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Al-Wusta Region

A Desolate Beauty

Al Wusta region (pop. 52,344) sits in the middle of the country, between Dhofar to the south and Adh-Dhahira, Ad-Dakhliya, and Ash-Sharqiya to the north. Al Wusta (الوسطى) means "central" in Arabic. The regional capital is Haima, situated along the main highway running north to south. This area is sparsely populated but contains the majority of Oman's oil and gas reserves and a new industrial port at Duqm. It is also home to the nomadic Harasi people, with their own distinct language (Harsusi).

The ‘Jiddat Al–Harasis’ stone desert covers the majority of the land here, but there is surprising ecological diversity. There are over 130 different species of birds, including migratory birds from as far away as Europe. The Barr Al Hikman peninsula is especially known for visiting flocks of flamingos. Further inland, the Arabian Oryx Sanctuary was established to protect this native breed of antelope that lives in the desert areas of the Arabian Peninsula. Other animals that can be found at the sanctuary include Nubian ibex, Arabian wolves, and Arabian gazelle. Truly, there is life in this seemingly desolate wasteland— may this be true spiritually as well!

“Behold, I am doing a new thing; now it springs forth, do you not perceive it? I will make a way in the wilderness and rivers in the desert. The wild beasts will honor Me, the jackals and the ostriches, for I give water in the wilderness, rivers in the desert, to give drink to My chosen people.” (Isaiah 43:19-20) May the people of Al Wusta receive Your streams of living water!

  • There has been very limited Gospel witness in this area. Pray for open doors for jobs and visas for believers to be able to live in this area.

  • Pray for focused outreach to the Harsusi people. Pray for translation projects and cultural understanding, to be able to present the Message clearly and understandably.

Worship with us!: Streams in the Wasteland by Freedom Church Worship. Let Your streams flow in Al Wusta!

Matthew 18:14 Focus—‘Your Father in heaven does not want one of these little ones to be lost.’ 

Please bring these towns and villages before the Father:

Ar-Rumrami, Sama’il district, Ad-Dakhliyah region. Population: 245

As-Sahmiyah, Sama’il district, Ad-Dakhliyah region. Population: 238

Ad-Dahyah, Sama’il district, Ad-Dakhliyah region. Population: 222

Al-Faljayn, Sama’il district, Ad-Dakhliyah region. Population: 204

Ar-Rissah, Sama’il district, Ad-Dakhliyah region. Population: 201











  1. l該地區的福音見證非常有限。禱告工作和簽證的大門敞開,讓信徒能夠在該地區生活。

  2. l為哈拉西語人群的重點外展活動禱告。為翻譯項目和文化理解禱告,以便能夠清晰易懂地呈現福音信息。














Al Wusta Rains

Let It Rain in the Desert!

The stony desert of Al Wusta gets an average of less than 2 inches of rain a year. However, monsoon rains in other areas cause humidity to rise and fog and dew to form during certain seasons. This precipitation is enough to sustain some sparse vegetation and animal life. As welcome as the rare rain is, the people of Al Wusta need the heavenly rain and living water of the Holy Spirit!

Declare this over Al Wusta:

Wilderness and desert will sing joyously, the badlands will celebrate and flower—

Like the crocus in spring, bursting into blossom, a symphony of song and color.

Springs of water will burst out in the wilderness, streams flow in the desert.

Hot sands will become a cool oasis, thirsty ground a splashing fountain.

Even lowly jackals will have water to drink, and barren grasslands flourish richly.

(Isaiah 35:1-2, 6-7, The Message)

May this harsh and barren land rejoice and come alive in the rain of its King!

Worship with us!: Let It Rain by Jesus Culture. You can listen in Arabic here. May the people of Al Wusta feel the rains of His love and the winds of His Spirit!

Matthew 18:14 Focus—‘Your Father in heaven does not want one of these little ones to be lost.’ 

Please bring these towns and villages before the Father:

Yawrakh, Sama’il district, Ad-Dakhliyah region. Population: 180

Khilah, Sama’il district, Ad-Dakhliyah region. Population: 178

Biyaq, Sama’il district, Ad-Dakhliyah region. Population: 171

Wadi Dama, Sama’il district, Ad-Dakhliyah region. Population: 162

As-Sinslah, Sama’il district, Ad-Dakhliyah region. Population: 161

Nidab, Sama’il district, Ad-Dakhliyah region. Population: 154






























The Harasi People

Isolated Nomads

The Harasi are an isolated, nomadic tribe in Jiddat-al-Harasis, the central gravel desert of Al-Wusta region. They are a distinct people group with a unique language, related to but different from Arabic. They eke out a living as camel and goat herders in an extremely harsh environment. Today many have found employment with the oil companies, or are involved with preservation efforts of the oryx. They number about 5000, although speakers of Harsusi are less, between 1000-3000. Here is a short video of the Harsusi language, mixed with Arabic.

God, we pray for the Harasi people in Al Wusta, that they would:

  • Come and Worship You. Psalm 86:9 – “All the nations (ethne) You have made will come and worship before You, O Lord; they will bring glory to Your name.”

  • See Your Glory. Isaiah 66:18 – “And I, because of their actions and their imaginations, am about to come and gather all nations (ethne) and tongues, and they will come and see My glory.”

  • Hear the Gospel clearly in their Heart Language. Matthew 24:14 – “And this gospel of the kingdom will be preached in the whole world as a testimony to all nations, and then the end will come.”

Worship with us!: Jesus Have It All by Jeremy Riddle. May Jesus have the worship of the Harasi people!

Matthew 18:14 Focus—‘Your Father in heaven does not want one of these little ones to be lost.’

Please bring these towns and villages before the Father:

Sayya, Sama’il district, Ad-Dakhliyah region. Population: 180

Al-Milayhah, Sama’il district, Ad-Dakhliyah region. Population: 178

Ash-Sharjah, Sama’il district, Ad-Dakhliyah region. Population: 171

Wadi al-Uqq, Sama’il district, Ad-Dakhliyah region. Population: 162

Al-Ghubrah, Sama’il district, Ad-Dakhliyah region. Population: 161









  1. l前來敬拜你。詩篇86:9-「主啊,你所造的萬民都要來敬拜你,他們也要榮耀你的名。」

  2. l看見你的榮耀。以賽亞書66:18-「我知道他們的行為和他們的意念。時候將到,我必將萬民萬族聚來,看見我的榮耀。」

  3. l用他們的心語清晰地聽到福音。馬太福音24:14-「這天國的福音要傳遍天下,對萬民作見證,然後末期才來到。」














Omani Families, Pt. 1

The Bedrock of Omani Society

The family is central and is the crux of traditional organization in Oman. Traditionally, the Omani family has been a patriarchal institution, and the father has been tasked with disciplining the children. The extended family is called upon with any problem issues that need to be resolved.

The traditional Omani family has offered peace and security, as a stable family unit is highly valued by Islam/Omani Muslims. It has been the source of encouraging unselfish behavior, generosity, respect, and love. That said, the Omani family, like all other family institutions around the world, is undergoing dramatic changes due to globalization, Information Technology, and the Communication Revolution.

"See how very much our Father loves us, for He calls us His children, and that is what we are!" (I John 3:1a)

Lord, help Omanis to come to a deeper, more accurate understanding of Your love for them, and Your will for their lives, in order to fill their voids and restore their family relationships. May You give them grace and strength, and may they find salvation, healing, and restoration in Jesus. Amen.

Worship with us!: God’s Family by Tommy Walker. May many Omanis be welcomed into God’s family!

Matthew 18:14 Focus—‘Your Father in heaven does not want one of these little ones to be lost.’

Please bring these towns and villages before the Father:

Hannah, Sama’il district, Ad-Dakhliyah region. Population: 106

Al-Ula, Sama’il district, Ad-Dakhliyah region. Population: 98

Bawri, Sama’il district, Ad-Dakhliyah region. Population: 98

Tawi al-Qadimah, Sama’il district, Ad-Dakhliyah region. Population: 91

At-Tuwayyah, Sama’il district, Ad-Dakhliyah region. Population: 88

























Omani Families, Pt. 2

Challenges Facing Families

Some observers believe that the patriarchal family, which has been the cornerstone of Omani society, is undergoing a crisis. This is due in large part to open doors for multitudes of women to enter the workforce, and appears to be revolutionizing the traditional understanding of family roles.

Today’s Omani women enjoy better education and good health services that give them the option to delay marriage and childbearing. Contraception is giving women growing control in this arena. This reduces the fertility rate and family size. Mothers working outside the home also greatly change the traditional family dynamic and roles.

Many young Omani men are also delaying marriage, because of high unemployment rates and high costs of dowries and traditional weddings. High dowries have also led to an increase in marrying foreigners. Divorce rates have also been increasing, nearly doubling in 2020 due to the pandemic.

Let’s pray for Omani families:

  • Pray for the healing of marriages, and the preservation of families as they face rising divorce rates, increasing youth restlessness, and distance from religion and traditions.

  • Omani men often feel shame due to lack of work or low wages. Pray for the restoration of their honor, as husbands and fathers.

  • Pray for Omani mothers to have God’s heart for their children, and to love and respect their husbands.

  • Pray for Omani children and young adults to know their identity as God’s creation, and to have a sense of purpose for their lives.

Worship with us!: I Speak Jesus by Here Be Lions. May many Omanis turn to Jesus to heal their families!

Matthew 18:14 Focus—‘Your Father in heaven does not want one of these little ones to be lost.’

Please bring these towns and villages before the Father:

Jahas, Sama’il district, Ad-Dakhliyah region. Population: 73

Ar-Ruhbah, Sama’il district, Ad-Dakhliyah region. Population: 72

Miraywah, Sama’il district, Ad-Dakhliyah region. Population: 71

Wadi Jibbu, Sama’il district, Ad-Dakhliyah region. Population: 54

As-Samyah, Sama’il district, Ad-Dakhliyah region. Population: 53













  1. l為婚姻的治癒和家庭的維持禱告,他們面臨著離婚率上升、年輕人日益不安以及與宗教和傳統的疏遠。

  2. l阿曼男性經常因缺乏工作或工資低而感到羞恥。禱告恢復他們作為丈夫和父親的尊榮。

  3. l為阿曼的母親們禱告,讓她們以神的心意對待她們的孩子,並愛和尊重她們的丈夫。

  4. l為阿曼的兒童和年輕人禱告,讓他們知道自己是神的造物,並對自己的生命有目標感。














Omani Families, Pt. 3

A Blessing for Families

Even as Omani families are changing and facing new challenges, let’s bless them to come into the fullness of all that God has designed for them!

Declare This:

An earthly father expresses love for his children; 

It is no different with our heavenly Father;

The Eternal shows His love for those who revere Him.

(Psalm 103:13 The Voice)

  • We bless you, parents of Oman, to have compassion on your children.

  • We bless you, children of Oman, to love and obey your parents.

  • We bless you, husbands of Oman, to be kind and understanding of your wives.

  • We bless you, wives of Oman, to honor and respect your husbands.

  • We bless you, families of Oman, to know your Heavenly Father.

Worship with us!: Good Good Father by Housefires. May many Omanis turn to Jesus to heal their families!

Matthew 18:14 Focus—‘Your Father in heaven does not want one of these little ones to be lost.’ 

Please bring these towns and villages before the Father:

Sufalat Fida, Dhank district, Adh-Dhahirah region. Population: 2,372

Adh-Dhuwayhriyah, Dhank district, Adh-Dhahirah region. Population: 1,988

Dawt, Dhank district, Adh-Dhahirah region. Population: 1,828

At-Taff, Dhank district, Adh-Dhahirah region. Population: 609

Wadi Khaws, Dhank district, Adh-Dhahirah region. Population: 409

Qumayra, Dhank district, Adh-Dhahirah region. Population: 387













  1. l我們祝福你們,阿曼的父母們,體恤並共情你們的孩子。

  2. l我們祝福你們,阿曼的孩子們,愛護並順服你們的父母。

  3. l我們祝福你們,阿曼的丈夫們,善待並理解你們的妻子。

  4. l我們祝福你們,阿曼的妻子們,尊榮並敬重你們的丈夫。

  5. l我們祝福你們,阿曼的家人們,能夠認識你們的天父。
















Life in the Weary Desert

Haima (pop. 7,814, Arabic: هيماء) is the capital of the Al-Wusta region, and seat of the Haima district (pop, 10,093). The town was settled after a team of oil explorers sunk a water well there. This was the first permanent water source in the Jiddat al-Harasis desert. The town is one of the few stops with services along the main desert highway connecting the north of the country to the south. In 1982 a school for boys and later one for girls was opened in Haima. Families from the nomadic Harasi tribe have increasingly settled in this location while schools are in session.

Haima District covers the majority of Al-Wusta region, and is mostly desert. It is home to the Arabian Oryx reserve, and most of Oman’s oil and natural gas reserves. There are also some famous caves in the area for exploring.

O God, you are my God; earnestly I seek you; my soul thirsts for you; my flesh faints for you, as in a dry and weary land where there is no water. (Psalm 63:1) We bless the people of Haima to earnestly seek the Living God, and to be satisfied!

Pray for the Town and District of Haima:

  • Glory of God. That God would be glorified and exalted and worshipped in Haima. (Habakkuk 2:14, Psalm 138:4-5)

  • Expansion of the Kingdom. That many people in Haima will come to know Jesus, and that communities of believers will be planted, that movements will be ignited. (Luke 1:32-33, 2 Cor 10:15-16)

  • Hearts and Minds. That spiritual blindness and bondages will be lifted from the minds of the people in Haima, and that hearts will be stirred with hunger for Jesus and truth. (2 Cor 4:4, Luke 24:45)

  • Authority. Pray with the authority that Jesus gives you over principalities, powers and spiritual strongholds in Haima. Pray that God would release prophetic words over the land, releasing visions, dreams, signs and wonders in Jesus’ name. (Matthew 18:18, 2 Cor 10:4)

  • Revival. That any believers living in Haima would be awakened by the Holy Spirit, have love and passion stirred in them for the lost, and rise to meet the need in their neighborhood. (Luke 10:2, Ezekiel 37:10)

  • Provision. That God would bring His provision and blessing to all those in need in Haima. That He would show His eternal kindness, demonstrate the blessing of His Kingdom, and cause His people to prosper. (Philippians 4:19, Jeremiah 29:7)

Worship with us!: Psalm 63 by Jeremy Riddle. May the people of Haima come to Jesus and behold His glory!

Matthew 18:14 Focus—‘Your Father in heaven does not want one of these little ones to be lost.’

Please bring these towns and villages before the Father:

Al-Manajir, Dhank district, Adh-Dhahirah region. Population: 336

Wadi al-Amd, Dhank district, Adh-Dhahirah region. Population: 317

Wadi Dhank, Dhank district, Adh-Dhahirah region. Population: 147

Ghadya, Dhank district, Adh-Dhahirah region. Population: 138

Ludi, Dhank district, Adh-Dhahirah region. Population: 124













  1. l神的榮耀。神將在海馬得榮耀,尊崇和敬拜。(哈巴谷書2:14;詩篇138:4-5)

  2. l神國的擴展。海馬的許多人將會認識耶穌,信徒群體將會扎根,激起植堂運動。(路加福音1:32-33;哥林多後書10:15-16)

  3. l心靈與頭腦。在海馬人民的頭腦中,屬靈的盲目和束縛將被破除,他們的心靈將萌發對耶穌和真理的渴慕。(哥林多後書4:4,路加福音24:45)

  4. l權柄。用耶穌給你的權柄禱告,這權柄勝過海馬的公國統治權、權勢和屬靈的營壘。求神奉耶穌的名在地上賜下先知的話語,賜下異象、異夢、神蹟和奇事。(馬太福音18:18,哥林多後書10:4)

  5. l復興。願任何生活在海馬的信徒都能被聖靈喚醒,對失喪之人的愛和熱心在他們裡面被激發,並起來滿足他們鄰舍的需要。(路加福音10:2,以西結書37:10)

  6. l供應。願神將祂的供應和福氣帶給海馬所有有需要的人。他要顯示他永遠的慈愛,顯明他國度的賜福,使他的百姓興旺。(腓立比書4:19,耶利米書29:7)














International Women's Day

Celebrating All of The Women in Oman

Today is International Women’s Day. Let us pray for all of the women in Oman: from diplomats to teachers, from managers to housemaids; Omanis, South Asians, Africans, Westerners, and everyone in between. Let us bless all these women, based on this prayer from St. Francis of Assisi.

Lord, make me an instrument of peace: Bless all women who daily strive to bring peace to their communities, their homes and their hearts. Give them strength to continue to turn swords into plowshares.

Where there is hatred, let me sow love: We pray for all women who face prejudice, inequality and gender disparities. Help us to see and to face the discrimination against women in all the many forms it may take.

Where there is injury, pardon: Comfort all women who suffer from the pain of war, violence, and abuse. Help them to become instruments of their own reconciliation and peace.

Where there is division, unity: Forgive all women and men who let differences breed hate and discrimination. Let your example of valuing all of creation help us to see that we are equal partners in the stewardship of your world.

Where there is darkness, light; where there is untruth, truth: Comfort all women who struggle in the darkness of abuse, poverty, and loneliness. May we stand with them in light to acknowledge their suffering and strive to remove the burdens of shame or embarrassment.

Where there is doubt, true faith: We pray for all women who live in fear of their husbands, fathers, and forces that control their lives. Help them to be empowered to be their true selves through your everlasting love and faith.

Where there is despair, hope: We pray for all women who live in the despair of poverty, violence, trafficking, slavery, and abuse. May the light of your love bring them hope.

Where there is sadness, new joy: Help us to see the strength and goodness in all women and men. Transform our hearts to celebrate the love and grace of all people.

Amen (from

Worship with us!: Lord, Make Me An Instrument by Sarah McLachlan. May the women in Oman be instruments of Your peace!

Matthew 18:14 Focus—‘Your Father in heaven does not want one of these little ones to be lost.’

Please bring these towns and villages before the Father:

Al-Fath, Dhank district, Adh-Dhahirah region. Population: 116

Kiraybah, Dhank district, Adh-Dhahirah region. Population: 80

Bilt, Dhank district, Adh-Dhahirah region. Population: 70

Al-Ghuwayfat, Dhank district, Adh-Dhahirah region. Population: 66

Al-Jufayr, Dhank district, Adh-Dhahirah region. Population: 66

Limghaymsah, Dhank district, Adh-Dhahirah region. Population: 63





































Arabian Oryx

The Arabian 'Unicorn'

Al-Wusta region is home to the Arabian oryx, a breed of antelope found in the desert regions of the Arabian Peninsula. In 1972 the animal was hunted to extinction in the wild, and captive oryx were reintroduced to the area in 1982, in the Arabian Oryx Sanctuary. The wildlife preserve also contains the only wild breeding sites in Arabia of the endangered houbara bustard (game bird), as well as Nubian ibex, Arabian wolves, honey badgers, caracals (wildcats), and the largest wild population of Arabian gazelle.

The initial wildlife preservation efforts of Oman were heralded as the sanctuary became a UNESCO world heritage site in 1994. However, in 2007 the sanctuary was the first and only site to be stripped of the UNESCO designation after Oman reduced the size of the preserve by 90% upon the discovery of oil inside its borders, and poaching caused the oryx population to decline from 450 to only 65. Since then, preservation efforts have stepped up, the oryx population has steadily grown, and in 2017 Oman opened up the wildlife preserve for tourism.

The fabled Arabian ‘unicorn’, so-called because of its distinctive profile silhouette, still survives and indeed seems to be thriving.

Psalms 42:1-2 NLT. As the deer longs for streams of water, so I long for you, O God. I thirst for God, the living God. When can I go and stand before Him?

Even as these desert-dwelling animals thirst for water, we bless the people of Al-Wusta to thirst for the Living God!

Worship with us!: As the Deer by Steffany Gretzinger. May the people of Al-Wusta long to worship Jesus!

Matthew 18:14 Focus—‘Your Father in heaven does not want one of these little ones to be lost.’

Please bring these towns and villages before the Father:

Abu Karabah, Dhank district, Adh-Dhahirah region. Population: 60

Lamdari, Dhank district, Adh-Dhahirah region. Population: 60

Al-Khadari, Dhank district, Adh-Dhahirah region. Population: 59

Al-Jahmiyah, Dhank district, Adh-Dhahirah region. Population: 55

Bayda Khadd, Dhank district, Adh-Dhahirah region. Population: 54



























Ecological Beauty and Diversity

Mahout District (pop. 17,385) is located in the northeastern coastal area of Al-Wusta region, on the Indian Ocean. The district is primarily made up of small fishing villages, and is known for its beautiful coasts and diverse wildlife. The area is well-known for its rich fishing, and is home to the Barr al-Hikman Wetland Nature Reserve–a mud and salt flat that is home to nearly half a million migratory birds in winter. This area also has the largest coral reefs in Oman, and a diverse population of fish, whales, turtles, and other marine life. The area is growing in its ecotourism, and sea-diving and kite-surfing are popular sports here.

Let the earth join in with this parade of praise! You mighty creatures of the ocean’s depths, echo in exaltation! Praise him, all beasts and birds, mice and men, kings, queens, princes, and princesses, young men and maidens, children and babes, old and young alike, everyone everywhere! (Psalm 148:7, 10-12) May all of Mahout praise You!

Pray for the District of Mahout:

  • Glory of God. That God would be glorified and exalted and worshipped in Mahout. (Habakkuk 2:14, Psalm 138:4-5)

  • Expansion of the Kingdom. That many people in Mahout will come to know Jesus, and that communities of believers will be planted, that movements will be ignited. (Luke 1:32-33, 2 Cor 10:15-16)

  • Hearts and Minds. That spiritual blindness and bondages will be lifted from the minds of the people in Mahout, and that hearts will be stirred with hunger for Jesus and truth. (2 Cor 4:4, Luke 24:45)

  • Authority. Pray with the authority that Jesus gives you over principalities, powers and spiritual strongholds in Mahout. Pray that God would release prophetic words over the land, releasing visions, dreams, signs and wonders in Jesus’ name. (Matthew 18:18, 2 Cor 10:4)

  • Revival. That any believers living in Mahout would be awakened by the Holy Spirit, have love and passion stirred in them for the lost, and rise to meet the need in their neighborhood. (Luke 10:2, Ezekiel 37:10)

  • Provision. That God would bring His provision and blessing to all those in need in Mahout. That He would show His eternal kindness, demonstrate the blessing of His Kingdom, and cause His people to prosper. (Philippians 4:19, Jeremiah 29:7)

Worship with us!: All Creatures of Our God and King by David Crowder Band. Let all creation in Mahout bless their Creator!

Matthew 18:14 Focus—‘Your Father in heaven does not want one of these little ones to be lost.’ 

Please bring these towns and villages before the Father:

Al-Ayn, Dhank district, Adh-Dhahirah region. Population: 52

Al-Miraybi, Dhank district, Adh-Dhahirah region. Population: 51

Al-Ajam, Dhank district, Adh-Dhahirah region. Population: 50

Ad-Dariz, Ibri district, Adh-Dhahirah region. Population: 11,037

Al-Araqi, Ibri district, Adh-Dhahirah region. Population: 9,827











  1. l神的榮耀。神將在馬烏得榮耀,尊崇和敬拜。(哈巴谷書2:14;詩篇138:4-5)

  2. l神國的擴展。馬烏的許多人將會認識耶穌,信徒群體將會扎根,激起植堂運動。(路加福音1:32-33;哥林多後書10:15-16)

  3. l心靈與頭腦。在馬烏人民的頭腦中,屬靈的盲目和束縛將被破除,他們的心靈將萌發對耶穌和真理的渴慕。(哥林多後書4:4,路加福音24:45)

  4. l權柄。用耶穌給你的權柄禱告,這權柄勝過馬烏的公國統治權、權勢和屬靈的營壘。求神奉耶穌的名在地上賜下先知的話語,賜下異象、異夢、神蹟和奇事。(馬太福音18:18,哥林多後書10:4)

  5. l復興。願任何生活在馬烏的信徒都能被聖靈喚醒,對失喪之人的愛和熱心在他們裡面被激發,並起來滿足他們鄰舍的需要。(路加福音10:2,以西結書37:10)

  6. l供應。願神將祂的供應和福氣帶給馬烏所有有需要的人。他要顯示他永遠的慈愛,顯明他國度的賜福,使他的百姓興旺。(腓立比書4:19,耶利米書29:7)













Al-Wusta Fishing

Livelihood from the Sea

Al Wusta region is the largest producer of ‘artisanal fishing’ (using traditional, local, small-scale methods), which is the vast majority of the fishing in Oman. Fishing is one of the most ancient and important sectors of Oman's economy, with deep cultural and social significance. Before oil was discovered in the 1960s, 80% of the population lived from agriculture and fishing. Types of fish caught include tuna, king mackerel, sailfish, anchovies, sardines, herring, barracuda, and grouper.

In Mahout district, approximately 400 Bedouin women practice an ancient trade of spear-fishing in the shallow tidal waters, skillfully hunting rays, octopuses, and cuttlefish, as well as collecting oysters and clams. The women sing as they hunt, ancient ballads passed down through the generations.

While walking by the Sea of Galilee, He saw two brothers, Simon (who is called Peter) and Andrew his brother, casting a net into the sea, for they were fishermen. And He said to them, “Follow Me, and I will make you fishers of men.” Immediately they left their nets and followed Him. (Luke 5:18-20)

Today, let us pray for men and women in Oman to respond to the call of Lord, swiftly and with total abandon! May many choose to follow Jesus, and become fishers of men!

Worship with us!: Fishers of Men by Newsboys. May the people of Al-Wusta be bold and fearless Fishers of Men!

Matthew 18:14 Focus—‘Your Father in heaven does not want one of these little ones to be lost.’ 

Please bring these towns and villages before the Father:

Maqniyat, Ibri district, Adh-Dhahirah region. Population: 5,461

Al-Aynayn, Ibri district, Adh-Dhahirah region. Population: 4,286

Al-Arid, Ibri district, Adh-Dhahirah region. Population: 3,531

Al-Wahrah, Ibri district, Adh-Dhahirah region. Population: 3,107

At-Tayyib, Ibri district, Adh-Dhahirah region. Population: 2,843


























Rock Gardens and Industrial Ports

Duqm (Arabic: ٱلدُّقْم) is a town (pop. 12,805) and seat of the Duqm district (pop. 19,221) on the central coast of Al-Wusta region. The name 'Duqm' is derived from the original Arabic word 'al-Adqam' which means ‘a person who has lost his front teeth,’ as the port area looked to be caught between two ‘jaws’ of mountains that surround the town.

Duqm was a small fishing settlement of the Janubah tribe when a party of soldiers and geologists landed in 1954 to begin the modern oil exploration of central Oman. Eventually the tribes of the area were relocated to a new settlement built by the government, and today Duqm is an industrial and logistics hub. Still under construction, the Duqm Special Economic Zone has investments of up to $15 billion and is projected to be one of the largest developments of its kind in the Middle East and North Africa.

Outside of the port area, Duqm is known for its pristine beaches, as well as a unique ‘rock garden’ of limestone and sandstone rock formations–a geologist’s delight!

"Truly He is my rock and my salvation; He is my fortress, I will never be shaken." (Psalm 62:2) We bless the people of Duqm to know the Living God as their Rock and Salvation!

Pray for the Town and District of Duqm:

  • Glory of God. That God would be glorified and exalted and worshipped in Duqm. (Habakkuk 2:14, Psalm 138:4-5)

  • Expansion of the Kingdom. That many people in Duqm will come to know Jesus, and that communities of believers will be planted, that movements will be ignited. (Luke 1:32-33, 2 Cor 10:15-16)

  • Hearts and Minds. That spiritual blindness and bondages will be lifted from the minds of the people in Duqm, and that hearts will be stirred with hunger for Jesus and truth. (2 Cor 4:4, Luke 24:45)

  • Authority. Pray with the authority that Jesus gives you over principalities, powers and spiritual strongholds in Duqm. Pray that God would release prophetic words over the land, releasing visions, dreams, signs and wonders in Jesus’ name. (Matthew 18:18, 2 Cor 10:4)

  • Revival. That any believers living in Duqm would be awakened by the Holy Spirit, have love and passion stirred in them for the lost, and rise to meet the need in their neighborhood. (Luke 10:2, Ezekiel 37:10)

  • Provision. That God would bring His provision and blessing to all those in need in Yanqul. That He would show His eternal kindness, demonstrate the blessing of His Kingdom, and cause His people to prosper. (Philippians 4:19, Jeremiah 29:7)

Worship with us!: The Solid Rock by Reawaken Hymns. May the people of Duqm build their lives upon the Rock of Jesus!

Matthew 18:14 Focus—‘Your Father in heaven does not want one of these little ones to be lost.’ 

Please bring these towns and villages before the Father:

Hijayrmat, Ibri district, Adh-Dhahirah region. Population: 2,686

Al-Jibayyah, Ibri district, Adh-Dhahirah region. Population: 2,523

Bat, Ibri district, Adh-Dhahirah region. Population: 2,423

Dhahir al-Fawaris, Ibri district, Adh-Dhahirah region. Population: 2,376

Kahnat, Ibri district, Adh-Dhahirah region. Population: 2,328

Bilad ash-Shuhum, Ibri district, Adh-Dhahirah region. Population: 2,273















  1. l神的榮耀。神將在杜格姆得榮耀,尊崇和敬拜。(哈巴谷書2:14;詩篇138:4-5)

  2. l神國的擴展。杜格姆的許多人將會認識耶穌,信徒群體將會扎根,激起植堂運動。(路加福音1:32-33;哥林多後書10:15-16)

  3. l心靈與頭腦。在杜格姆人民的頭腦中,屬靈的盲目和束縛將被破除,他們的心靈將萌發對耶穌和真理的渴慕。(哥林多後書4:4,路加福音24:45)

  4. l權柄。用耶穌給你的權柄禱告,這權柄勝過杜格姆的公國統治權、權勢和屬靈的營壘。求神奉耶穌的名在地上賜下先知的話語,賜下異象、異夢、神蹟和奇事。(馬太福音18:18,哥林多後書10:4)

  5. l復興。願任何生活在杜格姆的信徒都能被聖靈喚醒,對失喪之人的愛和熱心在他們裡面被激發,並起來滿足他們鄰舍的需要。(路加福音10:2,以西結書37:10)

  6. l供應。願神將祂的供應和福氣帶給杜格姆所有有需要的人。他要顯示他永遠的慈愛,顯明他國度的賜福,使他的百姓興旺。(腓立比書4:19,耶利米書29:7)















Holy Spirit

Move in Al Wusta!

Today, let us pray for the release of the Holy Spirit over Al-Wusta. At Pentecost, God poured out the promised Holy Spirit, empowering the early church and drawing many to believe. Peter said in Acts 2:17-21,

“What you see was predicted long ago by the prophet Joel:

‘In the last days,’ God says, ‘I will pour out my Spirit upon all people. Your sons and daughters will prophesy. Your young men will see visions, and your old men will dream dreams. In those days I will pour out my Spirit even on my servants—men and women alike—and they will prophesy. And I will cause wonders in the heavens above and signs on the earth below—blood and fire and clouds of smoke. The sun will become dark, and the moon will turn blood red before that great and glorious day of the Lord arrives. But everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved.’

We want to see this, so that people in Al-Wusta will call on the name of the Lord and be saved!

  • Pray for the Holy Spirit to be moving over Al-Wusta region of Oman, stirring up hunger and thirst to know Truth. (Matthew 5:6)

  • Pray for many in Al-Wusta to have dreams and visions of Jesus. (Joel 2:28)

  • Pray for miraculous signs and wonders to be released in Al-Wusta, pointing to the power and authority of Jesus. (Acts 4:30)

  • Pray for any believers in Al-Wusta to be strengthened in the gifts of the Spirit, and to grow in the fruit of the Spirit. (1 Cor. 12:4-11, Galatians 5:22–23)

Worship with us!: Spirit Move by Kalley Heiligenthal. Holy Spirit, come and move in Al-Wusta!

Matthew 18:14 Focus—‘Your Father in heaven does not want one of these little ones to be lost.’

Please bring these towns and villages before the Father:

Ad-Dibayshi, Ibri district, Adh-Dhahirah region. Population: 2,264

Al-Huwmaniyah, Ibri district, Adh-Dhahirah region. Population: 2,082

Tanam, Ibri district, Adh-Dhahirah region. Population: 2,007

Al-Mahyul, Ibri district, Adh-Dhahirah region. Population: 1,984

Al-Hajar, Ibri district, Adh-Dhahirah region. Population: 1,558













  1. l禱告聖靈運行在阿曼的烏斯塔行政區,激起人們想認識真理的渴慕之心。(馬太福音5:6)

  2. l禱告烏斯塔的許多人得到關於耶穌的異夢和異象。(約珥書2:28)

  3. l禱告降下神蹟奇事在烏斯塔,指向耶穌的能力和權柄。(使徒行傳4:30)

  4. l禱告烏斯塔的信徒在聖靈的恩賜上得到堅固,並在聖靈的果子中成長。(哥林多前書12:4-11,加拉太書5:22-23)















Jesus at the Center

As mentioned previously, Al-Wusta means "the center, central" in Arabic. So let us bless Al-Wusta with the following truth from God's Word.

"The Son is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn over all creation. For in Him all things were created: things in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or powers or rulers or authorities; all things have been created through Him and for Him. He is before all things, and in Him all things hold together. And He is the head of the body, the church; He is the beginning and the firstborn from among the dead, so that in everything He might have the supremacy. For God was pleased to have all His fullness dwell in Him, and through Him to reconcile to Himself all things, whether things on earth or things in heaven, by making peace through His blood, shed on the cross." (Colossians 1:15-20)

We bless the peoples of Al-Wusta to know the centrality and supremacy of Jesus! We bless them to be reconciled to the Father by the sacrifice of the Son! May they be at peace with God, through the shed blood of Jesus!

Worship with us!: Jesus at the Center of It All by Life Worship. Jesus, everything revolves around You!

Matthew 18:14 Focus—‘Your Father in heaven does not want one of these little ones to be lost.’

Please bring these towns and villages before the Father:

Suwayda al-Ma’, Ibri district, Adh-Dhahirah region. Population: 1,434

Al-Banah, Ibri district, Adh-Dhahirah region. Population: 1,364

Amla, Ibri district, Adh-Dhahirah region. Population: 1,321

Al-Maziml, Ibri district, Adh-Dhahirah region. Population: 1,318

Wadi Aswad, Ibri district, Adh-Dhahirah region. Population: 1,185

Al-Bilaydah, Ibri district, Adh-Dhahirah region. Population: 1,162

杜格姆經濟特區(Special Economic Zone at Duqm)
























Stony Desert and Beautiful Beaches

Al-Jazer (Arabic: الجازر) is a district (pop. 5,645) on the southeast coast of Al Wusta region. The district is primarily made up of small fishing villages, and is known for its beautiful beaches and unique ecology, including pink lagoons!

Up until the 1970s, the local inhabitants here lived in dark, cave-like stone houses. The rocks are in plentiful supply, in the gravel desert area of Jiddat al-Harasi. But today they live in modern housing, with the stone houses now used for storage.

“Like living stones, let yourselves be assembled into a spiritual house” (I Peter 2:5) May the people of Al-Jazer be living stones built into His House!

Pray for the District of Al-Jazer:

  • Glory of God. That God would be glorified and exalted and worshipped in Al-Jazer. (Habakkuk 2:14, Psalm 138:4-5)

  • Expansion of the Kingdom. That many people in Al-Jazer will come to know Jesus, and that communities of believers will be planted, that movements will be ignited. (Luke 1:32-33, 2 Cor 10:15-16)

  • Hearts and Minds. That spiritual blindness and bondages will be lifted from the minds of the people in Al-Jazer, and that hearts will be stirred with hunger for Jesus and truth. (2 Cor 4:4, Luke 24:45)

  • Authority. Pray with the authority that Jesus gives you over principalities, powers and spiritual strongholds in Al-Jazer. Pray that God would release prophetic words over the land, releasing visions, dreams, signs and wonders in Jesus’ name. (Matthew 18:18, 2 Cor 10:4)

  • Revival. That any believers living in Al-Jazer would be awakened by the Holy Spirit, have love and passion stirred in them for the lost, and rise to meet the need in their neighborhood. (Luke 10:2, Ezekiel 37:10)

  • Provision. That God would bring His provision and blessing to all those in need in Al-Jazer. That He would show His eternal kindness, demonstrate the blessing of His Kingdom, and cause His people to prosper. (Philippians 4:19, Jeremiah 29:7)

Worship with us!: Living Stones by Michael Card. May the people of Al-Jazer know the Precious Cornerstone!

Matthew 18:14 Focus—‘Your Father in heaven does not want one of these little ones to be lost.’ 

Please bring these towns and villages before the Father:


Musbihiyah, Ibri district, Adh-Dhahirah region. Population: 1,151

Al-Mays, Ibri district, Adh-Dhahirah region. Population: 1,071

Al-Hajir, Ibri district, Adh-Dhahirah region. Population: 1,034

An-Nijayd, Ibri district, Adh-Dhahirah region. Population: 1,029

Khadal Falaj al-Ali, Ibri district, Adh-Dhahirah region. Population: 1,002













  1. l神的榮耀。神將在雅謝得榮耀,尊崇和敬拜。(哈巴谷書2:14;詩篇138:4-5)

  2. l神國的擴展。雅謝的許多人將會認識耶穌,信徒群體將會扎根,激起植堂運動。(路加福音1:32-33;哥林多後書10:15-16)

  3. l心靈與頭腦。在雅謝人民的頭腦中,屬靈的盲目和束縛將被破除,他們的心靈將萌發對耶穌和真理的渴慕。(哥林多後書4:4,路加福音24:45)

  4. l權柄。用耶穌給你的權柄禱告,這權柄勝過雅謝的公國統治權、權勢和屬靈的營壘。求神奉耶穌的名在地上賜下先知的話語,賜下異象、異夢、神蹟和奇事。(馬太福音18:18,哥林多後書10:4)

  5. l復興。願任何生活在雅謝的信徒都能被聖靈喚醒,對失喪之人的愛和熱心在他們裡面被激發,並起來滿足他們鄰舍的需要。(路加福音10:2,以西結書37:10)

  6. l供應。願神將祂的供應和福氣帶給雅謝所有有需要的人。他要顯示他永遠的慈愛,顯明他國度的賜福,使他的百姓興旺。(腓立比書4:19,耶利米書29:7)














Al-Jazer Pink Lagoons

Uniquely Beautiful Creation

The pink lagoons of Al-Jazer are a uniquely beautiful site. These tidal lagoons have high salinity and concentrations of beta-carotene, which combined with certain forms of algae and harmless bacteria turn the water varying shades of pink. The lagoons are not suitable for swimming or drinking due to their high salinity. But they are a beauty to behold and are drawing increased ecotourism to Al-Wusta region.

From the beginning, creation in its magnificence enlightens us to His nature. Creation itself makes His undying power and divine identity clear, even though they are invisible; and it voids the excuses and ignorant claims of these people. (Romans 1:20, The Voice)

May the people of Al-Wusta see God’s glory and beauty through His unique creation around them! 

Worship with us!: You’re Beautiful by Phil Wickham. May the people of Oman behold the beauty and majesty of the face of Jesus!

Matthew 18:14 Focus—‘Your Father in heaven does not want one of these little ones to be lost.’

Please bring these towns and villages before the Father:

Majzi, Ibri district, Adh-Dhahirah region. Population: 992

Hijar, Ibri district, Adh-Dhahirah region. Population: 988

Miskin, Ibri district, Adh-Dhahirah region. Population: 920

Sadadib, Ibri district, Adh-Dhahirah region. Population: 854

Al-Ablah, Ibri district, Adh-Dhahirah region. Population: 755

Khadal Falaj as-Safil, Ibri district, Adh-Dhahirah region. Population: 668
























Al-Wusta Seekers

Come to the Water

We know that the Father is actively at work in Oman, to begin drawing people to His Son, Jesus. Researchers estimate that approximately 2.5% of any given population are open for religious change. So in Al-Wusta region, that means approximately 1,309 people are potentially open!

‘Broad sowing’ initiatives are challenging in Oman, because of laws outlawing proselytization. However, social media campaigns are starting to connect with seekers and beginning to bear fruit. Today, let’s pray for seekers in Al-Wusta region, and the social media efforts to reach them.

  • Pray for the 2.5% of Al-Wusta region (1,309 people) that are potentially open for spiritual change. (Acts 26:18)

  • Pray for thousands of sincere seekers to go online to learn more about Jesus, and to come across the media ads, and to engage with the content. (Psalm 63:1)

  • Pray for boldness for seekers, to start up a conversation with the online responder, and to be willing to meet face-to-face with a disciple-maker. (Psalm 27:1)

  • Pray for the meetings with seekers and disciples-makers, that they would lead to the seeker’s commitment to follow Jesus. (Matthew 16:24)

Worship with us!: Come to the Water by Passion. May all who thirst in Al-Wusta come to Living Water and be filled!

Matthew 18:14 Focus—‘Your Father in heaven does not want one of these little ones to be lost.’ 

Please bring these towns and villages before the Father:

As-Subaykhi, Ibri district, Adh-Dhahirah region. Population: 631

Harat adh-Dhahrah, Ibri district, Adh-Dhahirah region. Population: 605

Al-Hayyal, Ibri district, Adh-Dhahirah region. Population: 592

Al-Hayl, Ibri district, Adh-Dhahirah region. Population: 591

Al-Ghubayrah, Ibri district, Adh-Dhahirah region. Population: 553









  1. l禱告2.5%的烏斯塔行政區人口(1,309人)可能對屬靈改變保持開放。(使徒行傳26:18)

  2. l禱告成千上萬真誠的慕道友在網上更多地了解耶穌,並看到媒體廣告,並參與其中。(詩篇63:1)

  3. l禱告慕道友有勇氣與網路回應者對話,並願意與門徒教導者親自見面。(詩篇27:1)

  4. l禱告慕道友和門徒教導者可以聚會,使他們能夠帶領慕道友委身跟隨耶穌。(馬太福音16:24)














Al-Wusta Salt Flats

Salty Salt

The Shana coastland in Al Wusta region is known for its salt flats–natural lakes where the salt water has collected and evaporated, leaving behind layers of crystallized salt. Workers collect the natural salt by hand and put into bags for sale. The area of the salt lake is about 3 square km (1.16 square miles), and about 50 bags (500 kg/1100 lbs) are produced daily.

“Your lives are like salt among the people. But if you, like salt, become bland, how can your ‘saltiness’ be restored? Flavorless salt is good for nothing and will be thrown out and trampled on by others.” (Matthew 5:13)

Let’s pray for Omani believers today, that they would ‘salty salt’, full of flavor and stirring up a hunger in those they meet!

Worship with us!: Salt and Light by Lauren Daigle. May many people in Oman seek after the One who is true Salt and Light!

Matthew 18:14 Focus—‘Your Father in heaven does not want one of these little ones to be lost.’

Please bring these towns and villages before the Father:

Kubarah, Ibri district, Adh-Dhahirah region. Population: 548

Al-Qurayn, Ibri district, Adh-Dhahirah region. Population: 524

As-Saqah, Ibri district, Adh-Dhahirah region. Population: 514

Al-Ayn, Ibri district, Adh-Dhahirah region. Population: 507

Ar-Rikzah, Ibri district, Adh-Dhahirah region. Population: 502

Qura ash-Shua, Ibri district, Adh-Dhahirah region. Population: 470
























Rub' Al-Khali

The Empty Quarter Desert

The Rub' al Khali (Arabic: ٱلرُّبْع ٱلْخَالِي), which translates as the "Empty Quarter", is the world’s largest continuous sand desert encompassing most of the southern third of the Arabian Peninsula. The desert covers some 650,000 square kms (250,000 square miles) including parts of Saudi Arabia, Oman (including the western part of Al-Wusta region), the United Arab Emirates, and Yemen. Sand dunes get up to 250 meters (820 ft) high, and are interspersed with gravel and gypsum plains and occasional salt flats.

There is evidence of ancient lake beds that once had a variety of flora and fauna, including fossils of hippopotamus, water buffalo, and long-horned cattle. The lakes also contained small snails and freshwater clams. There is also evidence of human activity 2000-3000 years ago, including chipped flint tools, but no actual human remains have been found. It also seems that ancient frankincense trade routes along the edges of the desert are no longer passable, due to increased desertification of the region.

The earth will be completely empty. The wealth will all be taken, because the Lord has commanded it. The earth will dry up and die; the world will grow weak and die; the great leaders in this land will become weak. The people of the earth have ruined it, because they do not follow God's teachings or obey God's laws or keep their agreement with God that was to last forever. (Isaiah 24:3-5)

Today, let us pray for the people of Oman to return to the true and living God, to follow His teaching and obey His laws, and to come back into covenant relationship with Him! May the Empty Quarter be restored to life!

Worship with us!: Empty by Revelation Worship. May the people of Oman empty themselves before Him!

Matthew 18:14 Focus—‘Your Father in heaven does not want one of these little ones to be lost.’

Please bring these towns and villages before the Father:

Ar-Rawdah, Ibri district, Adh-Dhahirah region. Population: 468

Ar-Ruhbah, Ibri district, Adh-Dhahirah region. Population: 437

Hayl Bani Gharib, Ibri district, Adh-Dhahirah region. Population: 434

Liqayya, Ibri district, Adh-Dhahirah region. Population: 377

Damm, Ibri district, Adh-Dhahirah region. Population: 351





魯卜哈利沙漠(阿拉伯語:ٱلرُّبْع ٱلْخَالِي),翻譯過來就是「空白之地」【空域】,是世界上最大的延續的沙海,包含了阿拉伯半島南部三分之一的大部分地區。沙漠面積覆蓋約65萬平方公里(25萬平方英里),包括沙特阿拉伯、阿曼(包括烏斯塔行政區西部)、阿聯酋和也門的部分地區。沙丘高達250米(820英尺),散佈著礫石和石膏平原,偶爾還有鹽灘。





















Rapid Multiplication of Disciples and Churches in Al-Wusta

We want to see the fullness of the Kingdom of God coming into every part of Al-Wusta region, like yeast penetrating the entire batch of dough (Matt. 13:33). And the fastest way for this to happen is by rapidly reproducing disciples and groups (churches), who spread and multiply within and across their families, tribes, social networks, and societies.

Acts 6:7 is our heart’s desire and fervent prayer: “God's word reigned supreme and kept spreading. The number of Jesus' followers in [Al-Wusta] quickly grew and increased by the day.”

Let’s pray for the church that will form in Al-Wusta:

  • Pray that seekers/new disciples would form groups to pray and study the Word together, forming the church. (Hebrews 10:25)

  • Pray that these new groups/churches would mature and multiply, leading to movements of healthy, reproducing churches. (Acts 16:5)

  • Pray for the raising up and multiplication of Omani leadership in these groups and networks. (2 Tim. 2:2)

  • Pray for spiritual protection from the enemy, covering over new believers, new groups, and new leaders as they emerge (I Pet. 5:8)

  • Pray that these movements would overcome the things that hinder growth, like fear, pride, corruption, disunity, etc. (Ephesians 4:1-4, 20-23)

  • Pray that Christ alone would be the foundation of these groups and movements (I Cor. 3:11)

  • Pray for the fullness of the Kingdom of God to spread and penetrate into every aspect of society and culture, in Al-Wusta as it is in heaven. (Matthew 6:10)

Worship with us!: Let Your Kingdom Come by Sovereign Grace. May Your Kingdom come in Al-Wusta!

Matthew 18:14 Focus—‘Your Father in heaven does not want one of these little ones to be lost.’ 

Please bring these towns and villages before the Father:

Sayh al-Masarrat, Ibri district, Adh-Dhahirah region. Population: 345

Al-Mamur, Ibri district, Adh-Dhahirah region. Population: 336

Dif Wadi al-Ayn, Ibri district, Adh-Dhahirah region. Population: 331

Al-Jahli, Ibri district, Adh-Dhahirah region. Population: 330

Rimi, Ibri district, Adh-Dhahirah region. Population: 325

Rihab, Ibri district, Adh-Dhahirah region. Population: 322











  1. l禱告慕道友/新門徒會組成團體,一起禱告和學習神的話語,形成一個教會。(希伯來書10:25)

  2. l禱告這些新的團體/教會會逐漸成熟和擴張,引領運作良好的重複栽培教會的運動。(使徒行傳16:5)

  3. l禱告這些團體和人際關係網中興起和倍增阿曼人的帶領。(提摩太後書2:2)

  4. l禱告當新信徒、新團體和新領袖湧現時,神在屬靈上保守他們脫離仇敵,遮蓋他們。(彼得前書5:8)

  5. l禱告這些運動會克服阻礙成長的障礙,如恐懼、驕傲、墮落、不合一等。(以弗所書4:1-4,20-23)

  6. l禱告唯獨基督會成為這些團體和運動的根基。(哥林多前書3:11)

  7. l禱告神的國度的豐盛,如同在天堂一樣在烏斯塔傳播並滲透到社會和文化的每一個方面。(馬太福音6:10)















Eid Al-Om

Omani Mother’s Day

March 21 is Omani Mother’s Day, celebrating mothers along with other Arab countries on this day. Let us pray for the mothers of Oman with this blessing:

Thank You for Your endless provisions of grace and mercy. We come to You today to lift up every woman in Oman who answers to the name of “mom.” We ask that You supply each one with the strength they need for those difficult days. Give them wisdom to know when to encourage and when to correct their children. Supply them with an extra dose of patience. Remind them that children are a heritage and a reward from You (Psalm 127:3), and shower them with special moments they can cherish. Lord, we also ask that You draw them close to You daily. Remind them of their worth in Your eyes - that they, too, are cherished children of a loving Father. We pray for contentment in this very special calling. May every mom realize that this is a mission from You, one that brings truly great rewards in the end. Amen.

Worship with us!: God of Our Mothers and Fathers by Vineyard Worship. May the mothers of Oman be strong witnesses to their children of the power of God! May many be the first in their families to follow You!

Matthew 18:14 Focus—‘Your Father in heaven does not want one of these little ones to be lost.’ 

Please bring these towns and villages before the Father:

Wadi Khasht, Ibri district, Adh-Dhahirah region. Population: 285

Wadi Rafash, Ibri district, Adh-Dhahirah region. Population: 277

Al-Khaburah, Ibri district, Adh-Dhahirah region. Population: 276

Barut, Ibri district, Adh-Dhahirah region. Population: 275

Al-Qasmiyah, Ibri district, Adh-Dhahirah region. Population: 274





















Ripe Fields

Praying for the Harvest in Al-Wusta

As you look around right now, wouldn’t you say that in about four months it will be time to harvest? Well, I’m telling you to open your eyes and take a good look at what’s right in front of you. These [Al-Wusta] fields are ripe. It’s harvest time! (John 4:35–MSG)

There has been little intentional Gospel witness living in Al-Wusta. Several years ago there were 2 intentional workers living there, but they have since moved. So let us pray earnestly to the Lord of the Harvest to send forth new Laborers there! Pray for many open doors for people to come, especially with the new economic development in Duqm. And pray for many men and women of peace in this isolated region to welcome believers into their communities.

  • We declare that there is a ripe, abundant harvest in Al-Wusta region!

  • We declare that there is much Good Soil in Al-Wusta, that will bear fruit thirty-, sixty-, and a hundred-fold!

  • We declare open doors for Sowers and Reapers in Al-Wusta!

  • We declare that seeds sown in the past in Al-Wusta will find good soil, be watered, and grow!

  • We declare that Harvest time in Al-Wusta is NOW, not later!

Worship with us!: The Harvest by Allison Huntley. Lord, send more workers into the harvest in Al-Wusta!

Matthew 18:14 Focus—‘Your Father in heaven does not want one of these little ones to be lost.’ 

Please bring these towns and villages before the Father:

Ar-Rissah, Ibri district, Adh-Dhahirah region. Population: 274

Satwah, Ibri district, Adh-Dhahirah region. Population: 261

Tuwiyan Miskin, Ibri district, Adh-Dhahirah region. Population: 239

Dawkhfat, Ibri district, Adh-Dhahirah region. Population: 234

Ghayl Subayh, Ibri district, Adh-Dhahirah region. Population: 232

Saab, Ibri district, Adh-Dhahirah region. Population: 229









  1. l我們宣告,烏斯塔行政區將獲得成熟、豐碩的收成!

  2. l我們宣告,在烏斯塔有許多好土壤,將結出三十倍,六十倍和一百倍的果實!

  3. l我們宣告,烏斯塔的大門為播種者和收割者敞開!

  4. l我們宣告,過去播下的種子,一定會找到好的土壤,得到澆灌,茁壯成長!

  5. l我們宣告,烏斯塔的收割時間是現在,而不是以後!















Ramadan Day 1

Pray for the Word to Guide Our Prayers

Today is the first day of Ramadan, the Islamic month of fasting, determined by the sighting of the new moon. Fasting during the month of Ramadan is one of the five pillars of Islam, and is required of all Muslims of age during the daylight hours for 30 days. It is considered the holiest of months, a time set apart to focus on God.

For the next 30 days, we will pray through the book of Colossians, adapted from a Ramadan prayer guide by PTAP (Praying Through the Arabian Peninsula).

Paul, an apostle of Christ Jesus by the will of God, and Timothy our brother, to the saints and faithful brothers in Christ at Colossae: Grace to you and peace from God our Father. (Col 1:1-2)

The Apostle Paul wrote Colossians to the church in Colossae around 60 AD. Letters at that time usually began with a greeting from the author to the recipient. Here, Paul introduces himself as an apostle of Christ Jesus by the will of God. He does not come on his own authority but on the authority of God Himself in Christ.

Prayer: O God our Father, we thank you that you are our Heavenly Father who gives us grace and peace through Christ Jesus your Son. Thank you that you have given Him all authority in heaven and on earth (Matthew 28:18). Therefore, we pray in His name on this first day of Ramadan, that the teaching of the apostles as found in Scripture would be the foundation of our prayers and also the foundation of the local church in Oman. Grant us wisdom, knowledge, and insight in order to understand Colossians and to pray it faithfully on behalf of Oman and the entire Muslim world. O Holy Spirit, would you illumine our minds and guide us into all truth (John 16:13-15). Amen.

Worship with us!: I Believe (The Creed) by Hillsong. This Ramadan, may God open the eyes of Omanis to the truth of the Scriptures!

Matthew 18:14 Focus—‘Your Father in heaven does not want one of these little ones to be lost.’ 

Please bring these towns and villages before the Father:

Abu Dhikri, Ibri district, Adh-Dhahirah region. Population: 223

Al-Aflaj, Ibri district, Adh-Dhahirah region. Population: 222

Tawi Tikhah, Ibri district, Adh-Dhahirah region. Population: 222

Al-Khutmah, Ibri district, Adh-Dhahirah region. Population: 221

Al-Fijayj, Ibri district, Adh-Dhahirah region. Population: 220

齋月 第1天


























Ramadan Day 2

Pray for a Love for the Trinity

We always thank God, the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, when we pray for you, since we heard of your faith in Christ Jesus and of the love that you have for all the saints... (Col. 1:3-4)

Muslims deny the Trinity (Father, Son, and Holy Spirit) and accuse Christians of the grave sin of “shirk”, namely, assigning idolatrous partners to Allah. This violates the Islamic doctrine of “tawheed” which proclaims the indivisible oneness of Allah. Many Muslims believe that Christians worship three gods, that the Father had relations with Mary and Jesus was thus born. They also believe that the Holy Spirit is just an angel.

Prayer: O Blessed Trinity, we praise You that You are a precious unity in diversity. We thank You Father for giving us Your Son Jesus as the Lamb of God who has taken away the sins of the world. And we thank You Holy Spirit for applying this salvation to our lives through faith. May Omanis acknowledge and worship You as One God - Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Break down all barriers the Omanis have against You so that they will come to love the glory, brilliance, power, and love found within Yourself. Blessed are You forever and ever! Amen.

Worship with us!: Holy, Holy, Holy by Shane and Shane. This Ramadan, may God open the eyes of Omanis to the truth of the Trinity!

Matthew 18:14 Focus—‘Your Father in heaven does not want one of these little ones to be lost.’ 

Please bring these towns and villages before the Father:

Qarn al-Kabsh, Ibri district, Adh-Dhahirah region. Population: 218

Al-Hiyal, Ibri district, Adh-Dhahirah region. Population: 214

Al-Ghuwayl, Ibri district, Adh-Dhahirah region. Population: 211

Al-Jannuz, Ibri district, Adh-Dhahirah region. Population: 210

Al-Jifrah, Ibri district, Adh-Dhahirah region. Population: 206

Khiraym, Ibri district, Adh-Dhahirah region. Population: 205

齋月 第2天























Ramadan Day 3

Pray for the Different People Groups in Oman

...because of the hope laid up for you in heaven. Of this you have heard before in the word of the truth, the gospel, which has come to you, as indeed in the whole world it is bearing fruit and growing - as it also does among you, since the day you heard it and understood the grace of God in truth, just as you learned it from Epaphras our beloved fellow servant. He is a faithful minister of Christ on your behalf and has made known to us your love in the Spirit. (Col. 1:3-4)

Praise God for the local believers in Oman! Although the numbers are small, the church is bearing fruit and growing as God has promised. The Arab people are the main indigenous group in Oman and in the Arabian Peninsula, the original Arab Bedouins of the desert. Mohammad, the founder of Islam, was one of them. However, there are minority people groups in Oman as well. Here is a sample:

  • Zanzibari Omanis: Swahili-speaking Omanis who have roots in Zanzibar, Tanzania since Oman ruled East Africa during the 19th century.

  • Baluchi people: The Baluchi people come from Pakistan and surrounding areas. Some have mixed in with the local Arabs of Oman and have been there for generations.

  • Mahri (or Mehri) people: They live in Yemen and Oman, straddling areas near the border of the two countries. They speak their own language which is distinct from Arabic.

  • Jebeli people: They are mountain peoples from the mountains of Salalah, Oman. They too have their own distinct language and culture.

  • Shuhooh Arabs: The Shuhooh are one of the Arab tribes in the UAE and the Musandam Peninsula of Oman. They are known as mountain peoples who speak a distinct dialect of Arabic.

Prayer: O Lord of the nations, we thank you for your promise that all nations will be gathered to worship you as one church! Thank you for the hope we have laid up for us in heaven as brothers and sisters in one family. We pray that the word of truth, the gospel, would go to all the people groups of Oman. May it transform lives among the Zanzibari Omanis, the Baluchi, the Mahri, the Jebeli, and the Shuhooh. We also ask for Ephraphas’s to come out of these people groups to reach their own people, to be faithful ministers of Christ. May your church in Oman among these peoples bear much fruit and grow as it is in the whole world. Amen.

Worship with us!: Jesus Hope of the Nations by Kathryn Scott. This Ramadan, may the ‘nations’ in Oman receive revelation of Jesus as their hope!

Matthew 18:14 Focus—‘Your Father in heaven does not want one of these little ones to be lost.’ 

Please bring these towns and villages before the Father:

Lihashiya, Ibri district, Adh-Dhahirah region. Population: 195

Al-Akheedar, Ibri district, Adh-Dhahirah region. Population: 194

Wadi Shimayt, Ibri district, Adh-Dhahirah region. Population: 193

Mahadah, Ibri district, Adh-Dhahirah region. Population: 188

Al-Qali, Ibri district, Adh-Dhahirah region. Population: 182

齋月 第3天








  1. l桑給巴阿曼人:自19世紀阿曼統治東非以來就存在的講斯瓦希里語的阿曼人,他們的根在坦桑尼亞的桑給巴。

  2. l俾路支人:俾路支人來自巴基斯坦和周邊地區。有些人與當地的阿拉伯人混在一起,並在那裡生活了幾代人。

  3. l邁赫里(或梅赫里)人:他們居住在也門和阿曼,橫跨兩國邊境附近的地區。他們說自己的語言,與阿拉伯語明確不同。

  4. l傑貝利人:他們是來自阿曼塞拉萊山區的山中民族。他們也有自己獨特的語言和文化。

  5. l舒胡阿拉伯人:舒胡是阿聯酋和阿曼穆桑代姆半島的阿拉伯部落之一。他們被稱為山區民族,說著獨特的阿拉伯語方言。
















Ramadan Day 4

A Prayer for Omani Believers

And so, from the day we heard, we have not ceased to pray for you, asking that you may be filled with the knowledge of His will in all spiritual wisdom and understanding, so as to walk in a manner worthy of the Lord, fully pleasing to Him, bearing fruit in every good work and increasing in the knowledge of God. May you be strengthened with all power, according to His glorious might, for all endurance and patience with joy, giving thanks to the Father, who has qualified you to share in the inheritance of the saints in light. (Col 1:9-12)

Col 1:9-12 is a wonderful and powerful prayer by Paul. Simply pray the same prayer for all the local believers in Oman. Change the pronoun from “you” to “they/them”. Or if you know of a local believer, say his or her name. Pray this prayer for our brothers and sisters and rest assured that the Lord will bless the Omani church out of His knowledge, wisdom, understanding, joy, patience, and glorious might.

Worship with us!: Strength of My Life by Vertical Worship. This Ramadan, may Omani believers be strengthened by God’s glorious might!

Matthew 18:14 Focus—‘Your Father in heaven does not want one of these little ones to be lost.’

Please bring these towns and villages before the Father:

Al-Ajuz, Ibri district, Adh-Dhahirah region. Population: 176

Al-Khuwayrat / Al-Khawr, Ibri district, Adh-Dhahirah region. Population: 176

Miaywil, Ibri district, Adh-Dhahirah region. Population: 174

Khuwayr Jawah, Ibri district, Adh-Dhahirah region. Population: 167

Ad-Dishah, Ibri district, Adh-Dhahirah region. Population: 165

Wadi as-Safa, Ibri district, Adh-Dhahirah region. Population: 157

齋月 第4天





















Ramadan Day 5

Praise Jesus for His Supremacy and Preeminence

Col 1:13 – 20 He has delivered us from the domain of darkness and transferred us to the kingdom of His beloved Son, in whom we have redemption, the forgiveness of sins. He is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn of all creation. For by Him, all things were created, in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or dominions or rulers or authorities – all things were created through Him and for Him. And He is before all things, and in Him all things hold together. And He is the head of the body, the church. He is the beginning, the firstborn from the dead, that in everything He might be preeminent. For in Him all the fullness of God was pleased to dwell, and through Him to reconcile to Himself all things, whether on earth or in heaven, making peace by the blood of His cross. (Col 1:13 – 20)

During Paul’s time, various theories about Jesus were circulating and being promoted. For instance, heresies that mixed astrology and Judaism produced a doctrine claiming that Jesus was merely an angelic being. Very concerned, Paul wrote this letter to combat these false teachings. Muslims today believe in Jesus only a human being. They believe that He is only a prophet of Allah who received the Injil (the gospels) from Allah. Although He did miracles and is even called the “Word of God” in the Qur’an, Muslims deny His deity, incarnation, atonement, and resurrection. In contrast, Colossians praises Jesus as the supreme God, the Creator, the Savior, the One preeminent over all things!

Prayer: O Beloved Son of God, we praise You now for who You are, as God Himself, the very image of the invisible God who has delivered us from the domain of darkness and into Your kingdom of light! You created all things and rule over all things. We lift up the Muslims of Oman to You. Please open their eyes so that they can see Your kingdom, redemption, fullness, and forgiveness. Grant them repentance leading to a knowledge of the truth and free them from the snare of the devil (2 Timothy 2:25,26) so that they can bow down before You and worship You as the one who is the very fullness of God. Reconcile them to Yourself. Make peace with them by the blood of Your cross. Amen.

Worship with us!: All is For Your Glory by Kalley Heiligenthal. Jesus, You have the Preeminence in Oman!

Matthew 18:14 Focus—‘Your Father in heaven does not want one of these little ones to be lost.’

Please bring these towns and villages before the Father:

Al-Huwayrah, Ibri district, Adh-Dhahirah region. Population: 150

Umm Salimah, Ibri district, Adh-Dhahirah region. Population: 149

Suni, Ibri district, Adh-Dhahirah region. Population: 148

As-Safin, Ibri district, Adh-Dhahirah region. Population: 144

Al-Ghuzlaniyah, Ibri district, Adh-Dhahirah region. Population: 143

齋月 第5天






















Ramadan Day 6

Pray for the Leaders of Oman

And you, who once were alienated and hostile in mind, doing evil deeds, He has now reconciled in His body of flesh by His death, in order to present you holy and blameless and above reproach before Him, if indeed you continue in the faith, stable and steadfast, not shifting from the hope of the gospel that you heard, which has been proclaimed in all creation under heaven, and of which I, Paul, became a minister. (Col 1:21-23)

First of all then, I urge that supplications, prayers, intercessions, and thanksgivings be made for all people, for kings and all who are in high positions, that we may lead a peaceful and quiet life, godly and dignified in every way. This is good, and it is pleasing in the sight of God our Savior, who desires all people to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth.” (1 Timothy 2:1-4)

The Apostle Paul urges God’s people to pray for leaders of nations here in 1 Timothy. Therefore, let’s pray for the leaders of Oman. Although Sultan Haitham bin Tariq Al Busaidi is the monarch and head of state of Oman, the entire government is more in the public eye. Oman is keen to point out its “religious freedom”. Pray that both the Sultan and the government will be committed to ensuring that this applies to the entire country.

Prayer: Almighty God, You are our ultimate leader and guide. We thank You that a king’s heart is in Your hand and You turn it wherever you will (Proverbs 21:1). Please turn the heart of Sultan Haitham bin Tariq Al Busaidi and the Omani government towards You so that they will no longer be alienated and hostile in mind towards the gospel. Lord, we thank You that You desire Sultans and Sheikhs and Kings to be saved and to come to a knowledge of the truth. Would You save Sultan Haitham! Would You reconcile him to Yourself so that he would be presented to You as holy and blameless in Christ alone. Would You bring justice, righteousness, and peace to Oman through its leaders. Cause them to apply true religious freedom for the entire country, for all of its citizens and expat workers. Cause your gospel to go forth and be proclaimed to all in Oman. Amen.

Worship with us!: Living Hope by Phil Wickham. May the Sultan know the Living Hope of the Gospel!

Matthew 18:14 Focus—‘Your Father in heaven does not want one of these little ones to be lost.’ 

Please bring these towns and villages before the Father:

Al-Hasi, Ibri district, Adh-Dhahirah region. Population: 143

Sahlah, Ibri district, Adh-Dhahirah region. Population: 139

Al-Jabuh, Ibri district, Adh-Dhahirah region. Population: 135

Al-Likhaydir, Ibri district, Adh-Dhahirah region. Population: 135

Ar-Risaysi, Ibri district, Adh-Dhahirah region. Population: 130

Bayh, Ibri district, Adh-Dhahirah region. Population: 127

齋月 第6天

























Ramadan Day 7

​Pray for the Persecuted Church

Now I rejoice in my sufferings for your sake, and in my flesh I am filling up what is lacking in Christ’s afflictions for the sake of His body, that is, the church, of which I became a minister according to the stewardship from God that was given to me for you, to make the word of God fully known, the mystery hidden for ages and generations but now revealed to His saints. (Col. 1:24-26)

Although death is the exception and not the rule, the cost of turning away from Islam to Christ is enormous. Many Omani believers have lost families, friends, communities, jobs, reputations, and freedom. Some in the Arabian Peninsula have been imprisoned and killed in honor killings. Jesus even predicted this (Matthew 10:21-22). Since the Arabian Peninsula is the very heartland of Islam, persecution is a reality for Omani believers.

Prayer: O God of all comfort, we pray for our dear brothers and sisters who are currently being persecuted in Oman because of their faith in You. Comfort them in all their afflictions. May they abundantly share in Your comfort as they share in Your sufferings (2 Corinthians 1:3-7). O Father of mercies, have mercy upon them and cause them to rejoice in their sufferings and fill up what is lacking in Christ’s afflictions for the sake of the church in Oman. And we pray specifically for the families who are persecuting believers, that You would convict them of their sins, that they would repent, and believe in the gospel (Mark 1:15). Bring them into Your kingdom. Give them dreams and visions of Yourself. Do not let them go until they surrender their lives to You. Make the word of God fully known to them, O Lord. They have done great evil, but You are a God of forgiveness. Forgive them and reconcile them to Yourself through Christ your Son. Amen.

Worship with us!: Son of Suffering by Matt Redman. May the persecuted Omanis know the comfort of the Son of Suffering!

Matthew 18:14 Focus—‘Your Father in heaven does not want one of these little ones to be lost.’ 

Please bring these towns and villages before the Father:

Arhab, Ibri district, Adh-Dhahirah region. Population: 120

Al-Basatin, Ibri district, Adh-Dhahirah region. Population: 118

Shalashil, Ibri district, Adh-Dhahirah region. Population: 114

An-Naamah, Ibri district, Adh-Dhahirah region. Population: 113

Hayl an-Nijayd, Ibri district, Adh-Dhahirah region. Population: 111

齋月 第7天






















Ramadan Day 8

Pray for University Students in Oman

To them God chose to make known how great among the Gentiles are the riches of the glory of this mystery, which is Christ in you, the hope of glory. Him we proclaim, warning everyone and teaching everyone with all wisdom, that we may present everyone mature in Christ. For this I toil, struggling with all His energy that He powerfully works within me. (Col. 1:27-29)

Young adults are often considering life’s biggest questions and are open to the gospel. Thousands of Omani young people are studying at universities and colleges. In this setting, disciples of Jesus can participate in campus life as professors, staff, and students. As God opens these doors, local young adults in Oman have unprecedented opportunities to develop friendships with Christians and hear the good news for the first time.

Prayer: Father, thank you for opening doors for Christian professors and students to come to universities in Oman. We pray that You would help them live a holy life that causes students to ask questions. We ask that You would fill them with love for students and staff, to serve them, and speak the good news of Jesus to them so that they can present everyone mature in Christ. Please give local students ears to hear and eyes to see the riches of the glory of the gospel, Christ in us, the hope of glory! Amen.

Worship with us!: Hope of Glory by New Creation Worship. May many Omanis know Christ in them, the hope of glory!

Matthew 18:14 Focus—‘Your Father in heaven does not want one of these little ones to be lost.’

Please bring these towns and villages before the Father:

Ghayl as-Sarm, Ibri district, Adh-Dhahirah region. Population: 107

Shikaylat, Ibri district, Adh-Dhahirah region. Population: 107

Wadi Yabt, Ibri district, Adh-Dhahirah region. Population: 107

Al-Makhtibyah, Ibri district, Adh-Dhahirah region. Population: 106

As-Sabbah, Ibri district, Adh-Dhahirah region. Population: 105

Wadi Midilli, Ibri district, Adh-Dhahirah region. Population: 104

齋月 第8天























Ramadan Day 9

Pray for Expat Churches in Oman

For I want you to know how great a struggle I have for you and for those at Laodicea and for all who have not seen me face to face, that their hearts may be encouraged, being knit together in love, to reach all the riches of full assurance of understanding and the knowledge of God’s mystery, which is Christ, in whom are hidden all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge. I say this in order that no one may delude you with plausible arguments. For though I am absent in body, yet I am with you in spirit, rejoicing to see your good order and the firmness of your faith in Christ. (Col 2:1-5)

Oman has opened its doors to foreigners from all over the world to come and work. They have even given official permission for international churches to meet. These international churches are gathering in many languages, worshiping Jesus, and shining His light in Oman. These churches are full of engineers, teachers, maids, construction workers, embassy workers, and other professionals who come from around the world. Each of these believers have unique opportunities to start relationships with local co-workers and neighbors.

Prayer: Father, please fill these believers with Your Holy Spirit to speak Your word with boldness (Acts 4:31). Empower them to make the most of every opportunity, speaking with wisdom to give answers to each person who asks about the hope that they have (Colossians 4:6). Protect the pastors as they shepherd these believers from all over the world and equip them to minister the gospel in Oman. Encourage them as they bear the burdens of their people. Help them to faithfully proclaim Christ, that in Him only are hidden all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge. Use the churches to bring firm faith to those who don’t know you yet. Make the church a bastion of truth and good order against false and plausible arguments against You. Amen.

Worship with us!: Firm Foundation by Cody Carnes. May the expat churches in Oman be built on the firm foundation of Christ!

Matthew 18:14 Focus—‘Your Father in heaven does not want one of these little ones to be lost.’

Please bring these towns and villages before the Father:

At-Tawiyayn, Ibri district, Adh-Dhahirah region. Population: 103

Kabshat, Ibri district, Adh-Dhahirah region. Population: 102

Az-Zakiyah, Ibri district, Adh-Dhahirah region. Population: 100

Al-Madrakah, Ibri district, Adh-Dhahirah region. Population: 99

Daddat Majzi, Ibri district, Adh-Dhahirah region. Population: 95

齋月 第9天






















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