![]() Omani Khanjars, Part 2 Daggers of Pride and Patriotism The craftsmanship required to produce a khanjar is stunning, and can take weeks to several months to produce one. Traditionally the hilt (handle) was made from ivory or rhino horn, but today it may be made from wood, plastic, or camel bone. The scabbard (cover) is typically made from silver, but could be made from gold, copper, or brass. The designs are intricately engraved as well as hand-sewn with silver thread in delicate filagree. Prices run from 500-5000 OMR, and usually are passed down generation to generation. There are various models of khanjars, based on region and tribe. The most famous (and exclusive) is the Saidi type, belonging to the royal family. It is marked by a cross-like handle, 7 silver rings, and hanging straight. Other khanjars usually have a T-shaped handle, 4 silver rings, hang diagonally, and vary in size, width, and material. Regional variations include Al Nizwani or Dakhali, Al Batini or Saheli, Al Suri or Sharqiyah, Al Janubi or Dhofari, and Al Hanshiah (of the desert tribes). In the Old Testament, 'the sword' usually referred to warfare and violence. In the New Testament, this weapon takes on new meaning, as the powerful Word of God. Let us bless the local Omani believers to grow strong in using their spiritual swords! All wise and powerful Heavenly Father, we come in the Name of Jesus to thank You for the blessing of the Sword of the Spirit, Your Word. (Ephesians 6:17) What an incredible, powerful gift You have given Omani believers, to defend themselves from the attacks of the evil one. Just like Jesus used the Scriptures to refute the devil’s lies and twisted truth in the wilderness, teach them to quote and obey Bible verses as an important tool in resisting his attacks. (Matthew 4:4) It is a wonderful blessing, and we praise You for it, that Your Word brings truth into the lives of Omani believers. May they trust the Bible as a firm foundation on which to build their life. Every word in the Bible is inspired by You, and is trustworthy and profitable for instruction in righteousness. (2 Timothy 3:16) Thank you that Your Word is a protection against false teaching and a guide to how they should live. May they store up Your Word in their mind and heart and hide Your truth in the depths of their soul. May they have a grateful heart for the wisdom in Your Scriptures. Amen. Adapted from a prayer by Elton Streyle Worship with us!: Your Word by Hillsong. Jesus, Your Word endures forever! Matthew 18:14 Focus—‘Your Father in heaven does not want one of these little ones to be lost. Please bring these towns and villages before the Father: Al-Habbasah, Muscat district, Muscat region. Population: 62 Khabb al-Jamal, Muscat district, Muscat region. Population: 61 Al-Jissah, Muscat district, Muscat region. Population: 51 Daghmar, Qurayyat district, Muscat region. Population: 5,633 Hayl al-Ghaf, Qurayyat district, Muscat region. Population: 4,262 Al-Mazari, Qurayyat district, Muscat region. Population: 2,090 | 阿曼的汗扎爾彎刀,第2部分
製作一把汗扎爾彎刀所需的工藝令人驚歎,可能需要數周甚至數月的時間才能製作完成。傳統上,汗扎爾彎刀的柄由象牙或犀牛角製成,但現 在可能由木頭、塑膠或駱駝骨製成。汗扎爾彎刀的鞘通常由銀製成,但也可以由金、銅或黃銅製成。汗扎爾彎刀的圖案經過精雕細刻,並用銀線手工縫製而成,具有精緻的金銀絲細工。汗扎爾彎刀的價格從500到5000阿曼里亞爾不等,通常會代代相傳。
根據地區和部落的不同,汗扎爾彎刀有各種款式。最著名(也是最獨特的)是賽伊迪款式,屬於皇室特有。它的特點是十字形手柄、7個銀環,垂直懸掛。其他汗扎爾彎刀通常有T形手柄、4個銀環,斜掛,尺寸、寬度和材質各不相同。地區差異包括Al Nizwani或Dakhali、Al Batini或Saheli、Al Suri或Sharqiyah、Al Janubi或Dhofari以及Al Hanshiah(沙漠部落)。
改編自愛爾頓·斯特雷爾的禱告(https://frontiers.us6.list-manage.com/track/click?u=ae7688ec28a5fe7621edf0f7c&id=a0b70e60f6&e=5f1ea9575a)。 與我們一同敬拜吧!《你的話語》(https://youtu.be/VU_rGEbLDuk),新頌敬拜團。耶穌,你的話語永遠長存! 馬太福音18:14重點-「你們在天上的父也是這樣,不願意這小子裡失喪一個。」
哈巴薩,馬斯喀特區,馬斯喀特行政區。人口:62 哈布賈瑪律,馬斯喀特區,馬斯喀特行政區。人口:61 基薩,馬斯喀特區,馬斯喀特行政區。人口:51 達格瑪爾,古拉亞特區,馬斯喀特行政區。人口:5,633 海爾加夫,古拉亞特區,馬斯喀特行政區。人口:4,262 馬扎里,古拉亞特區,馬斯喀特行政區。人口:2,090 |
![]() Holy Spirit Move in Ash-Sharqiyah South! Today, let us pray for the release of the Holy Spirit over Ash-Sharqiyah South. At Pentecost, God poured out the promised Holy Spirit, empowering the early church and drawing many to believe. Peter said in Acts 2:17-21, “What you see was predicted long ago by the prophet Joel: ‘In the last days,’ God says, ‘I will pour out my Spirit upon all people. Your sons and daughters will prophesy. Your young men will see visions, and your old men will dream dreams. In those days I will pour out my Spirit even on my servants—men and women alike—and they will prophesy. And I will cause wonders in the heavens above and signs on the earth below—blood and fire and clouds of smoke. The sun will become dark, and the moon will turn blood red before that great and glorious day of the Lord arrives. But everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved.’ We want to see this, so that people in Ash-Sharqiyah South will call on the name of the Lord and be saved!
Worship with us!: Lord Send Revival by Hillsong Young and Free. Holy Spirit, fall on Your people in Ash-Sharqiyah South! Matthew 18:14 Focus—‘Your Father in heaven does not want one of these little ones to be lost.’ Please bring these towns and villages before the Father: Siya, Qurayyat district, Muscat region. Population: 2,031 Fins, Qurayyat district, Muscat region. Population: 1,911 Dibab, Qurayyat district, Muscat region. Population: 1,177 Mihya Qurayyat district, Muscat region. Population: 959 Hayfadh, Qurayyat district, Muscat region. Population: 954 Sawaqim, Qurayyat district, Muscat region. Population: 916 | 聖靈
「這正是藉著先知約珥所說的: 『神說:在末後的日子,我要將我的靈澆灌凡血肉之軀的。你們的兒女要說預言;你們的少年要見異象;你們的老人要做異夢。在那些日子,我要把我的靈澆灌,甚至給我的僕人和婢女,他們要說預言。在天上,我要顯出奇事,在地下,我要顯出神蹟,有血,有火,有煙霧。太陽要變為黑暗,月亮要變為血,這都在主大而光榮的日子未到以前。那時,凡求告主名的都必得救。』」
l 禱告聖靈運行在阿曼的南沙爾基亞行政區,激起人們想認識真理的渴慕之心。(馬太福音5:6) l 禱告南沙爾基亞的許多人得到關於耶穌的異夢和異象。(約珥書2:28) l 禱告降下神蹟奇事在南沙爾基亞,指向耶穌的能力和權柄。(使徒行傳4:30) l 禱告南沙爾基亞的信徒在聖靈的恩賜上得到堅固,並在聖靈的果子中成長。(哥林多前書12:4-11,加拉太書5:22-23) l 與我們一同敬拜吧!《主賜予復興》(https://youtu.be/g9qjYI6JEWY),新頌敬拜團青年與自由。聖靈,降臨在南沙爾基亞的人民身上! 馬太福音18:14重點-「你們在天上的父也是這樣,不願意這小子裡失喪一個。」
西亞,古拉亞特區,馬斯喀特行政區。人口:2,031 芬斯,古拉亞特區,馬斯喀特行政區。人口:1,911 迪巴布,古拉亞特區,馬斯喀特行政區。人口:1,177 米希亞,古拉亞特區,馬斯喀特行政區。人口:959 海法德,古拉亞特區,馬斯喀特行政區。人口:954 薩瓦基姆,古拉亞特區,馬斯喀特行政區。人口:916 |
![]() Jalan Bani Bu Ali Traditionally Unique Jalan Bani Bu Ali (Arabic: جعلان بني بو علي, pop. 66,284) is a town and seat of Jalan Bani Bu Ali District (pop. 107,637) in Ash-Sharqiyah South Region. This area is known for its beaches with cool breezes and beautiful deserts. It is a conservative and traditional area, known to be friendly and curious towards visitors. Architecturally, the area is known for its ancient carved wooden doors, its unrestored fort, and a very unique mosque with 52 domes and a falaj canal running inside it. The Bani Bu Ali are a tribe in the area that in the past engaged in piracy up and down the coasts, and are known in the history books for their rebellion against the Sultan and the British in 1820-21. They were ultimately defeated by stronger British troops in what is known as the Bani Bu Ali expedition. “Submit yourselves therefore to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you. Draw near to God, and He will draw near to you. ” (James 4:7-8) We bless the people to surrender and submit themselves to God, and to draw near to Him! Pray for the Town and District of Jalan Bani Bu Ali:
Worship with us!: I Surrender by Hillsong. May many Omanis surrender to You, Jesus! Matthew 18:14 Focus—‘Your Father in heaven does not want one of these little ones to be lost.’ Please bring these towns and villages before the Father: Al-Misfah, Qurayyat district, Muscat region. Population: 853 Bamah, Qurayyat district, Muscat region. Population: 797 Al-Lismu, Qurayyat district, Muscat region. Population: 549 Arqi Qurayyat district, Muscat region. Population: 495 Al-Habubiyah, Qurayyat district, Muscat region. Population: 439 At-Turayf, Qurayyat district, Muscat region. Population: 415 | 惹蘭巴尼布阿里
惹蘭巴尼布阿里(https://goo.gl/maps/WhsYSdgi7UTUAvCV6)(阿拉伯語:جعلان بني بو علي,人口66,284)是南沙爾基亞行政區的惹蘭巴尼布阿里區(人口107,637)的一個城鎮和中心地帶。該地區以其微風涼爽的海灘和美麗的沙漠而聞名。這是一個保守而傳統的地區,以對遊客的友好和好奇而聞名。在建築方面,該地區以其古老的雕花木門、未經修復的堡壘和一座非常獨特的清真寺而聞名,該清真寺有52個圓頂和一條流經其內的法拉吉運河。
l 神的榮耀。神將在惹蘭巴尼布阿里得榮耀,尊崇和敬拜。(哈巴谷書2:14;詩篇138:4-5) l 神國的擴展。惹蘭巴尼布阿里的許多人將會認識耶穌,信徒群體將會扎根,激起植堂運動。(路加福音1:32-33;哥林多後書10:15-16) l 心靈與頭腦。在惹蘭巴尼布阿里人民的頭腦中,屬靈的盲目和束縛將被破除,他們的心靈將萌發對耶穌和真理的渴慕。(哥林多後書4:4,路加福音24:45) l 權柄。用耶穌給你的權柄禱告,這權柄勝過惹蘭巴尼布阿里的公國統治權、權勢和屬靈的營壘。求神奉耶穌的名在地上賜下先知的話語,賜下異象、異夢、神蹟和奇事。(馬太福音18:18,哥林多後書10:4) l 復興。願任何生活在惹蘭巴尼布阿里的信徒都能被聖靈喚醒,對失喪之人的愛和熱心在他們裡面被激發,並起來滿足他們鄰舍的需要。(路加福音10:2,以西結書37:10) l 供應。願神將祂的供應和福氣帶給惹蘭巴尼布阿里所有有需要的人。祂要顯示祂永遠的慈愛,顯明祂國度的賜福,使祂的百姓興旺。(腓立比書4:19,耶利米書29:7) 與我們一同敬拜吧!《我願降服》(https://youtu.be/6HbpTi8dlB8),新頌敬拜團。耶穌,願許多阿曼人降服於你! 馬太福音18:14重點-「你們在天上的父也是這樣,不願意這小子裡失喪一個。」
米斯法赫,古拉亞特區,馬斯喀特行政區。人口:853 巴馬,古拉亞特區,馬斯喀特行政區。人口:797 利斯穆,古拉亞特區,馬斯喀特行政區。人口:549 阿爾奇,古拉亞特區,馬斯喀特行政區。人口:495 哈布比亞,古拉亞特區,馬斯喀特行政區。人口:439 圖萊夫,古拉亞特區,馬斯喀特行政區。人口:415 |
![]() Jalan Bani Bu Hassan Horses and Tahrs Jalan Bani Bu Hassan (Arabic: جعلان بني بو حسن, pop. 34,466) is a town and seat of Jalan Bani Bu Hassan District (pop. 44,503) in Ash-Sharqiyah South Region. The town lies on a verdant plain, between the Hajar Mountains and the Wahiba Sands desert. This area is known for its handicrafts such as pottery, gold and silver jewelry, swords and khanjars. It is also known for its camel and Arabian horse breeding, and horse riding demonstrations for weddings and other celebrations. Nearby is Qahwan Mountain, with a nature reserve for the endangered Arabian tahr, a kind of mountain goat. “He gives me the surefootedness of a mountain goat upon the crags. He leads me safely along the top of the cliffs.” (Psalm 18:33 TLB) We bless the people of Jalan Bani Bu Hassan to be surefooted and strong in Jesus! Pray for the Town and District of Jalan Bani Bu Hassan:
Worship with us!: Psalm 18 by Waterdeep. May many Omanis be delivered and rescued by You, Jesus! Matthew 18:14 Focus—‘Your Father in heaven does not want one of these little ones to be lost.’ Please bring these towns and villages before the Father: Fayq, Qurayyat district, Muscat region. Population: 271 Sawqah, Qurayyat district, Muscat region. Population: 252 As-Silil, Qurayyat district, Muscat region. Population: 229 Wadi ar-Rihab, Qurayyat district, Muscat region. Population: 229 Al-Fulayj, Qurayyat district, Muscat region. Population: 192 Umq ar-Rabakh, Qurayyat district, Muscat region. Population: 186 | 惹蘭巴尼布哈桑
惹蘭巴尼布哈桑(https://goo.gl/maps/DYUAsCHBdnX3ekvq6)(阿拉伯語:جعلان بني بو حسن,人口34,466)是南沙爾基亞行政區的惹蘭巴尼布哈桑區(人口44,503)的一個城鎮和中心地帶。該鎮位於哈吉爾山脈和瓦希巴沙漠之間的一片青翠平原上。該地區以陶器、金銀首飾、劍和汗扎爾彎刀等手工藝品而聞名。它還以駱駝和阿拉伯馬養殖以及婚 禮和其他慶祝活動的騎馬表演而聞名。附近是卡萬山,這裡有一個為瀕臨滅絕的阿拉伯塔爾羊設立的自然保護區,這是一種野山羊。
l 神的榮耀。神將在惹蘭巴尼布哈桑得榮耀,尊崇和敬拜。(哈巴谷書2:14;詩篇138:4-5) l 神國的擴展。惹蘭巴尼布哈桑的許多人將會認識耶穌,信徒群體將會扎根,激起植堂運動。(路加福音1:32-33;哥林多後書10:15-16) l 心靈與頭腦。在惹蘭巴尼布哈桑人民的頭腦中,屬靈的盲目和束縛將被破除,他們的心靈將萌發對耶穌和真理的渴慕。(哥林多後書4:4,路加福音24:45) l 權柄。用耶穌給你的權柄禱告,這權柄勝過惹蘭巴尼布哈桑的公國統治權、權勢和屬靈的營壘。求神奉耶穌的名在地上賜下先知的話語,賜下異象、異夢、神蹟和奇事。(馬太福音18:18 ,哥林多後書10:4) l 復興。願任何生活在惹蘭巴尼布哈桑的信徒都能被聖靈喚醒,對失喪之人的愛和熱心在他們裡面被激發,並起來滿足他們鄰舍的需要。(路加福音10:2,以西結書37:10) l 供應。願神將祂的供應和福氣帶給惹蘭巴尼布哈桑所有有需要的人。祂要顯示祂永遠的慈愛,顯明祂國度的賜福,使祂的百姓興旺。(腓立比書4:19,耶利米書29:7) 與我們一同敬拜吧!《詩篇18》(https://youtu.be/txXR4rY7QYE),深水敬拜團。 |