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November prayer points

November Focus: Dhofar Region

Rains of Refreshing

Dhofar (pop. 416,458) is the southernmost governorate in Oman, bordering Yemen. The name Dhofar (ظفار) comes from the Arabic root meaning nail or claw, but also victory and success. The capital, Salalah, is Oman's 2nd largest city, and traditionally had been the home of the Sultan until modern days. Dhofar is also home to the frankincense tree, whose sap is harvested and dried into crystals to be burned as incense. It was once under the biblical Kingdom of Sheba, part of the ancient, lucrative Frankincense Trail. The region is geographically isolated from the rest of Oman, and has at times tried to gain its independence. It also is home to various languages and people groups, including Jebali (mountain people), Mahri, Bathari, and Hobyot.

The region is blessed by cooling summer rains ('khareef') and hundreds of thousands of tourists descend on the area to find relief from the searing Gulf heat. “You heavens above, rain down My righteousness; let the clouds shower it down. Let the earth open wide, let salvation spring up, let righteousness flourish with it; I, the Lord, have created it.” (Isaiah 45:8) We bless the people of Dhofar to receive God’s reign, and may salvation and righteousness spring up!

  • Although there has been a steady amount of Harvest Laborers in Salalah over the years, there seems to be a lot of turnover. Pray for longevity, established relationships and opportunities to share deeply.

  • Pray for online media outreach to penetrate the mountains and deserts of this region. Pray specifically for outreach to the Jibbali, Mahra, Hobyot, and Bathari peoples, in ways they can best understand.

Worship with us!Rain by Leeland. Jesus, send Your rains of refreshing to Oman!

Matthew 18:14 Focus—‘Your Father in heaven does not want one of these little ones to be lost.’

Please bring these towns and villages before the Father:

Al-Qa, Ibra district, Ash-Sharqiyah North region. Population: 577

Al-Khudad, Ibra district, Ash-Sharqiyah North region. Population: 454

Al-Murrani, Ibra district, Ash-Sharqiyah North region. Population: 346

Khanadiq, Ibra district, Ash-Sharqiyah North region. Population: 278

Al-Miqaybrah, Ibra district, Ash-Sharqiyah North region. Population: 277

Ruwaykah, Ibra district, Ash-Sharqiyah North region. Population: 270






















Blessing Dhofar

Streams of Refreshing

Dhofar is filled with hundreds of thousands of visitors during the summer as people from all over the Arab Gulf come to find relief from the heat and refreshing in the coolness. Let us bless Dhofar with the true refreshing that comes only from knowing Jesus!

"And now you must repent and turn back to God so that your sins will be removed, and so that times of refreshing will stream from the Lord's presence. And He will send you Jesus, the Messiah, the Chosen One for you." (Acts 3:19-20)

  • We bless the people of Dhofar to be convicted by the Holy Spirit and repent of their sins.

  • We bless them to turn back to the true and living God.

  • We bless them to be cleansed and pure, having their sins removed by believing in the sacrifice of Jesus.

  • We declare that the people of Dhofar will be refreshed--not just by the summer rains and cool breezes, but by Jesus Himself!

Worship with us!Send the Winds by Jaye Thomas. Jesus, You send Your refreshing to the people of Oman!

Matthew 18:14 Focus—‘Your Father in heaven does not want one of these little ones to be lost.’

Please bring these towns and villages before the Father:

Masrun, Ibra district, Ash-Sharqiyah North region. Population: 260

Al-Khudad, Ibra district, Ash-Sharqiyah North region. Population: 258

Qifayfah, Ibra district, Ash-Sharqiyah North region. Population: 185

As-Salamiyah, Ibra district, Ash-Sharqiyah North region. Population: 184

Ar-Ridaydat, Ibra district, Ash-Sharqiyah North region. Population: 182













與我們一同敬拜吧!《清風徐來》,Jaye Thomas。耶穌,你使阿曼人民重新振作!










Dhofar People Groups, Part 1

The Jibbali

The Jibbali or Shahri people inhabit the mountains of Dhofar and number approximately 50,000. 'Jibbali' is the Arabic descriptor of the people ('of the mountain'), while 'Shahri' has the same meaning ('of the mountain') in their own language. Samples of the Shahri language can be found here. There are approximately 25,000 speakers of Jibbali/Shahri.

Also known as the Al Qara tribes, these peoples are traditionally nomadic herders of cattle and camels, seasonally migrating between the plains and the mountains. Some sources delineate the Al-Shahra tribes as a subset of the Jibbali, and perhaps were the original inhabitants of the mountains before the Al-Qara tribes immigrated from Yemen 500-700 years ago.

God, we pray for the Jibbali/Shahri people in Dhofar, that they would:

  • Come and Worship You. Psalm 86:9 – “All the nations (ethne) you have made will come and worship before you, O Lord; they will bring glory to Your name.”

  • See Your Glory. Isaiah 66:18 – “And I, because of their actions and their imaginations, am about to come and gather all nations (ethne) and tongues, and they will come and see my glory.”

  • Hear the Gospel clearly in their Heart Language. Matthew 24:14 – “And this gospel of the kingdom will be preached in the whole world as a testimony to all nations, and then the end will come.”

  • Become Disciples and Obedient Followers. Matthew 28:19 – “Therefore go and make disciples of all nations (ethne), baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.”

  • Be Marked by Worship and Intercession. Mark 11:17 – “And as He taught them, He said, ‘Is it not written: “My house will be called a house of prayer for all nations (ethne)"? …'” (Isaiah 56:7)

  • Repent and Be Forgiven. Luke 24:47 – “..and repentance and forgiveness of sins will be preached in his name to all nations (ethne), beginning at Jerusalem.” 

  • Be Filled with the Holy Spirit. Acts 2:17a – “‘In the last days,’ God says, ‘I will pour out my Spirit on all people.'”

Adapted from 'All Nations' Verse List

Worship with us!O For A Thousand Tongues to Sing by Reawaken Hymns. Jesus, may all the tongues of Oman worship You!

Matthew 18:14 Focus—‘Your Father in heaven does not want one of these little ones to be lost.’

Please bring these towns and villages before the Father:

Jidya, Ibra district, Ash-Sharqiyah North region. Population: 163

Kidayr, Ibra district, Ash-Sharqiyah North region. Population: 147

Sharjat al-Midah, Ibra district, Ash-Sharqiyah North region. Population: 146

Mikhaybyah, Ibra district, Ash-Sharqiyah North region. Population: 143

Nasf, Ibra district, Ash-Sharqiyah North region. Population: 141




















與我們一同敬拜吧!《千言萬語齊歌唱》(,Reawaken Hymns。耶穌,願阿曼所有語言都敬拜你!











Salalah (Arabic: صَلَالَة, pop. 293,962) is the capital and largest town of Dhofar Region, and seat of Salalah district (pop. 331,949). It is the 2nd largest metropolitan area in Oman, and previously was the seat of government under Sultan Said, Qaboos’s father from 1932-1970. When Qaboos became Sultan in 1970, he moved his capital to Muscat.

Salalah reached the peak of prosperity in the 13th century thanks to the incense trade. Later it decayed, and in the 19th century it was absorbed by the Sultanate of Muscat. Today it is a modern city, and in the summer months its population swells with tourists for the cool weather. There is an international airport here, as well as a large port and logistics center.

Salalah means 'shining one' in Jebali, and its Arabic spelling is related to the root word for prayer. May Salalah be filled with believers shining the Light!

‘For God, who said, “Let light shine out of darkness,” has shone in our hearts to give the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ.’ (2 Corinthians 4:6)

Pray for the Town and District of Salalah:

  • Glory of God. That God would be glorified and exalted and worshiped in Salalah. (Habakkuk 2:14, Psalm 138:4-5)

  • Expansion of the Kingdom. That many people in Salalah will come to know Jesus, and that communities of believers will be planted, that movements will be ignited. (Luke 1:32-33, 2 Cor 10:15-16)

  • Hearts and Minds. That spiritual blindness and bondages will be lifted from the minds of the people in Salalah, and that hearts will be stirred with hunger for Jesus and truth. (2 Cor 4:4, Luke 24:45)

  • Authority. Pray with the authority that Jesus gives you over principalities, powers and spiritual strongholds in Salalah. Pray that God would release prophetic words over the land, releasing visions, dreams, signs and wonders in Jesus’ name. (Matthew 18:18, 2 Cor 10:4)

  • Revival. That any believers living in Salalah would be awakened by the Holy Spirit, have love and passion stirred in them for the lost, and rise to meet the need in their neighborhood. (Luke 10:2, Ezekiel 37:10)

  • Provision. That God would bring His provision and blessing to all those in need in Salalah. That He would show His eternal kindness, demonstrate the blessing of His Kingdom, and cause His people to prosper. (Philippians 4:19, Jeremiah 29:7)

Worship with us!Shine on Us by William Matthews. Jesus, You shine Your glory on us!

Matthew 18:14 Focus—‘Your Father in heaven does not want one of these little ones to be lost.’

Please bring these towns and villages before the Father:

Sayh ar-Rahbahidya, Ibra district, Ash-Sharqiyah North region. Population: 139

Khallat, Ibra district, Ash-Sharqiyah North region. Population: 125

Mughaydir, Ibra district, Ash-Sharqiyah North region. Population: 107

Al-Farah, Ibra district, Ash-Sharqiyah North region. Population: 103

Al-Huwaymah, Ibra district, Ash-Sharqiyah North region. Population: 103

At-Tanmah, Ibra district, Ash-Sharqiyah North region. Population: 102



















與我們一同敬拜吧!照耀我們》(,William Matthews。耶穌,你將你的榮耀照耀在我們身上!











Dhofar People Groups, Part 2

The Mahra

The Mahra are found in both Yemen and Oman, and have a long history in the region, including their own Sultanate. There are approximately 95,000 Mahra in Oman. They are nomadic camel herders in the desert north of the Dhofar mountains, and famous throughout the Arab world for their prized camels. Mehri is the most widely spoken of the South Arabian languages. You can find a prayer guide for the Mahra people here.

God, we pray for the Mahra people in Dhofar, that they would:

  • Come and Worship You. Psalm 86:9 – “All the nations (ethne) you have made will come and worship before you, O Lord; they will bring glory to Your name.”

  • See Your Glory. Isaiah 66:18 – “And I, because of their actions and their imaginations, am about to come and gather all nations (ethne) and tongues, and they will come and see my glory.”

  • Hear the Gospel clearly in their Heart Language. Matthew 24:14 – “And this gospel of the kingdom will be preached in the whole world as a testimony to all nations, and then the end will come.”

  • Become Disciples and Obedient Followers. Matthew 28:19 – “Therefore go and make disciples of all nations (ethne), baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.”

  • Be Marked by Worship and Intercession. Mark 11:17 – “And as He taught them, He said, ‘Is it not written: “My house will be called a house of prayer for all nations (ethne)"? …'” (Isaiah 56:7)

  • Repent and Be Forgiven. Luke 24:47 – “..and repentance and forgiveness of sins will be preached in his name to all nations (ethne), beginning at Jerusalem.” 

  • Be Filled with the Holy Spirit. Acts 2:17a – “‘In the last days,’ God says, ‘I will pour out my Spirit on all people.'”

Adapted from 'All Nations' Verse List

Worship with us!He Is Lord by Scott Riggan. Jesus, every tongue of Oman shall confess that You are Lord!

Matthew 18:14 Focus—‘Your Father in heaven does not want one of these little ones to be lost.’

Please bring these towns and villages before the Father:

Al-Habna, Ibra district, Ash-Sharqiyah North region. Population: 97

Makhal, Ibra district, Ash-Sharqiyah North region. Population: 95

Al-Ghadir, Ibra district, Ash-Sharqiyah North region. Population: 89

Al-Maylah, Ibra district, Ash-Sharqiyah North region. Population: 88

Jifr Walad Ghurab, Ibra district, Ash-Sharqiyah North region. Population: 85

Al-Jidhayiyah, Ibra district, Ash-Sharqiyah North region. Population: 83


















與我們一同敬拜吧!《他是主》,Scott Riggan。耶穌,阿曼的每一種語言都將承認你是主!











Dhofar People Groups, Part 3

The Hobyot

The Hobyot are a people group straddling the mountainous border of Oman and Yemen. Estimates range on their population, somewhere between a couple hundred and a thousand. Their language is also closely related to Mahri, but distinct. They are pastoral and semi-nomadic.

God, we pray for the Hobyot people in Dhofar, that they would:

  • Come and Worship You. Psalm 86:9 – “All the nations (ethne) you have made will come and worship before you, O Lord; they will bring glory to Your name.”

  • See Your Glory. Isaiah 66:18 – “And I, because of their actions and their imaginations, am about to come and gather all nations (ethne) and tongues, and they will come and see my glory.”

  • Hear the Gospel clearly in their Heart Language. Matthew 24:14 – “And this gospel of the kingdom will be preached in the whole world as a testimony to all nations, and then the end will come.”

  • Become Disciples and Obedient Followers. Matthew 28:19 – “Therefore go and make disciples of all nations (ethne), baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.”

  • Be Marked by Worship and Intercession. Mark 11:17 – “And as He taught them, He said, ‘Is it not written: “My house will be called a house of prayer for all nations (ethne)"? …'” (Isaiah 56:7)

  • Repent and Be Forgiven. Luke 24:47 – “..and repentance and forgiveness of sins will be preached in his name to all nations (ethne), beginning at Jerusalem.” 

  • Be Filled with the Holy Spirit. Acts 2:17a – “‘In the last days,’ God says, ‘I will pour out my Spirit on all people.'”

Adapted from 'All Nations' Verse List

Worship with us!The Lord Almighty Reigns by Keith and Kristyn Getty. Jesus, may all the tribes and tongues of Oman worship You!

Matthew 18:14 Focus—‘Your Father in heaven does not want one of these little ones to be lost.’

Please bring these towns and villages before the Father:

Ar-Raki, Ibra district, Ash-Sharqiyah North region. Population: 83

Qarn Fijar, Ibra district, Ash-Sharqiyah North region. Population: 80

Sayh al-Qata, Ibra district, Ash-Sharqiyah North region. Population: 73

An-Namar, Ibra district, Ash-Sharqiyah North region. Population: 59

As-Suwaydifi, Ibra district, Ash-Sharqiyah North region. Population: 54

Hiyyim, Ibra district, Ash-Sharqiyah North region. Population: 52


















與我們一同敬拜吧!《全能的主統治》(,Keith and Kristyn Getty。耶穌,願阿曼的所有部落和語言都敬拜你!











Dhofar People Groups, Part 4

The Batahira

The Batahira are a small tribal group of about 200, with less than 20 remaining speakers of Bathari. Their language is also closely related to Mahri. They are found in a rugged coastal area about 300 km northeast of Salalah, and traditionally were fisherman, especially known for catching shark and turtles. They were the lowest of status in the traditional Dhofari tribal structure, with very harsh living conditions. Since 1970, they have rapidly integrated into Omani society and become more 'Arabized'.

God, we pray for the Batahira people in Dhofar, that they would:

  • Come and Worship You. Psalm 86:9 – “All the nations (ethne) you have made will come and worship before you, O Lord; they will bring glory to Your name.”

  • See Your Glory. Isaiah 66:18 – “And I, because of their actions and their imaginations, am about to come and gather all nations (ethne) and tongues, and they will come and see my glory.”

  • Hear the Gospel clearly in their Heart Language. Matthew 24:14 – “And this gospel of the kingdom will be preached in the whole world as a testimony to all nations, and then the end will come.”

  • Become Disciples and Obedient Followers. Matthew 28:19 – “Therefore go and make disciples of all nations (ethne), baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.”

  • Be Marked by Worship and Intercession. Mark 11:17 – “And as He taught them, He said, ‘Is it not written: “My house will be called a house of prayer for all nations (ethne)"? …'” (Isaiah 56:7)

  • Repent and Be Forgiven. Luke 24:47 – “..and repentance and forgiveness of sins will be preached in his name to all nations (ethne), beginning at Jerusalem.” 

  • Be Filled with the Holy Spirit. Acts 2:17a – “‘In the last days,’ God says, ‘I will pour out my Spirit on all people.'”

Adapted from 'All Nations' Verse List

Worship with us!Every Nation (Every Soul) by Hannah Waters. Jesus, every soul in Oman will come and worship You!

Matthew 18:14 Focus—‘Your Father in heaven does not want one of these little ones to be lost.’

Please bring these towns and villages before the Father:

Ar-Raki, Wadi Bani Khalid district, Ash-Sharqiyah North region. Population: 2,333

Qarn Fijar, Wadi Bani Khalid district, Ash-Sharqiyah North region. Population: 1,487

Sayh al-Qata, Wadi Bani Khalid district, Ash-Sharqiyah North region. Population: 1,070

An-Namar, Wadi Bani Khalid district, Ash-Sharqiyah North region. Population: 833

As-Suwaydifi, Wadi Bani Khalid district, Ash-Sharqiyah North region. Population: 795


















與我們一同敬拜吧!每個國家(每個靈魂)》(,Hannah Waters。耶穌,願阿曼的每個靈魂都會來敬拜你!










Khareef Season

Monsoon Rains

Khareef (Arabic: خَرِيْف, literally meaning ‘autumn’) is the term used in southern Oman, southeastern Yemen, southwestern Saudi Arabia and Sudan for the southeastern monsoon. The monsoon affects this area from late June to early September. Warm humid air blowing onshore from the central Arabian Sea passes over cooler water and is chilled until fog and precipitation condense, bringing near constant rain and mist. This leads to a unique ecological habitat along the coast known as the Arabian Peninsula coastal fog desert.

Towns in the region such as Salalah depend upon the khareef for their water supply. Moreover, the region depends the monsoons economically. Every year, hundreds of thousands of tourist swarm from all over the Arab Gulf descend upon Salalah to enjoy the cool, wet weather. Last year, some 813,000 tourists visited the Dhofar region. An annual Khareef festival is held in Salalah, which celebrates Omani culture, dance and music, food, and handcrafts. But the biggest attraction is nature itself, with picnicking and water activities being the prime draw.

“So let us know, let us strive to know the Lord. Like the dawn, His going forth is certain. He will come to us like the rain, like the latter rain watering the earth.” (Hosea 6:3)

Jesus, may the people of Salalah passionately pursue knowing You! And we know that You will respond, as certain as the sunrise every morning, and as certain as the Khareef rains in the summer. Come to Your people, O God!

Worship with us!Let It Rain by James River Worship. Jesus, come like the rain in Oman!

Matthew 18:14 Focus—‘Your Father in heaven does not want one of these little ones to be lost.’

Please bring these towns and villages before the Father:

Al-Adfayn, Wadi Bani Khalid district, Ash-Sharqiyah North region. Population: 564

Ar-Raki, Wadi Bani Khalid district, Ash-Sharqiyah North region. Population: 522

Badah, Wadi Bani Khalid district, Ash-Sharqiyah North region. Population: 495

Wadi al-Milh, Wadi Bani Khalid district, Ash-Sharqiyah North region. Population: 388

Halfa, Wadi Bani Khalid district, Ash-Sharqiyah North region. Population: 380

Qurayshah, Wadi Bani Khalid district, Ash-Sharqiyah North region. Population: 373












與我們一同敬拜吧!《下雨吧》,James River Worship。耶穌,願你像雨一樣降臨在阿曼!











Sheba, Part 1

Wealth, Worship and Witness Will Come to the House of the Lord

And all from Sheba will come, bearing gold and incense, and proclaiming the praise of the Lord. (Isaiah 60:6b).

There are records of Sheba as a kingdom in Southern Arabia from 1000 BC. At the zenith of its power, it included parts of the modern day Dhofar region of Oman, Yemen, and southern Saudi Arabia (including Najran, Jizan, and Asir). Sheba was famous for trade in gold, jewels, and spices, but it was best known for producing the finest quality frankincense widely used in the ancient world. Through its dominance of frankincense trade routes, Sheba’s influence extended far north to the Holy Land and beyond.

In Isaiah 60, the nation of Sheba is mentioned as bringing gifts and worship to the Lord in Jerusalem. The Queen of Sheba already led the way some 250 years before Isaiah’s time. She and her great caravans set out on a more than three-month journey (one-way!) to investigate the fame of Solomon personally and to know more about his relationship with the Lord. There was something she had heard, probably from traders returning from the north, which convinced her to leave her kingdom, face desert dangers and hardships, and seek the wisdom of King Solomon. Her camels were thus laden with large quantities of spices, gold, and precious stones, all as an offering for the king. She had questions, and Solomon was the one to answer them.

At the end of her visit, the Queen of Sheba said to Solomon, I did not believe what they said until I came and saw with my own eyes. Indeed, not even half the greatness of your wisdom was told to me; you have far exceeded the report I heard (2 Chronicles 9:6). In time, she returned to Sheba having her questions answered and with a new respect for the God of Israel.

Jesus also honors the Queen of Sheba when He says: The Queen of the South will rise at the judgment with this generation and condemn it; for she came from the ends of the earth to listen to Solomon’s wisdom, and now something greater than Solomon is here (Matthew 12:42). Jesus says she is from the “south” and “the ends of the earth”—a good description of southern Arabia.

Isaiah 60:6 describes the amazing visit of the nation of Sheba to Jerusalem in the end times. Again, there will be many camels, bearing gold and incense—just like the Queen of Sheba, but this time it seems they will know the Lord God. Yet in today’s Sheba (southern Oman, Yemen, and southern Saudi Arabia), there are many tribes that still need to know the Lord, so that they are ready in the future to bring their abundant gifts to Him.

  • The Queen of Sheba wanted to know more about the Lord on her visit with Solomon. Pray for an increased hunger from the nation of Sheba to desire the Lord today. We know Sheba will have an amazing future bringing Jesus so much; pray for them to be ready today to be part of His worship team.

  • As Jesus said, the Queen of the South (Sheba) came a long way to hear the wisdom of Solomon (Matthew 12:42), but someone greater than Solomon had come, the Messiah. Let us pray that the modern-day people of Sheba in Oman, Yemen, and Saudi Arabia will have their eyes opened to recognize that Someone greater than Solomon is here – Jesus, the King of Kings, the Prince of Peace, the Savior of the world. May they understand who He is and worship Him.

  • Isaiah 60 promises that there will be a procession of worshipers from the Arabian Peninsula. Their procession will include their wealth, incense, worship, and wonderful testimony of praises to God. Pray that the people of Sheba will come bearing wealth, testifying of God’s praises, worshiping Him, and singing joyfully. Pray that God’s promises will come to pass today, and that today will be the beginning of the procession of worship and devotion that will continue to increase until its complete fulfillment.

Worship with us!Christ Our Treasure by Sovereign Grace Music. Jesus, You are our treasure!

Matthew 18:14 Focus—‘Your Father in heaven does not want one of these little ones to be lost.’

Please bring these towns and villages before the Father:

Al-Khatah, Wadi Bani Khalid district, Ash-Sharqiyah North region. Population: 342

Jil Hayyah, Wadi Bani Khalid district, Ash-Sharqiyah North region. Population: 332

Hayal, Wadi Bani Khalid district, Ash-Sharqiyah North region. Population: 294

Amaq, Wadi Bani Khalid district, Ash-Sharqiyah North region. Population: 284

Al-Abyah, Wadi Bani Khalid district, Ash-Sharqiyah North region. Population: 258




















與我們一同敬拜吧!基督是我們的財寶》(,Sovereign Grace Music。耶穌,你是我們的財寶!










Sheba, Part 2

An Ancient People of South Arabia

Abraham had taken another wife, whose name was Keturah. She bore him Zimran, Jokshan, Medan, Midian, Ishbak and Shuah. Jokshan was the father of Sheba and Dedan. (Genesis 25:1-3a).

Sheba is the grandson of Abraham and Keturah, his third wife. In Isaiah 60, all the nations listed in verses 6 and 7 are direct descendants of Abraham, so it is likely that this is the Sheba referred to. Sheba is a Hebrew name, which is Seba’ or Saba’ in Arabic (سبأ), so the people of Sheba are referred to as Sabeans.

Although some scholars suppose that the Queen of Sheba is from Ethiopia, there is a strong basis for locating Sheba in Southern Arabia. The remains of the palace of the Queen of Sheba may be at an archaeological site in Marib, Yemen, which is thought to be the capital of Sheba. One of the best-preserved buildings in the ruins, the Bar’an Temple (also known as the Throne of Bilqis), may be an ancient palace. Sumharam at Khor Ruri in southern Oman, now a UNESCO World Heritage Site, is supposedly the summer palace of the Queen of Sheba. It is possible that Yemen, Eritrea, and Ethiopia at one time may have been joined by one ruling power or kingdom; therefore, the kingdom of Sheba may have spanned the Red Sea. Nonetheless, the oldest writings of Sabaean [Sheba] language on rocks comes from Yemen, not Ethiopia. And potsherds in Jerusalem have been found with Sabaen writing dating back to the time of Solomon. The Sheba of Isaiah also seems linked closely with Oman, Yemen, and Saudi because the other four nations from Isaiah 60 are in the Arabian Peninsula.

Day 2 – Prayer Points

  • Let us pray for God’s great purposes for the descendants of Sheba. They are blessed as descendants of Abraham. Let us pray that they can be heirs of the promise to Abraham that through your offspring all nations on earth will be blessed (Genesis 22:18) by believing in Jesus. May the people of Sheba find their destiny completed in Jesus.

  • Like the Arabs in Jerusalem at Pentecost who heard the gospel (Acts 2:11), these descendants can hear the gospel now, become Jesus followers, and be grafted into the tree of believing Israel (Romans 11:17-18) to become a new creation in Christ (Ephesians 2:13-15). Let us pray for this to happen as they hear the gospel from believers in the harvest field, via dreams and visions of Jesus, and via Biblical material on the internet.

  • Ask the Lord to begin raising up and multiplying His new followers even now in our day. May He draw worshippers who will give to Him their best: their wealth, their worship and praise, and the testimony of their mouths to glorify Him. May this testimony draw others to Jesus also. May they bow before God and serve Him (Psalm 72:11). May the name of Jesus be proclaimed by them, and thanks and praise to God be in their mouths, beginning from Oman, through Yemen and southern Saudi.

  • "See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it? I am making a way in the wilderness and streams in the wasteland" (Isaiah 43:19). The fastest growing church among the local population of the Arabian Peninsula is in Yemen. God is doing something with Jesus’ followers there. Pray for a greater increase of Yemeni believers in Jesus.

  • Pray that the people of Sheba—the Muslims living in Oman, Yemen, and Southern Saudi Arabia—recognize that Jesus is much more than a prophet (Matthew 12:42). May they realize that Someone greater than Mohammed is here, and that He is calling them. May they seek Him and be found by Him. May they bring Him their best, their wealth, and their worship. May these new believers become the witnesses proclaiming Him to their nations. May their great awakening impact the whole Arabian Peninsula and the Middle East and North Africa region, causing a great light to shine from Sheba to the rest of the Muslim world.

Worship with us!God of Abraham by Vertical Worship. Jesus, You are faithful through the generations!

Matthew 18:14 Focus—‘Your Father in heaven does not want one of these little ones to be lost.’

Please bring these towns and villages before the Father:

Al-Wishah, Wadi Bani Khalid district, Ash-Sharqiyah North region. Population: 237

Al-Imayqin, Wadi Bani Khalid district, Ash-Sharqiyah North region. Population: 233

Wadi Absan, Wadi Bani Khalid district, Ash-Sharqiyah North region. Population: 217

Rahbat, Wadi Bani Khalid district, Ash-Sharqiyah North region. Population: 191

Al-Qaryah, Wadi Bani Khalid district, Ash-Sharqiyah North region. Population: 175


















與我們一同敬拜吧!亞伯拉罕的神》(,Vertical Worship。耶穌,你世世代代都信實不渝!










Sheba, Part 3


A multitude of camels shall cover you, the young camels of Midian and Ephah; all those from Sheba shall come. They shall bring gold and frankincense, and shall bring good news, the praises of the Lord (Isaiah 60:6 NRSVA).

Frankincense is first mentioned in the Bible in Exodus 30:34. As Israel camped before Mount Sinai, God instructed Moses regarding the way He was to be worshiped. Frankincense was to be one of the ingredients of the incense to be offered before the Lord. The Lord said, “It shall be most holy for you” (Exodus 30:36). It helped fill the tabernacle with amazing smells, a pleasing aroma to the Lord. The fabric of the tabernacle tents must have smelled of this incense.

Only "pure frankincense," of the highest quality, was to be offered to the Most High God and, throughout antiquity, it was exported from Southern Arabia. The best of this frankincense comes from the desert plateau that borders the mountains along the coast of the Dhofar region of present-day southern Oman. This area would have been part of the Kingdom of Sheba found in Isaiah 60:6. The historic Frankincense Trail stretched from this area all the way through present-day Yemen and into the vast desert of present-day Saudi Arabia. It then headed north, to kingdoms bordering the Mediterranean Sea, and from there to the rest of the known world.

Frankincense is still used today by many people in the Arabian Peninsula, especially by Yemenis and Omanis. A Yemeni believer in Jesus reflects on frankincense:

My name is Bilqis. I am named after the Queen of Sheba. We use incense containing frankincense in our homes, but good quality frankincense is very expensive now. As a child, my mother would burn incense in the house when neighbors and friends came over. This fragrance is so important to us. Some of the ladies would stand around the incense burner and allow the smoke to mix into their clothes, so that the scent would linger on them for a long time.

“May my prayer be set before you like incense” (Psalm 141:2). For me, this Scripture comes alive, and I think about praying for my family, friends, and neighbors. Also, may I be like incense before them, may I be a sweet smell of the Lord Jesus.

My family (which is mostly Muslim) uses frankincense, and lots of people we know use frankincense on the weekends, especially in ways related to the mosque. Men will use frankincense before going to the mosque. Some mosques will also burn incense. Now, in our Yemeni fellowship of Jesus followers, we will burn incense as we worship together, and it fills the air with this traditional aroma. I now believe that the golden bowls of Revelation 5:8 that are burning incense along with the prayers of the saints have Yemeni frankincense in them. Our prayers are joined with other saints.

In a coming future’s glorious day, the “pure frankincense” previously offered to the Lord in His tabernacle will be offered to the Lord Jesus Christ as He reigns in Jerusalem. By this gift, the people of Sheba will affirm the deity of the Lord Jesus as they worship Him, giving to Him what the Lord ordained was to be used in the worship of Himself. The people of Sheba will worship the Lord extravagantly, bringing their precious frankincense to Him as an expression of their love and devotion to their Lord and Savior.

  • Thank the Lord for the frankincense of Sheba (the Dhofar province in Oman) that was used in His temple to worship Him long ago. Pray that in these days He will raise up the incense of spiritual worshipers in Dhofar and its cities, like Salalah and Khor Rori. Pray for the raising up of talented musicians and composers, ready to glorify Him. Pray that many new psalms, hymns, and spiritual songs will be written by these local believers.

  • “My name will be great among the nations, from where the sun rises to where it sets. In every place incense and pure offerings will be brought to me, because my name will be great among the nations,” says the Lord Almighty (Malachi 1:11). Pray that the name of the Lord Almighty will be known in every place where frankincense is burned.

  • King Solomon is described as full of the fragrance of incense in Song of Solomon 3:6 (NLT): "Who is this sweeping in from the wilderness like a cloud of smoke? Who is it, fragrant with myrrh and frankincense and every kind of spice?" Let us pray that the peoples of Sheba will be filled with the fragrance of the Lord and that they will know that He is pleased with their worship of the Lord Jesus.

  • Pray that more and more Yemeni, Omani, and Saudi believers in Jesus will know that they are a fragrance to the Lord before those around them. May they know that they bring a sweet aroma to the lives of those in their homes and those they encounter.

  • Pray for Yemeni, Omani, and Saudi believers in Jesus, that they will know that their prayers for those around them are like incense, and that they are bringing family and friends into the presence of the Lord Jesus by their prayers.

  • Praise God for the way the people of Sheba are seeing that frankincense can be part of their worship unto God.

Worship with us!May the Fragrance by Graham Kendrick. Jesus, receive the fragrance of our worship!

Matthew 18:14 Focus—‘Your Father in heaven does not want one of these little ones to be lost.’

Please bring these towns and villages before the Father:

Al-Qaham, Wadi Bani Khalid district, Ash-Sharqiyah North region. Population: 155

Al-Aqur, Wadi Bani Khalid district, Ash-Sharqiyah North region. Population: 144

Makhsayr Malik, Wadi Bani Khalid district, Ash-Sharqiyah North region. Population: 127

Shiraj Jadal, Wadi Bani Khalid district, Ash-Sharqiyah North region. Population: 118

At-Tamir, Wadi Bani Khalid district, Ash-Sharqiyah North region. Population: 96



























與我們一同敬拜吧!《願禱告如香》(,Graham Kendrick。耶穌,接受我們敬拜的馨香之氣。










Sheba, Part 4

Najran, A City on Ancient Paths

This is what the Lord says: “Stand at the crossroads and look; ask for the ancient paths, ask where the good way is, and walk in it, and you will find rest for your souls. But you said, ‘We will not walk in it. Therefore hear, you nations; you who are witnesses, observe what will happen to them. Hear, you earth: I am bringing disaster on this people, the fruit of their schemes, because they have not listened to My words and have rejected My law. What do I care about incense from Sheba or sweet calamus from a distant land? Your burnt offerings are not acceptable; your sacrifices do not please Me” (Jeremiah 6:16, 18-20).

From early days, Najran (in southern Saudi Arabia) was Sheba’s primary trade link in its northern regions for its overland caravans, being at a crossroads on ancient paths of trade and important frankincense routes. It was the leading gateway city through which Sheba’s caravans delivered gold, incense, jewels, and other goods as mentioned in Scripture.

Najran has a long-standing legacy of faith and courage. Historical records indicate that the Gospel had reached there in the early centuries of the church, and that its community of indigenous believers faithfully endured multiple seasons of hardship and persecution. The church of Najran existed from the 5th century AD, or earlier, and lasted until at least the 14th century AD, representing the single largest Christian community in the history of the Arabian Peninsula. Najran's famed resilience was matched by its bold witness. We are even told that this church sent a missionary to China in the 9th century.

In 523 AD, Najran suffered a horrific massacre at the hands of a South-Arabian Jewish king upon refusing to renounce Christ. Well-documented stories of these courageous martyrs were preserved by the church of that day, and many church communities continue to commemorate their faith. In recent years, ancient manuscripts with numerous historical accounts of this event have received much attention from academic scholars.

Thousands of believers who refused to deny Christ were subject to torture by their Jewish persecutors, some one hundred years before the rise of Islam. The leader of the Christian community of Najran at the time, Harith (Arethas), was a beloved and respected elder. The devastating persecution was of men, women and children, slaves and free, clergy and laymen, local Arabs and foreigners. All who called upon the name of the Lord were martyred for their faith in the Lord Jesus Christ.

Such detailed testimonies of the Najrani believers reveal a genuine faith in Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior. Their testimonies are filled with references to God’s Word and with fervent prayers. Many were burned alive, while others were mercilessly dragged behind camels, beheaded, or shot with arrows with their children at their side. In all its diversity, the church of Najran stood together with a spirit of unity and solidarity as it received its heavenly crown of victory.

Despite all this, the Church of Najran persevered, continuing well into the Islamic era. The last traces of a public expression of Christianity can be seen inscribed on 14th-century gravestones.

They will rebuild the ancient ruins and restore the places long devastated; they will renew the ruined cities that have been devastated for generations (Isaiah 61:4).

  • Let us pray that these ancient seeds of faith and prayers in Najran will produce a great harvest for the Kingdom by the life-giving Spirit of God. May the ancient ruins of faith and the church be restored and may the blood of the martyrs bear fruit for eternal life for many in Najran and its region.

  • Pray that today the people of Sheba will seek the ancient spiritual paths. May the people of Sheba indeed walk the paths of their spiritual ancestors who followed Jesus (like the Najrani martyrs), listened to His words, and obeyed Him. May they listen to the words of God and embrace His ways; may the incense of their worship become acceptable to the Lord.

  • Just as the dry riverbed of Wadi Najran becomes a flowing river in the wilderness after rain, let us ask God to pour out His Holy Spirit on this region, to bring the waters of life in the spiritual desert—not only in Najran, but in the whole territory of ancient Sheba, in Oman, Yemen, and Saudi Arabia.

Worship with us!The Ancient Path by Eleventh Hour Worship. Jesus, may we walk with You in Your ways!

Matthew 18:14 Focus—‘Your Father in heaven does not want one of these little ones to be lost.’

Please bring these towns and villages before the Father:

Siyaq, Wadi Bani Khalid district, Ash-Sharqiyah North region. Population: 85

Al-Hijrah, Wadi Bani Khalid district, Ash-Sharqiyah North region. Population: 64

Al-Jahlah, Wadi Bani Khalid district, Ash-Sharqiyah North region. Population: 58

Shabkut, Wadi Bani Khalid district, Ash-Sharqiyah North region. Population: 56

Um al-Hadhib, Wadi Bani Khalid district, Ash-Sharqiyah North region. Population: 51
























與我們一同敬拜吧!《古道路徑》(,Eleventh Hour Worship。耶穌,願我們與你同行,走在你的道路上!










Sheba, Part 5

Blessing The Poor

This is how you are to bless the [people]. Say to them: “The Lord bless you and keep you; the Lord make His face shine on you and be gracious to you; the Lord turn His face toward you and give you peace. So they will put My name on the [people], and I will bless them” (Numbers 6:23- 27, adapted).

This is an account of the plight of modern-day Sheba (Yemen), told by a Yemeni.

My name is Himyar. My beautiful land of Yemen, my home, and the home of my forefathers, once the prosperous and blessed nation from which the Queen of Sheba traveled to see King Solomon, now has the highest poverty rates in the region. The war and conflict, which began in 2014, has moved my country into extreme hardship and suffering. We, as a people, have a special bond with this land! The land of Sheba is so important to us. Although this is the last thing my sister would think of, she and her family want to leave Yemen because she lost her job and her income; there are no opportunities.

There is not enough food for most people to survive, with a large proportion of the population struggling to access sufficient food, and this greatly affects women, children, and the internally displaced persons. People are scavenging in the rubbish to find food. The current situation is so painful.

Women have mainly been the ones getting water in the rural areas, and clean water has been a challenge. The war has made finding water even harder, as the conflict has damaged infrastructure and disrupted supply systems, leaving many without clean and safe drinking water.

Numerous schools have suffered damage or become inoperable, depriving children of access to education. Additionally, a significant number of teachers have not received their wages, compelling them to seek alternative employment, which affected the quality of the education offered. School curricula have also been changed in the areas under the rule of the Houthis. My relative’s child is missing out on school because his parents do not want to send him to government school as they are afraid that their child will be indoctrinated. At the same time, they cannot send him to a private school because they can barely afford to provide food on the table. I know of some other children who cannot go to school because their schools were bombed. This generation of Yemeni children will have very little education.

The ongoing conflict has led to a decline in economic activities, including the disruption of trade and reduced agricultural production. In the northern parts of Yemen, most of the government civil employees have not received salaries for many years. These factors have contributed to the poverty crisis. When my own father receives a salary (if he does), it is less than half a month’s salary every four to five months.

Himyar asks us to use the following blessings to fuel prayer for Yemen. Please add your own blessings as well.

Lord Jesus, in Your Holy Name, we bless Yemen:

For peace and reconciliation. Yemen, we bless you in the holy name of Jesus with wholeness. We ask the Holy Spirit to flow between these broken pieces, between the neighbors who are fighting this war, and the people who are not living in peace. May the blessing of the Holy Spirit come into these broken pieces and fix them together so that wholeness and new life can grow from this. We bless you with peace from the Prince of Peace that will cast out hatred. We bless you with love that will cast out fear and bless you with the joy that will end the grief and mourning. We bless you with freedom from corruption and freedom from Islamic extremism. We bless you with restoration and bless you with joy and unity among your people. We bless you with the healing of the hearts of your people. We bless you with health. We speak out God’s blessing over this land and over this people so the land may be filled with wholeness, and that peace may restore the country in the Holy name of Jesus.

For school children and school buildings. We bless the children and the schools of Yemen. Bless the physical school buildings that are throughout the country and renew them as places where children will be welcome once again. Bless the school buildings with healing, wholeness, peace, and safety. We bless these buildings to be restored--that the fear that is in the very bricks of the building will be gone and that it will be replaced with peace and love and wholeness. We bless these buildings to once again be filled with children who are going to learn even exponentially more than they would on a normal basis.

For the land of Yemen, the crops, and animals. We bless you with the healing of your land. We mourn the blood spilled on this land and bless the land to be cleansed by the blood of Jesus, the only effective atonement to deal with bloodshed. We curse all the landmines that have been planted. We bless your animals. We pray that they will multiply and be food for the people. We bless your land that it produces fruit. We bless your seeds so that there will be abundant growth of crops and much food for all the people.

For those in poverty and unmet basic needs: Yemen, we bless your poor with the blessings of enough to eat, clean water, a roof over their heads, and health. We bless you with humanitarian agencies to be able to work freely among you to provide this aid to your poor. We bless your government leaders with wisdom and care for their people, and the gift of kind donor nations and aid agencies to rebuild your country's infrastructure, including healthcare facilities, so that they may function effectively and provide the essential care which your people greatly need.

For the women of Yemen: We bless and speak love over the women of Yemen with the dignity that the Lord has given you. We bless you with all that the Lord has and really wants for you. We know He has so much for you, from all the goodness that comes out of His throne of grace. We bless men with the knowledge of how God sees His daughters.

For all the people of Yemen: We bless you with the revelation which leads to the knowledge of the living God and a saving faith in the Lord Jesus Christ from whom all blessings flow. Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights, who does not change like shifting shadows (James 1:17).

Worship with us!The Blessing by Kari Jobe. Jesus, pour out Your blessing upon Sheba! 

Matthew 18:14 Focus—‘Your Father in heaven does not want one of these little ones to be lost.’

Please bring these towns and villages before the Father:

Ghamda, Bukha district, Musandam region. Population: 715

Al-Jadi, Bukha district, Musandam region. Population: 613

Al-Jari, Bukha district, Musandam region. Population: 381

Fadgha, Bukha district, Musandam region. Population: 245

Tibat, Bukha district, Musandam region. Population: 125

Zaghi, Dibba Al-Bayah district, Musandam region. Population: 255





























與我們一同敬拜吧!《福氣》(,Kari Jobe。耶穌,將你的福氣傾注在示巴身上!












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