並願意與門徒教導者親自見面。(詩篇27:1)

l   禱告慕道友和門徒教導者可以聚會,使他們能夠帶領慕道友委身跟隨耶穌。(馬太福音16:24)













Becoming Green Again

Saham (Arabic: صحم, pop. 23,923) is a coastal town and seat of Saham district (pop. 150,057) in Al-Batinah North region. It is primarily a fishing and farming area, known especially for its lemons. Saham is also known for its authentic traditional crafts and industries, folk arts, and camel and horse races. Its seafront has a historical fort, as well as ruins of ancient houses probably belonging to wealthy merchants. The area is also noted for its natural beauty, with mountains and wadis worth exploring.

In Arabic, ‘Saham’ signifies a green plant that has yellowed, or land that has dried up for lack of rain. We bless Saham to receive God’s rains and become a verdant garden, physically and spiritually!

Pray for the Town and District of Saham:

·    Glory of God. That God would be glorified and exalted and worshipped in Saham. (Habakkuk 2:14, Psalm 138:4-5)

·    Expansion of the Kingdom. That many people in Saham will come to know Jesus, and that communities of believers will be planted, that movements will be ignited. (Luke 1:32-33, 2 Cor 10:15-16)

·    Hearts and Minds. That spiritual blindness and bondages will be lifted from the minds of the people in Saham, and that hearts will be stirred with hunger for Jesus and truth. (2 Cor 4:4, Luke 24:45)

·    Authority. Pray with the authority that Jesus gives you over principalities, powers and spiritual strongholds in Saham. Pray that God would release prophetic words over the land, releasing visions, dreams, signs and wonders in Jesus’ name. (Matthew 18:18, 2 Cor 10:4)

·    Revival. That any believers living in Saham would be awakened by the Holy Spirit, have love and passion stirred in them for the lost, and rise to meet the need in their neighborhood. (Luke 10:2, Ezekiel 37:10)

·    Provision. That God would bring His provision and blessing to all those in need in Saham. That He would show His eternal kindness, demonstrate the blessing of His Kingdom, and cause His people to prosper. (Philippians 4:19, Jeremiah 29:7)

Worship with us!Eden by Vineyard Worship. May Jesus turn the deserts of Oman into Gardens! 

Matthew 18:14 Focus—‘Your Father in heaven does not want one of these little ones to be lost.’

Please bring these towns and villages before the Father:

Khadra al-Burishid, As-Suwaiq district, Al-Batinah North region. Population: 8,863

Al-Ghalil, As-Suwaiq district, Al-Batinah North region. Population: 7,111

Diyan al-Bawarih, As-Suwaiq district, Al-Batinah North region. Population: 6,986

Hijayrat as-Sahil, As-Suwaiq district, Al-Batinah North region. Population: 5,224

Ath-Tharmad, As-Suwaiq district, Al-Batinah North region. Population: 4,982











l   神的榮耀。神將在塞赫姆得榮耀,尊崇和敬拜。(哈巴谷書2:14;詩篇138:4-5)

l   神國的擴展。塞赫姆的許多人將會認識耶穌,信徒群體將會扎根,激起植堂運動。(路加福音1:32-33;哥林多後書10:15-16)

l   心靈與頭腦。在塞赫姆人民的頭腦中,屬靈的盲目和束縛將被破除,他們的心靈將萌發對耶穌和真理的渴慕。(哥林多後書4:4,路加福音24:45)

l   權柄。用耶穌給你的權柄禱告,這權柄勝過塞赫姆的公國統治權、權勢和屬靈的營壘。求神奉耶穌的名在地上賜下先知的話語,賜下異象、異夢、神蹟和奇事。(馬太福音18:18,哥林多後書10:4)

l   復興。願任何生活在塞赫姆的信徒都能被聖靈喚醒,對失喪之人的愛和熱心在他們裡面被激發,並起來滿足他們鄰舍的需要。(路加福音10:2,以西結書37:10)

l   供應。願神將祂的供應和福氣帶給塞赫姆所有有需要的人。他要顯示他永遠的慈愛,顯明他國度的賜福,使他的百姓興旺。(腓立比書4:19,耶利米書29:7)












Good News

Al-Khaburah (Arabic: الخابورة, pop. 63,750) is a coastal city and seat of Al-Khaburah district (pop. 78,775) in Al Batinah North region. Similar to other towns along the Barinah coast, Alkhaburah is known for its agriculture and fishing, growing sugar cane, wheat, dates, and cotton. Residents are also known for their handicrafts, such as Khanjar (dagger) making, weaving, pottery, copper, and leather industries. The mountains and wadis are also notable, and Al-Khaburah is sometimes called “mini-Salalah” for how its hills green up when the rains come.

In Arabic, Al-Khaburah comes from the root kh-b-r, meaning, news, to be informed, to have experience. Let us bless the people of Al-Khaburah to receive the Gospel–the Good News of Jesus!

Pray for the Town and District of Al-Khaburah:

·    Glory of God. That God would be glorified and exalted and worshipped in Al-Khaburah. (Habakkuk 2:14, Psalm 138:4-5)

·    Expansion of the Kingdom. That many people in Al-Khaburah will come to know Jesus, and that communities of believers will be planted, that movements will be ignited. (Luke 1:32-33, 2 Cor 10:15-16)

·    Hearts and Minds. That spiritual blindness and bondages will be lifted from the minds of the people in Al-Khaburah, and that hearts will be stirred with hunger for Jesus and truth. (2 Cor 4:4, Luke 24:45)

·    Authority. Pray with the authority that Jesus gives you over principalities, powers and spiritual strongholds in Al-Khaburah. Pray that God would release prophetic words over the land, releasing visions, dreams, signs and wonders in Jesus’ name. (Matthew 18:18, 2 Cor 10:4)

·    Revival. That any believers living in Al-Khaburah would be awakened by the Holy Spirit, have love and passion stirred in them for the lost, and rise to meet the need in their neighborhood. (Luke 10:2, Ezekiel 37:10)

·    Provision. That God would bring His provision and blessing to all those in need in Al-Khaburah. That He would show His eternal kindness, demonstrate the blessing of His Kingdom, and cause His people to prosper. (Philippians 4:19, Jeremiah 29:7)

Worship with us!Good News by Leah Paschall. May many Omanis come to believe the Good News about Jesus!

Matthew 18:14 Focus—‘Your Father in heaven does not want one of these little ones to be lost.’

Please bring these towns and villages before the Father:

Umm Sayh, As-Suwaiq district, Al-Batinah North region. Population: 4,940

Bidayuh, As-Suwaiq district, Al-Batinah North region. Population: 3,059

Al-Manfash, As-Suwaiq district, Al-Batinah North region. Population: 2,647

Al-Ghurayfah, As-Suwaiq district, Al-Batinah North region. Population: 1,610

Al-Haylayn, As-Suwaiq district, Al-Batinah North region. Population: 1,551

Al-Bardah, As-Suwaiq district, Al-Batinah North region. Population: 1,218











l   神的榮耀。神將在哈布拉得榮耀,尊崇和敬拜。(哈巴谷書2:14;詩篇138:4-5)

l   神國的擴展。哈布拉的許多人將會認識耶穌,信徒群體將會扎根,激起植堂運動。(路加福音1:32-33;哥林多後書10:15-16)

l   心靈與頭腦。在哈布拉人民的頭腦中,屬靈的盲目和束縛將被破除,他們的心靈將萌發對耶穌和真理的渴慕。(哥林多後書4:4,路加福音24:45)

l   權柄。用耶穌給你的權柄禱告,這權柄勝過哈布拉的公國統治權、權勢和屬靈的營壘。求神奉耶穌的名在地上賜下先知的話語,賜下異象、異夢、神蹟和奇事。(馬太福音18:18,哥林多後書10:4)

l   復興。願任何生活在哈布拉的信徒都能被聖靈喚醒,對失喪之人的愛和熱心在他們裡面被激發,並起來滿足他們鄰舍的需要。(路加福音10:2,以西結書37:10)

l   供應。願神將祂的供應和福氣帶給哈布拉所有有需要的人。他要顯示他永遠的慈愛,顯明他國度的賜福,使他的百姓興旺。(腓立比書4:19,耶利米書29:7)













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