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四月份祈禱的要點 I


April prayer points

Ramadan Day 10

Pray for Second-Generation Believers

Therefore, as you received Christ Jesus the Lord, so walk in Him, rooted and built up in Him and established in the faith, just as you were taught, abounding in thanksgiving. (Col 2:6-7)

Second-generation believers in Oman are very few, but God is working in the lives of Omani Arab families, in both the parents and the children. It can be challenging for parents to try to raise their children in a different way than the rest of their family, and indeed with active opposition coming from their family. Believing parents need much support and encouragement as they forge a new path for their children. And children and youth who follow Jesus face incredible pressure from their teachers and peers to conform to their Islamic society.

Prayer: Heavenly Father, we praise You that You have worked through families in every generation since Adam and Eve. We pray specifically for the second generation of believers in Oman. We thank you for the children and teenagers who have professed faith. As they have received Christ Jesus as Lord and Savior, give them power to walk in You. Give them even firmer roots and continue to build them up in You. Establish them in the faith and train them to abound in thanksgiving in all things. Lord, we ask you for more families to come to faith for your promise is for us and our children (Acts 2:39). Amen.

Worship with us!You Are Good by Israel & New Breed. May Omanis know the goodness of God, from generation to generation!

Matthew 18:14 Focus‘Your Father in heaven does not want one of these little ones to be lost.’

Please bring these towns and villages before the Father:

Umm ar-Rus, Ibri district, Adh-Dhahirah region. Population: 95

Ash-Shakhkhut, Ibri district, Adh-Dhahirah region. Population: 94

As-Sammah, Ibri district, Adh-Dhahirah region. Population: 92

Limdaysah, Ibri district, Adh-Dhahirah region. Population: 87

Falaj Harran, Ibri district, Adh-Dhahirah region. Population: 85

Ghadfan, Ibri district, Adh-Dhahirah region. Population: 85

齋月 第10天





















Ramadan Day 11

Pray Against the Human Tradition of Islam

See to it that no one takes you captive by philosophy and empty deceit, according to human tradition, according to the elemental spirits of the world, and not according to Christ. (Col. 2:8)

The church around the world needs to have compassion on Muslims because they suffer from fear, anger, condemnation, and constant attacks from the devil and elemental spirits. They have been taken captive by philosophy and empty deceit according to human tradition and not according to Christ who is the end of the law for righteousness to everyone who believes (Romans 10:4).

Prayer: O Christ, have mercy on our dear Muslim friends. We love them, but the evil one has blinded and enslaved them. Please have mercy on them and break the bondage of empty deceit. Destroy the elemental spirits which rule in their hearts. May they experience freedom in You, freedom from fear, anger, and punishment. Pour out Your grace and love so that they will be refreshed like drinking water in the Arabian desert. Bring real joy and freedom to their hearts for the first time in their lives! Amen.

Worship with us!Because He Lives (Amen) by West Coast College Choir. May Omanis worship the One who destroys our fears because He lives!

Matthew 18:14 Focus‘Your Father in heaven does not want one of these little ones to be lost.’

Please bring these towns and villages before the Father:

Usaybuq, Ibri district, Adh-Dhahirah region. Population: 84

Siba, Ibri district, Adh-Dhahirah region. Population: 81

Al-Ghawr, Ibri district, Adh-Dhahirah region. Population: 79

Wadi Jil, Ibri district, Adh-Dhahirah region. Population: 79

Ash-Shibay, Ibri district, Adh-Dhahirah region. Population: 78

齋月 第11天



















Ramadan Day 12

Pray for Justification by Faith Alone

For in Him the whole fullness of deity dwells bodily, and you have been filled in Him, who is the head of all rule and authority. In Him also you were circumcised with a circumcision made without hands, by putting off the body of the flesh, by the circumcision of Christ, having been buried with Him in baptism, in which you were also raised with Him through faith in the powerful working of God, who raised Him from the dead. And you, who were dead in your trespasses and the uncircumcision of the flesh, God made alive together with Him, having forgiven us all our trespasses, by canceling the record of debt that stood against us with its legal demands. This He set aside, nailing it to the cross. (Col. 2:9-14)

When we know Jesus Christ, there is no need to seek meaning in life through religion, philosophy, or cults as the Colossians did. Christ is the meaning of life because He is life itself! We don’t need to add anything to what Christ has achieved for us to be saved. We are complete in Him. Muslims believe that one must do good works to accrue favor with Allah. One’s good deeds and bad deeds are literally recorded by angels and measured on a scale. However, for Christians, God has canceled the record of debt that stood against us, nailing it to the cross of Christ. There is no record of wrongdoing! We have been completely forgiven in Christ, buried, and raised with Him through faith through the powerful working of God’s grace. Sermons in mosques always urge Muslims to become better Muslims, to be more obedient to the tenants of Islam. In contrast, our God’s ultimate goal is not to make bad people more religious, but to make dead people come alive!

Prayer: O Savior and Lord, if You kept a record of sins, who could stand? We thank You that there is forgiveness with You so that we can serve You (Psalm 130:3,4). We constantly wait for You and put our hope in Your unfailing love. May Omani Muslims experience the grace of your forgiveness in Christ alone. Show them that their deeds are worthless in gaining salvation, that physical circumcision and religious rituals cannot earn your favor. Circumcise their hearts and make them alive together with Christ! Baptize them in Christ’s death and resurrection so that they may be spiritually united to Christ, the head of all rule and authority. Amen.

Worship with us!In Christ Alone by Adrienne Liesching. May Omanis find salvation in Christ alone!

Matthew 18:14 Focus‘Your Father in heaven does not want one of these little ones to be lost.’ 

Please bring these towns and villages before the Father:

Al-Huwayl, Ibri district, Adh-Dhahirah region. Population: 77

Malab, Ibri district, Adh-Dhahirah region. Population: 77

Masharib, Ibri district, Adh-Dhahirah region. Population: 74

Ayyash, Ibri district, Adh-Dhahirah region. Population: 71

Uyun, Ibri district, Adh-Dhahirah region. Population: 68

Al-Aryah, Ibri district, Adh-Dhahirah region. Population: 66

齋月 第12天




















Ramadan Day 13

Pray to Fight Against Spiritual Evil


He disarmed the rulers and authorities and put them to open shame, by triumphing over them in Him. (Col. 2:15)

The city of Bahla in Oman is the center of black magic in Oman and arguably for the entire Arabian Peninsula. The occult is alive and well in Oman despite the fact that orthodox Islam forbids it. Stories abound of humans being turned into animals, people being transported to anywhere in the world by stepping over a line drawn on the ground, demons speaking through family members, witches casting curses upon their opponents, etc. Muslims are like the rest of us, weak people who seek relief and practical answers to life. Because Islam does not satisfy the inner being, some Muslims go elsewhere to find answers.

Prayer: O Lord of hosts, God of Angel Armies, You are a powerful warrior who fights for us in the heavenly places! Thank you, Lord, that You defeated Satan on the cross and that your kingdom and righteousness are growing and will not be stopped. Thank You that You have disarmed the rulers and authorities and put them to open shame by triumphing over them in Christ. We pray the same for Muslims in Oman, that you would free them from the evil spirits that rule their lives through black magic in particular. We pray especially for Bahla. Put the evil authorities in Bahla to shame so that they may no longer oppress the Omani people! Have mercy on them, O God, and build Your church in Bahla. Also, may local believers in Oman put on the full armor of God because Satan is enraged that they are in a different kingdom now. Protect them from the evil one and give them victory over all evil rulers and authorities. Amen.

Worship with us!Whom Shall I Fear by Chris Tomlin. May the God of Angel Armies overcome evil in Oman!

Matthew 18:14 Focus‘Your Father in heaven does not want one of these little ones to be lost.’

Please bring these towns and villages before the Father:

Ar-Riqayyid, Ibri district, Adh-Dhahirah region. Population: 66

Simayni, Ibri district, Adh-Dhahirah region. Population: 66

As-Sabghah, Ibri district, Adh-Dhahirah region. Population: 64

Dar Ghaf, Ibri district, Adh-Dhahirah region. Population: 64

Barmalah, Ibri district, Adh-Dhahirah region. Population: 61

齋月 第13天



















Ramadan Day 14

Pray During Ramadan, A New Moon Festival

Therefore let no one pass judgment on you in questions of food and drink, or with regard to a festival or a new moon or a Sabbath. These are a shadow of the things to come, but the substance belongs to Christ. Let no one disqualify you, insisting on asceticism and worship of angels, going on in detail about visions, puffed up without reason by his sensuous mind… (Col 2:16-18)

Paul had to respond to doctrinal errors affecting the church. He had to deal with issues regarding food, drink, festivals, and new moons. Ramadan is a type of new moon festival based on the lunar calendar. Sightings of the moon mark the beginning and the end of the month of Ramadan. Ramadan also deals with food and drink since a Muslim cannot eat or drink anything from sunrise to sunset. And verse 18 could describe Mohammad, someone who insisted on asceticism during Ramadan and also claimed that the angel Gabriel came to him in visions with the words of the Qur’an. On the contrary, Paul continues to exalt Christ as preeminent. Christ is the substance, not the shadow!

Prayer: Dear Heavenly Father, we thank You with humility that You have freed us from unnecessary rituals and religious piety that cannot save us. The substance belongs to Christ. Thank You for qualifying us in Him alone! Please have mercy on Muslims in Oman who try to justify themselves through asceticism and religious rites. Help them, O God, to discover that Christ is all in all. Save many during Ramadan when they are more aware of spiritual matters. May they know that on the cross, “It is finished”! Amen.

Worship with us!Christ is Enough by Hillsong. May Omanis know that Jesus is more than enough for salvation!

Matthew 18:14 Focus‘Your Father in heaven does not want one of these little ones to be lost.’

Please bring these towns and villages before the Father:

Qalal, Ibri district, Adh-Dhahirah region. Population: 61

Al-Uwaynah, Ibri district, Adh-Dhahirah region. Population: 59

Dayqarah, Ibri district, Adh-Dhahirah region. Population: 59

Wadi al-Lithli, Ibri district, Adh-Dhahirah region. Population: 59

Wadi Sal, Ibri district, Adh-Dhahirah region. Population: 59

Al-Manzifah, Ibri district, Adh-Dhahirah region. Population: 58

齋月 第14天




















Ramadan Day 15

Pray for the Local Omani Church

[They are] not holding fast to the Head, from whom the whole body, nourished and knit together through its joints and ligaments, grows with a growth that is from God. (Col 2:19)

Although expat Christian churches in Oman are allowed to meet together, Omani followers of Jesus do not enjoy that same freedom. Oman has just handfuls of local believers now, but numbers are growing. We need to pray that God would sustain and protect the growth of his church in Oman and that He would plant churches of local, Omani believers. There is no viable, local church yet. Pray that God would break through and plant local churches made up of whole Omani families and tribes!

Prayer: Dear Lord, thank You that You are the Head of the church from whom the whole body grows. Therefore, we ask You to please cause your church to grow in Oman, especially for local, Omani churches to be planted for Your glory and for their joy! Amen.

Worship with us!House of Miracles by Brandon Lake. May the Omani church be a house of miracles for all to enter!

Matthew 18:14 Focus‘Your Father in heaven does not want one of these little ones to be lost.’

Please bring these towns and villages before the Father:

As-Siraymiyah, Ibri district, Adh-Dhahirah region. Population: 58

Shihaysah, Ibri district, Adh-Dhahirah region. Population: 57

Al-Khirays, Ibri district, Adh-Dhahirah region. Population: 56

Limtabbah, Ibri district, Adh-Dhahirah region. Population: 55

Ghubrat al-Minaysif, Ibri district, Adh-Dhahirah region. Population: 53

齋月 第15天



















Ramadan Day 16

Pray for Shi'a Muslims in Oman

If with Christ you died to the elemental spirits of the world, why, as if you were still alive in the world, do you submit to regulations – “Do not handle, Do not taste, Do not touch” (referring to things that all perish as they are used) – according to human precepts and teachings? These have indeed an appearance of wisdom in promoting self-made religion and asceticism and severity to the body, but they are of no value in stopping the indulgence of the flesh. (Col 2:20 – 23)

Col 2:20-23 is an apt description of Islam as a religion. Do not taste pork and alcohol. Do not wear silk (for men). Do not touch the Qur’an if you are ritually impure (applicable to a menstruating woman, for instance). These regulations have an appearance of wisdom in promoting self-made religion but have no value in stopping the indulgence of the flesh. In addition, although the majority of Muslims in Oman are Ibadhi, there is a sizable minority of Shi’a Muslims along the coastal areas as well.

One controversial Shi’a ritual called “zanjeer zani” encourages its followers to slash themselves with chains in remembrance of Hussein who was killed as a martyr in Shi’a Islam. This is done as a way to mourn the anniversary of his death known as the Day of Ashurah. However, this bloody practice is far from universal among Shi’a Muslims and is condemned by the majority of Shi’a Muslims. Nevertheless, it is an example of asceticism that causes much severity to the body.

Prayer: O God, we thank You for the grace which saves us apart from our own moral performance. We don’t deserve Your goodness. We actually deserve hell, but thank You that Your Son Jesus lived the perfect life we should have lived giving us His very righteousness as a result. Thank You for a real relationship with You that will last into all eternity. As you have regenerated our spirits, regenerate the souls of our Muslim friends in Oman, particularly the Shi’a Muslims. Pour out Your Spirit on them through Your Son, so that being justified by Your grace, they might become heirs with us according to the hope of eternal life (Titus 3:5-7). Amen.

Worship with us!O Praise the Name by Hillsong. May Omani Shi’ites praise the One who suffered and died for them!

Matthew 18:14 Focus‘Your Father in heaven does not want one of these little ones to be lost.’

Please bring these towns and villages before the Father:

Harah, Ibri district, Adh-Dhahirah region. Population: 52

Abu Mili, Ibri district, Adh-Dhahirah region. Population: 51

Mihaymir, Ibri district, Adh-Dhahirah region. Population: 50

Al-Wuqbah, Yanqul district, Adh-Dhahirah region. Population: 1,907

Al-Buwayrdah, Yanqul district, Adh-Dhahirah region. Population: 1,831

Falaj as-Sidariyin, Yanqul district, Adh-Dhahirah region. Population: 1,817

齋月 第16天








一項有爭議的什葉派儀式稱為「zanjeer zani」,鼓勵其信徒用鐵鍊自殘,以紀念作為什葉派伊斯蘭殉道者而被殺的侯賽因。這樣做是為了哀悼他的忌日,即阿舒拉節。然而,這種血腥踐行在什葉派穆斯林中遠非普遍,受到大多數什葉派穆斯林的譴責。盡管如此,這是禁欲苦行對身體造成很大的傷害的一個例子。














Ramadan Day 17

Pray Against Materialism

If then you have been raised with Christ, seek the things that are above, where Christ is, seated at the right hand of God. Set your mind on things that are above, not on things that are on earth. For you have died, and your life is hidden with Christ in God. When Christ who is your life appears, then you also will appear with him in glory. (Col. 3:1-4)

Materialism and the idolatry of high status that results from the pursuit of material goods are all too common in the oil-rich countries in the Arab Gulf, including Oman. Omanis do not suffer like their neighboring Yemenis where there is massive poverty, suffering, and death due to a civil war that began in 2015. When you have money, possessions, family, religion, peace, and strong traditions, why would you need anything else, including the gospel? This is a challenge indeed, but nothing is impossible with God, especially for the rich (Matthew 19:23- 26). Let’s pray for the Holy Spirit to shake up Oman and the rest of the Arab Gulf!

Prayer: O God, we pray against materialism, which is destroying the soul of the Gulf nations, including Oman. Release them from the idolatries associated with wealth and status. Grant them repentance and faith so that they can seek the things above where Christ is seated at the right hand of God. May they set their minds on heavenly things above, not on the things that are on the earth. Save them and hide them in Christ your Son so that when He appears again, they will also appear with Him in glory! Amen.

Worship with us!Knowing You by Shane & Shane. May Omanis experience the surpassing greatness of knowing Jesus!

Matthew 18:14 Focus‘Your Father in heaven does not want one of these little ones to be lost.’

Please bring these towns and villages before the Father:

Sayya, Yanqul district, Adh-Dhahirah region. Population: 1,021

Al-Murri, Yanqul district, Adh-Dhahirah region. Population: 997

Wadi ar-Raki, Yanqul district, Adh-Dhahirah region. Population: 851

Wadi al-Harim, Yanqul district, Adh-Dhahirah region. Population: 579

Ghalil al-Qasad, Yanqul district, Adh-Dhahirah region. Population: 556

齋月 第17天



















Ramadan Day 18

Pray for Purity and Healing in Families

Put to death therefore what is earthly in you: sexual immorality, impurity, passion, evil desire, and covetousness, which is idolatry. On account of these, the wrath of God is coming. In these you too once walked, when you were living in them. (Col. 3:5-7)

The Apostle Paul has laid out his arguments for Christ’s supremacy and our need to surrender our lives to Him by faith. On that basis, he now gets into more practical details of how we should conduct our lives as followers of Christ. It is no accident that Paul mentions sexual sins first in this list of earthly sins. He does the same in his other epistles as well. There is a gravity to sexual sin that causes tremendous damage. Unfortunately, there is well-known sexual immorality among Gulf Arab men, including Omanis. One Omani woman admitted that she doesn’t want to marry an Omani man because she knows what they do in secret. However, let’s not become self-righteous! The West is hypersexualized compared to the conservative and traditional culture of Oman. The good news is that God can free us from any sin in any cultural context so that we can confidently say, “I once walked in these ways, but no more!” (1 Corinthians 6:9-11). Praise God that His wrath is no longer upon us in Christ our propitiation, the One who took the wrath of God upon Himself (1 John 2:2).

Prayer: Lord God, we recognize that we need Your saving grace like everyone else. We know how much we deserve Your wrath for our sins. We are all fallen human beings and come before You simply as spiritual beggars hungry for bread. And so we pray for Omanis to find that Living Bread, Jesus Christ, the Bread of Life! You are the Great Physician too. Come and heal the wounds that immorality, covetousness, and idolatry produce. Heal Omani families that have been torn apart due to immorality. May the people of Oman rejoice and celebrate the freedom from bondage and the new life that can be theirs in Christ!

Watch this short prayer video about Omani Men.

Worship with us!The In Between by Matt Maher. May Omanis know the transforming power of Jesus!

Matthew 18:14 Focus‘Your Father in heaven does not want one of these little ones to be lost.’

Please bring these towns and villages before the Father:

Ash-Shuiyah, Yanqul district, Adh-Dhahirah region. Population: 472

Al-Muaydin, Yanqul district, Adh-Dhahirah region. Population: 428

Karsh, Yanqul district, Adh-Dhahirah region. Population: 413

Tawi an-Nawamiyah, Yanqul district, Adh-Dhahirah region. Population: 356

Hayl al-Manadhrah, Yanqul district, Adh-Dhahirah region. Population: 343

Al-Jizayrat, Yanqul district, Adh-Dhahirah region. Population: 256

齋月 第18天






















Ramadan Day 19

Pray for Persecutors of the Omani Church

But now you must put them all away: anger, wrath, malice, slander, and obscene talk from your mouth. Do not lie to one another, seeing that you have put off the old self with its practices and have put on the new self, which is being renewed in knowledge after the image of its Creator. Here there is not Greek and Jew, circumcised and uncircumcised, barbarian, Scythian, slave, free; but Christ is all, and in all. (Col. 3:8-11)

The Bible is very honest. It reveals how anger, malice, and slander can be found in the church, since Paul is writing his letter to the church! Praise God for the new self. He continuously sanctifies us by the Holy Spirit (Romans 8:13). The old self in its worst form can be found in persecutors of the Church that are filled with anger, hatred, lies, malice, slander, and obscene talk that lead to the senseless murder of Christians. There are many (from family members to religious leaders) who persecute Omanis who choose to follow Jesus. But the good news is that there is no Greek or Jew, barbarian, slave, or free, but Christ is all in all. In other words, anyone can be saved!

Prayer: Almighty God, if You can save a persecutor of the church like Paul, You can certainly save those who persecute Your Omani followers. Bring them to Yourself. Unchain their hearts from all evil so that they can be free from anger and hatred and the lies which are so strong among them. Take off their old selves and put on brand new lives, changed for the glory of God and His kingdom purposes. Renew them in knowledge after the image of Jesus, and then give them new purpose and passion for their new Master, Christ, who is all in all. Raise up new missionaries like Paul from among them! Amen.

Worship with us!Even Unto Death by Audrey Assad. Jesus is worthy of the praise of those persecuted, and of their persecutors!

Matthew 18:14 Focus‘Your Father in heaven does not want one of these little ones to be lost.’

Please bring these towns and villages before the Father:

Al-Masarrah, Yanqul district, Adh-Dhahirah region. Population: 246

Al-Uqdah, Yanqul district, Adh-Dhahirah region. Population: 233

Al-Arshi, Yanqul district, Adh-Dhahirah region. Population: 209

Wal, Yanqul district, Adh-Dhahirah region. Population: 206

Ghalil al-Hind, Yanqul district, Adh-Dhahirah region. Population: 197

Bayha, Yanqul district, Adh-Dhahirah region. Population: 182

齋月 第19天




















Ramadan Day 20

Pray for Unity Amongst Omani Believers

Put on then, as God’s chosen ones, holy and beloved, compassionate hearts, kindness, humility, meekness, and patience, bearing with one another and, if one has a complaint against another, forgiving each other; as the Lord has forgiven you, so you also must forgive. And above all these put on love, which binds everything together in perfect harmony. And let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts, to which you were indeed called in one body. And be thankful. (Col. 3:12-15)

God calls Christians to be united despite our differences of opinion. This requires believers to love and respect one another. Distrust, fear, and unforgiveness are common problems among Muslim background believers in Oman. Like the rest of us, Omani believers have trouble getting along with each other at times and need to learn how to forgive one another as God has commanded us to do. God loves unity and so we must work towards it and pray for it.

Prayer: O God of Peace, we pray for our precious brothers and sisters in Oman. Thank You for choosing them and making them holy and beloved. Thank You that some of them have the courage to meet together in small groups. Help them to put on compassionate hearts of kindness, humility, meekness, and patience. May they bear with one another, forgiving one another as You have forgiven them. And above all, may they put on love that there may be perfect harmony and unity for the sake of Jesus’ name in Oman. Use their unity to be a strong witness to unbelievers. Let the peace of Christ rule in their hearts so that they may be united as one body, giving thanks together for Your ever-constant and unfailing love for them. Amen.

Worship with us!Make Us One by Jesus Culture. May the Omani church be united and give Jesus the glory!

Matthew 18:14 Focus‘Your Father in heaven does not want one of these little ones to be lost.’

Please bring these towns and villages before the Father:

Al-Khubayb, Yanqul district, Adh-Dhahirah region. Population: 158

Al-Muraybi, Yanqul district, Adh-Dhahirah region. Population: 140

Ash-Shaja, Yanqul district, Adh-Dhahirah region. Population: 101

Ad-Difa, Yanqul district, Adh-Dhahirah region. Population: 90

Ash-Shawaghi, Yanqul district, Adh-Dhahirah region. Population: 74

Qarn ar-Ruwaybyah, Yanqul district, Adh-Dhahirah region. Population: 56

齋月 第20天




















Ramadan Day 21

Pray for Indigenous Worship

Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly, teaching and admonishing one another in all wisdom, singing psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, with thankfulness in your hearts to God. And whatever you do, in word or deed, do everything in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through Him. (Col 3:16-17)

Local worship is an incredible and beautiful creation that delights the heart of God. Praise God that in the Arabian Peninsula, Yemeni and Saudi believers have already composed worship songs in Arabic! Praise God that they have also developed websites and apps that contain worship songs, poems, and Bible teaching. However, there is little, if any, Omani worship being written and used.

Prayer: Heavenly Father, we thank You that we are one church and that Your word dwells richly in our hearts which enables us to teach and admonish in all wisdom. We ask You for more psalms, hymns, and spiritual songs to be written by local believers in Oman, that we may all give thanks to You as one body. Help them to exalt You through worship and may they find unspeakable joy as they sing and worship together. Thank You for songs from Yemen and Saudi Arabia, but we also want to see worship songs from Kuwait, Qatar, Bahrain, the UAE, and Oman. By the Holy Spirit, would You raise up talented musicians and composers to glorify You in everything they do. Amen.

Worship with us!Raise a Hallelujah by Jonathon and Melissa Helser. May the Omani church raise up her songs of worship!

Matthew 18:14 Focus‘Your Father in heaven does not want one of these little ones to be lost.’

Please bring these towns and villages before the Father:

Dhahar, Ad-Duqm district, Al-Wusta region. Population: 1,784

Hitam, Ad-Duqm district, Al-Wusta region. Population: 1,238

Ras Madrakah, Ad-Duqm district, Al-Wusta region. Population: 915

Al-Hawiyah, Ad-Duqm district, Al-Wusta region. Population: 773

Dithab, Ad-Duqm district, Al-Wusta region. Population: 392

齋月 第21天





















Ramadan Day 22

Pray for the Children of Oman

Wives, submit to your husbands, as is fitting in the Lord. Husbands, love your wives, and do not be harsh with them. Children, obey your parents in everything, for this pleases the Lord. Fathers, do not provoke your children, lest they become discouraged. (Col 3:18-21)

Children are a gift from the Lord and parents want the best for their children. Thankfully, the wealth of the oil-rich countries like Oman has helped its children not to be in want, as they were before the economic boom of the 1960s. Unfortunately, it has also created a generation of boys and girls who struggle with health issues due to unhealthy “fast foods” and a sedentary lifestyle. Childhood obesity and diabetes are on the rise at an alarming rate.

Prayer: Dear Lord, we pray for the children in Oman who are suffering because of the excesses in their lives. We pray that they will get the help that they need to be physically disciplined with exercise and healthy eating. More importantly, we pray for the salvation of these children because the Kingdom of God belongs to them (Luke 18:16). And we need the prayers of children as well! Raise up a new army of intercessors who are children for we know You delight to answer the prayers of all believers! Amen.

Worship with us!I Believe by Jonathon and Melissa Helser. May the sons and daughters of Oman look at what the Lord has done!

Matthew 18:14 Focus‘Your Father in heaven does not want one of these little ones to be lost.’

Please bring these towns and villages before the Father:

An-Naamiyah, Ad-Duqm district, Al-Wusta region. Population: 336

Juwayrah, Ad-Duqm district, Al-Wusta region. Population: 295

Thalin, Ad-Duqm district, Al-Wusta region. Population: 271

Nafun, Ad-Duqm district, Al-Wusta region. Population: 173

Ghafat Mahjan, Ad-Duqm district, Al-Wusta region. Population: 88

Wadi Marzam, Ad-Duqm district, Al-Wusta region. Population: 82

齋月 第22天




















Ramadan Day 23

Pray for Foreign Migrant Workers in Oman

Slaves, obey in everything those who are your earthly masters, not by way of eye-service, as people-pleasers, but with sincerity of heart, fearing the Lord. Whatever you do, work heartily, as for the Lord and not for men, knowing that from the Lord you will receive the inheritance as your reward. You are serving the Lord Christ. For the wrongdoer will be paid back for the wrong he has done, and there is no partiality. Masters, treat your slaves justly and fairly, knowing that you also have a Master in heaven. (Col 3: 22 - Col 4:1)

About 40% of Oman's population are foreign workers, mostly from India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Egypt, and the Philippines. At best, these migrant workers are seen as employees; at worst, they are treated like slaves. There is often exploitation, where some are not paid their wages or are forced to work outside in extreme temperatures. There are thousands of Filipina and other Asian maids who work in the households of local Omani families. Sometimes they are mistreated and sexually assaulted. Many of these workers are born-again Christians.

Prayer: O Gracious and Merciful Father, please have mercy on these migrant workers who sacrifice so much by coming to Oman to work. We ask that You cause their Omani employers to treat them fairly and justly, knowing that there is a God in heaven watching them. Please fortify Your people among these workers, that they would be strong witnesses for You, working with integrity for You. Assure them that they will receive a great inheritance as their reward. Give them much joy in serving the Lord Christ regardless of their circumstances. Make them shine as bright witnesses to local Omani families and may these families turn from their sins and put their hope in You as a result of these faithful servants whom You have placed in their homes! May they serve You with sincerity of heart, always fearing You. Amen.

Worship with us!Your Labor is Not in Vain by Porter’s Gate. May the migrant workers in Oman know that God sees them and has called them by name!

Matthew 18:14 Focus‘Your Father in heaven does not want one of these little ones to be lost.’

Please bring these towns and villages before the Father:

Al-Kahil, Al-Jazer district, Al-Wusta region. Population: 1,311

Al-Lakbi, Al-Jazer district, Al-Wusta region. Population: 979

Sawqrah, Al-Jazer district, Al-Wusta region. Population: 744

Al-Ghubrah ash-Shamaliyah, Al-Jazer district, Al-Wusta region. Population: 705

Madir, Al-Jazer district, Al-Wusta region. Population: 453

齋月 第23天



















Ramadan Day 24

Pray for Christian Workers in Oman

Continue steadfastly in prayer, being watchful in it with thanksgiving. At the same time, pray also for us, that God may open to us a door for the word, to declare the mystery of Christ, on account of which I am in prison – that I may make it clear, which is how I ought to speak. Walk in wisdom towards outsiders, making the best use of the time. Let your speech always be gracious, seasoned with salt, so that you may know how you ought to answer each person. (Col 4:2-6)

The Apostle Paul wrote Colossians in a Roman prison. One remarkable thing to recognize in this passage is that he does not directly ask for prayer to be released! Instead, he asks for opportunities to declare the mystery of Christ clearly and graciously. Christian workers who want to obey the Great Commission have left their homelands to serve in a difficult region of the world. These words of Paul are just as true now, as they were for him.

Prayer: O Lord, we pray for Your servants in Oman who are intentional about reaching the local Omanis. We pray specifically that You would open a door for the Word so that they may declare the mystery of Christ. Give them many divine appointments. Bless their mouths so that they are able to make the gospel message clear and comprehensible in Omani culture. We pray for their Arabic abilities; give them much favor to learn Arabic well. In addition, help them to be continuously steadfast in prayer, always being watchful in it with thanksgiving, praying for all the saints. Cause them to walk in wisdom toward outsiders, making the best use of their time. Let their speech always be gracious, seasoned with salt, so that they may know how they ought to answer every person they encounter. Amen.

Worship with us!To The Ends of the Earth by Hillsong. May many answer the call to serve Him and go to Oman!

Matthew 18:14 Focus‘Your Father in heaven does not want one of these little ones to be lost.’ 

Please bring these towns and villages before the Father:

Al-Ghubrah al-Janubiyah, Al-Jazer district, Al-Wusta region. Population: 375

Al-Jashrib, Al-Jazer district, Al-Wusta region. Population: 291

Wadi Ghayl, Al-Jazer district, Al-Wusta region. Population: 180

Fadi, Al-Jazer district, Al-Wusta region. Population: 136

Al-Kahil 2, Al-Jazer district, Al-Wusta region. Population: 127

Barqat, Al-Jazer district, Al-Wusta region. Population: 62

齋月 第24天






















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