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一月份祈禱的要點 I


January prayer points


Prepare the Way

A Vision for Prayer Inspired by Isaiah 40:3-5

A messenger is calling out:

“In the desert prepare the way for the Lord. Make a straight road through it for our God. Every valley will be filled in. Every mountain and hill will be made level. The rough ground will be smoothed out. The rocky places will be made flat. Then the glory of the Lord will appear. And everyone will see it together. The Lord has spoken.”

Happy New Year! We are excited to commit the next year to Prepare the Way of King Jesus to come in Oman. We believe that God’s glory will be manifest in this land, and EVERYONE will see it! And so we do our part to ‘roll out the red carpet’ and prepare the way for the King to come. We do this by extravagant prayer, worship, and fasting on behalf of this beloved nation. Thank you for joining us!

Every month we will focus on a region of Oman (there are 11) and highlight key cities in the 63 districts. We will also pray through every town and village of this nation by name, in the Matthew 18:14 Focus section. Other prayer focuses will be various aspects of Omani society, culture, and people groups.

  • Pray for Oman to be changed because of our prayers.

  • Pray for a smooth road of access to the Gospel in this nation.

  • Pray for the stumbling blocks of lies and enemy strongholds to be removed.

  • Pray for the raising up of righteousness and justice in all spheres of society.

  • Pray for the Glory of the Lord to be manifest here, and for everyone to see it together!

Worship with Us! Prepare the Way by Bethel Music. Let us prepare the way for the King in Oman!

Matthew 18:14 Focus—‘Your Father in heaven does not want one of these little ones to be lost.’

Please bring these towns and villages before the Father:

As-Samti, Adam district, Ad-Dakhliyah region. Population: 1,007

Sana, Adam district, Ad-Dakhliyah region. Population: 911

Al-Hajir, Adam district, Ad-Dakhliyah region. Population: 832

Ras Al-Jabal, Adam district, Ad-Dakhliyah region. Population: 742

Wadi Halfayn, Adam district, Ad-Dakhliyah region. Population: 499

Ar-Raki, Adam district, Ad-Dakhliyah region. Population: 485











  • 禱告阿曼因我們的禱告而改變。

  • 禱告在這個國家出現一條讓人們接觸福音的平坦道路。

  • 禱告謊言的絆腳石和敵人的營壘被挪開。

  • 禱告在社會所有領域階層都興起公義和公平。

  • 禱告主的榮耀在這裡彰顯,讓每個人一同看到主的榮耀!













Overview of Oman

A Unique Corner of the Arab World

Capital: Muscat

Population: 4.6 million (2.5 million Omanis, 2.1 million expatriates)

Indigenous Languages/Ethnic Groups: Omani Arabic; Baluch; Zadjali, Baharinah, Farsi, Lawati, Zanzibari/Swahili, Kumzari, Shehi, Harsusi, Jebali, Mahri, Bathari, Hobyot

Religion: Ibadhi Islam (majority), Sunni Islam, Shi’a Islam. Expatriates are permitted to practice their own faith, but forbidden to proselytize.

Government: Sultanate/Absolute Monarchy. Ruled by the Al Bu Saidi family since 1744. Elected assembly which advises the Sultan, but does not legislate.

Oman is the easternmost part of the Arab world, at the mouth of the Persian Gulf and at the crossroads of South Asia, Persia, the Middle East, and East Africa.

Isolated from the rest of Arabia by the Empty Quarter desert and the Hajar Mountains, most of Oman has traditionally looked outward towards the sea. Omanis have been sailors and traders for thousands of years, and as such tend to have a cosmopolitan, tolerant mindset while at the same time retaining their conservative religion. Omani culture and society is not homogenous; rather it is a beautiful patchwork of Asian, Persian, African, and Arabian influences.

Watch this short Prayer Video on Oman.

  • Pray to the Lord of the Harvest to send more laborers to this nation. Pray for Kingdom workers to be given access to live there and to boldly share Light and Truth.

  • Pray for open doors for the Gospel into this beautifully unique nation. Pray for open hearts and minds of local Omanis, as well as for the resident expatriates from all over the world. Pray for multiplying movements of disciples and churches!

Worship with Us! Prepare the Way by Maverick City Music. Let us welcome the King into Oman!

Matthew 18:14 Focus—‘Your Father in heaven does not want one of these little ones to be lost.’

Please bring these towns and villages before the Father:

Ar-Rahab, Adam district, Ad-Dakhliyah region. Population: 395

Al-Hadithah, Adam district, Ad-Dakhliyah region. Population: 371

Al-Ghabitah, Adam district, Ad-Dakhliyah region. Population: 370

Al-Qari, Adam district, Ad-Dakhliyah region. Population: 350

Az-Zahyah, Adam district, Ad-Dakhliyah region. Population: 274

















  • 向收穫之主禱告,派遣更多的工人到這個國家。禱告天國的工人能有機會在那裡生活,並勇敢地分享光和真理。

  • 禱告大門為福音敞開,讓福音進入這個有獨特之美的國家。禱告阿曼人敞開心胸,也為來自世界各地的外籍人士禱告。為門徒和教會的倍增運動禱告!_____________________________________












Sultanate of Oman

Authority, Power, and Strength

'Sultan' (Arabic سلطان) is a royal title with various historical meanings. It is an Arabic title meaning "strength", "authority", "rulership" and "dictatorship", derived from the Arabic root سلطة (sulṭah), meaning "authority" or "power". Later, it came to be used as the title of certain rulers over Muslim lands who claimed almost full sovereignty in practical terms, without claiming the overall caliphate. It is similar to a king, but usually also carries religious significance. Currently only Oman and Brunei are national Sultanates, while there are smaller sultanates within the nations of Malaysia and Indonesia.

The Sultan is more than just a figurehead, he is the absolute monarch. Any and all legislation comes as a royal decree. Under Sultan Qaboos (ruled 1970-2020), the Sultan was also the Prime Minister, Minister of Defense, Minister of Finance, Minister of Foreign Affairs, commander of the military, and chairman of the Central Bank. Sultan Haitham (ruling 2020-present) has since divested some of that power to others, and is no longer the Minister of Finance nor Minister of Foreign Affairs. Nevertheless, his power is still thorough and wide-ranging.

Pray much for others; plead for God’s mercy upon them; give thanks for all He is going to do for them.

Pray in this way for [the Sultan] and all others who are in authority over us, or are in places of high responsibility...

I Timothy 2:1-2, TLB 

Pray that God would:

  • Open the heart of the Sultan to hear and respond to the Gospel message. — Acts 16:14

  • Help the Sultan know that his office was granted to him by God. — Daniel 2:19-22

  • Help the Sultan to accept wise counsel. — Proverbs 11:14; 15:22

  • Teach the Sultan to trust in You. — Psalm 21:7

  • Protect the Sultan from the influence of the evil one. — 2 Thessalonians 3:3

Worship with Us! Overcome by Jeremy Camp. All authority belongs to Jesus!

Matthew 18:14 Focus—‘Your Father in heaven does not want one of these little ones to be lost.’ 

Please bring these towns and villages before the Father:

Silil as-Samn, Adam district, Ad-Dakhliyah region. Population: 248

Qitaynah, Adam district, Ad-Dakhliyah region. Population: 246

Al-Ghaydharanah, Adam district, Ad-Dakhliyah region. Population: 236

Al-Manayif al-Janubiyah, Adam district, Ad-Dakhliyah region. Population: 224

Al-Ushaysh, Adam district, Ad-Dakhliyah region. Population: 220

Al-Qari, Adam district, Ad-Dakhliyah region. Population: 192















  • 打開蘇丹的心,使他能聽見福音的信息並作出回應。-使徒行傳16:14

  • 幫助蘇丹認識到他的職分是神賜給他的。-但以理書2:19-22

  • 幫助蘇丹接受明智的忠告。-箴言11:14;15:22

  • 教導蘇丹學信靠你。-詩篇21:7

  • 保護蘇丹不受惡者的影響。-帖撒羅尼迦後書3:3













Ad-Dakhiliyah Region

Inside Oman's Interior

Ad-Dakhiliyah (الداخلية), or 'the interior', lays in the inside of the Hajar mountains, geographically isolated from the coastal regions. For centuries it was ruled by Ibadhi imams as a distinct government from the Sultan in Muscat, and only became part of the Sultanate in 1959. It is the heart of conservative religion and culture, and home to majestic mountains, green date palm oases, and historic forts. 

Nizwa is the region's ancient capital and cradle of conservatism, and Bahla is another significant city known for its occult power and practices. Bahla's fort is a UNESCO World Heritage site, and Nizwa's fort is the most-visited tourist site in the nation. The Daris Falaj (irrigation canal) system is the water of life in the region, and likewise a UNESCO World Heritage site.

This region has 9 districts; we will pray for them throughout the month.

Ad-Dakhiliyah is the cultural and spiritual heart of the nation. As it goes here, it goes with the of the nation. Pray for breakthrough in this strategic region!

  • There has been much Gospel witness in this area over the years, but there currently is very little Christian presence now. Please pray for more Harvest Laborers to come into this region once again.

  • There is a sense “hiddenness" in this region—villages tucked high away in mountains, walled fortresses, geographic isolation, occult darkness. Pray for His light and His love to pierce the darkness and pursue the lost.

Worship with us!: Reckless Love by Cory Asbury. May the Dakhiliyah region know the reckless love of the Father!

Matthew 18:14 Focus—‘Your Father in heaven does not want one of these little ones to be lost.’ 

Please bring these towns and villages before the Father!

Abu Tuwaynah, Adam district, Ad-Dakhliyah region. Population: 181

Bu Thaylah, Adam district, Ad-Dakhliyah region. Population: 161

Al-Haqf, Adam district, Ad-Dakhliyah region. Population: 151

Al-Manayif ash-Shamaliyah, Adam district, Ad-Dakhliyah region. Population: 149

Al-Qaah, Adam district, Ad-Dakhliyah region. Population: 126













  • 多年來,這個地區一直有很多福音見證,但是目前基督徒的存在影響力非常少。請為更多的收莊稼工人禱告,讓他們再次進入這個地區。

  • 這個地區有一種「隱蔽」的感覺-村莊隱藏在高山上,有圍牆的堡壘,地理上的隔絕,神秘的黑暗。禱告祂的光和祂的愛穿透黑暗,尋得失喪的人。













Heart of Traditional Omani Culture

Nizwa (نِزْوَى) is the largest city (population 64,599) in and capital of Ad-Dakhiliyah Region, and also the seat of Nizwa district (population 131,763). It was also once the capital of the Omani Imamate (religious government), before joining the rest of Sultanate of Muscat and becoming the modern Sultanate of Oman. It is one of the oldest cities in the nation and has been a center of trade, religion, education, and art for centuries. It was formerly a center for Islamic learning, and is the traditional heart of conservative Ibadhi Islam. Some historians suggest the name was derived from an Arabic verb (انزوا) which means being alone; others say that the city was named after an old water spring.

Nizwa acquired its importance because of its central location at the base of the Western Hajar Mountains. Set amid a lush oasis of date palms, it is strategically located at the crossroads of routes linking the interior with Muscat and the central and southern regions. Nizwa is a center for date growing and is the central commercial hub for the area, hosting a lively marketplace on Fridays. Although isolated from outsiders for centuries, it is now one of the largest tourist attractions, with its impressive fort complex and beautiful landscapes. It also has the UNESCO world heritage site, the Daris Falaj (irrigation canal) system.

Watch this short Prayer Video on Nizwa.

We will pray for the cities and districts of Oman using the G.E.H.A.R.P. model. Let's pray that:

  • Glory of God. That God would be glorified and exalted and worshipped in Nizwa. (Habakkuk 2:14, Psalm 138:4-5)

  • Expansion of the Kingdom. That many people in Nizwa will come to know Jesus, and that communities of believers will be planted, that movements will be ignited. (Luke 1:32-33, 2 Cor 10:15-16)

  • Hearts and Minds. That spiritual blindness and bondages will be lifted from the minds of the people in Nizwa, and that hearts will be stirred with hunger for Jesus and truth. (2 Cor 4:4, Luke 24:45)

  • Authority. Pray with the authority that Jesus gives you over principalities, powers and spiritual strongholds in Nizwa. Pray that God would release prophetic words over the land, releasing visions, dreams, signs and wonders in Jesus’ name. (Matthew 18:18, 2 Cor 10:4)

  • Revival. That any believers living Nizwa would be awakened by the Holy Spirit, have love and passion stirred in them for the lost, and rise to meet the need in their neighborhood. (Luke 10:2, Ezekiel 37:10)

  • Provision. That God would bring His provision and blessing to all those in need in Nizwa. That He would show His eternal kindness, demonstrate the blessing of His Kingdom, and cause His people to prosper. (Philippians 4:19, Jeremiah 29:7)

Worship with us!: A Mighty Fortress by Matt Boswell. May the people of Nizwa know God as their true Fortress!

Matthew 18:14 Focus—‘Your Father in heaven does not want one of these little ones to be lost.’ 

Please bring these towns and villages before the Father:

Al-Huwayjir, Adam district, Ad-Dakhliyah region. Population: 120

Ruban, Adam district, Ad-Dakhliyah region. Population: 118

Adh-Dhifayri, Adam district, Ad-Dakhliyah region. Population: 116

Al-Kharr, Adam district, Ad-Dakhliyah region. Population: 114

Tawi al-Ud, Adam district, Ad-Dakhliyah region. Population: 105

Al-Bashair, Adam district, Ad-Dakhliyah region. Population: 100













  • 神的榮耀。神將在尼茲瓦得榮耀,尊崇和敬拜。(哈巴谷書2:14;詩篇138:4-5)

  • 神國的擴展。尼茲瓦的許多人將會認識耶穌,信徒群體將會扎根,激起植堂運動。(路加福音1:32-33;哥林多後書10:15-16)

  • 心靈與頭腦。尼茲瓦人民的頭腦中,屬靈的盲目和束縛將被破除,他們的心靈將萌發對耶穌和真理的渴慕。(哥林多後書4:4,路加福音24:45)

  • 權柄。用耶穌給你的權柄禱告,這權柄勝過尼茲瓦的公國統治權、權勢和屬靈的營壘。求神奉耶穌的名在地上賜下先知的話語,賜下異象、異夢、神蹟和奇事。(馬太福音18:18,哥林多後書10:4)

  • 復興。願任何生活在尼茲瓦的信徒都能被聖靈喚醒,對失喪之人的愛和熱心在他們裡面被激發,並起來滿足他們鄰舍的需要。(路加福音10:2,以西結書37:10)

  • 供應。願神將祂的供應和福氣帶給尼茲瓦所有有需要的人。祂要顯示祂永遠的慈愛,顯明祂國度的賜福,使祂的百姓興旺。(腓立比書4:19,耶利米書29:7)













Oman's Names: Majan

A look back at the historical names of this region

The land currently known as the Sultanate of Oman has had several names over the centuries, many of which are still in common use around the country. Let's explore these names and their spiritual significance.

Majan/Magan/Makkan. Probably the first recorded name of this land is Majan, of Sumerian origin, around 2300 BC, and was mentioned in ancient texts until around 500 BC. Majan probably means 'Land of Copper', as this region was an early producer and smelter of copper ore. The time of Majan roughly corresponds with the Bronze and Iron Age communities of the region, such as the Hafit and Umm An-Naar cultures.

The Sumerians lived in Mesopotamia (present-day Iraq), including Abraham's home of Ur, and traded extensively up and down the Arabian Gulf waters. The people of Majan provided them with copper and valuable black stone like gabbro and diorite which was used for carving statues. In return, the people of Majan received bitumen, which they used for tarring and water-proofing their advanced sailing ships.

Majan came under the rule of the Medo-Persian empire, probably during the rule of Cyrus the Great around 550 BC.

Declaration for Majan

God’s Message came to me: “As men gather silver, copper, iron, lead, and tin into a furnace and blow fire on it to melt it down, so in my wrath I’ll gather you and melt you down. I’ll blow on you with the fire of my wrath to melt you down in the furnace. As silver is melted down, you’ll be melted down. That should get through to you. Then you’ll recognize that I, God, have let my wrath loose on you.’” Ezekiel 22:20-22 (MSG)

"So Moses made a snake of fiery copper and put it on top of a flagpole. Anyone bitten by a snake who then looked at the copper snake lived." Numbers 21:9 (MSG)

"In the same way that Moses lifted the serpent in the desert so people could have something to see and then believe, it is necessary for the Son of Man to be lifted up—and everyone who looks up to him, trusting and expectant, will gain a real life, eternal life." John 3:14-15 (MSG)

  • We bless this land once known as Majan to be refined and purified, just as copper ore is smelted.

  • We bless their impurities and unrighteousness to be burned away, and to repent and be saved.

  • We bless them to turn from their unrighteousness and to look upon the Healer, the lifted-up Son of Man, and to find eternal life!

Worship with us!: Refiner’s Fire by Vineyard Worship. May this land of ancient Majan be purified by the Refiner!

Matthew 18:14 Focus—‘Your Father in heaven does not want one of these little ones to be lost.’ 

Please bring these towns and villages before the Father:

Burhan, Adam district, Ad-Dakhliyah region. Population: 91

Tarban, Adam district, Ad-Dakhliyah region. Population: 52

As-Sadah, Adam district, Ad-Dakhliyah region. Population: 50

Al-Qaryah, Al-Hamra district, Ad-Dakhliyah region. Population: 2274

Qalat al-Masalhah, Al-Hamra district, Ad-Dakhliyah region. Population: 2029





















  • 我們祝福這片曾經被稱為Majan的土地被精煉和淨化,就像銅礦石被冶煉一樣。

  • 我們祝福他們的不潔和不義被燒掉,他們將悔改並得救。

  • 我們祝福他們轉離不義,仰望那醫治者,那被舉起來的人子,並且得著永生!












Oman's Names: Omana

A look back at Oman's ancient names

The land currently known as the Sultanate of Oman has had several names over the centuries, many of which are still in common use around us. Let's explore these names and their spiritual significance.

Omana/Omanan. The current name of Oman is most likely related to the term that the Greeks and Romans used to refer to this land. Pliny the Elder, a Roman scholar in the 1st century AD referenced 'Omana' in his geographical writings. Ptolemy, a 2nd century AD scholar, referred to 'Omanan' in his writings and maps (pictured above). It is thought that both names refer to Sohar, which was the prominent city at that time.

The meaning of 'Oman' is debated. Some say it refers to a place in Yemen which the early Arab tribes migrated from. Others say it refers to a person/founder, such as Oman bin Ibrahim Al-Khalil or Oman bin Qahtan. The Arabic word is thought to refer to 'settled' people, as opposed to the Bedouin. Literally, the root ع م ن (ʿ-m-n) means, "to settle or remain", "to dwell", "a place where one enters and chooses to stay", "to be abiding or a lasting settlement", "a plain or easy country".

Arabia Felix. The Romans referred in general to the larger area of the southern Arabian Peninsula (Yemen, Southern Oman) as 'Arabia Felix'. Beyond "happy", Felix means blessed, fortunate, or fertile and referred to the abundance of rain and greenery found there.

Declaration for Omana/Arabia Felix

"May Christ through your faith [actually] dwell (settle down, abide, make His permanent home) in your hearts! May you be rooted deep in love and founded securely on love." Ephesians 3:17 (AMPC)

The [uncompromisingly] righteous shall flourish like the palm tree [be long-lived, stately, upright, useful, and fruitful]; they shall grow like a cedar in Lebanon [majestic, stable, durable, and incorruptible]. Planted in the house of the Lord, they shall flourish in the courts of our God. [Growing in grace] they shall still bring forth fruit in old age; they shall be full of sap [of spiritual vitality] and [rich in the] verdure [of trust, love, and contentment]. Psalm 92:12-14 (AMPC)

  • We bless this land once known as Omana to be rooted deeply and dwelling securely in Christ, full of love and faith! 

  • We bless this land once known as Arabia Felix to flourish in the presence of God, being fruitful and full of life and joy!

Worship with us!: Rooted by Kerrie Roberts. May the people of this land once known as Omana be rooted deeply in the love of God!

Matthew 18:14 Focus—‘Your Father in heaven does not want one of these little ones to be lost.’ 

Please bring these towns and villages before the Father:

Al-Mirkad, Al Hamra district, Ad-Dakhliyah region. Population: 1263

Misfat al-Abriyin, Al Hamra district, Ad-Dakhliyah region. Population: 962

Dhat Khayl, Al Hamra district, Ad-Dakhliyah region. Population: 853

Al-Ayshi, Al Hamra district, Ad-Dakhliyah region. Population: 806

Al-Hirayjah, Al Hamra district, Ad-Dakhliyah region. Population: 568

Al-Jirayfat, Al Hamra district, Ad-Dakhliyah region. Population: 509









「阿曼」的含義是有爭議的。有人說它指的是也門的一個地方,早期阿拉伯部落從那裡遷移過來。其他人說它指的是一個人/創始人,比如阿曼·本·易卜拉欣·哈利勒或阿曼·本·卡坦。這個阿拉伯詞被認為是指「定居」的人,與貝都因人相反。從字面上看(,詞根「ع م ن 」(-m-n) 的意思是「定居或停留」,「居住」,「一個人進入並選擇停留的地方」,「逗留或持久定居」,「一個平坦或安逸的國家」。




給Omana/Arabia Felix的宣告






  • 我們祝福這片曾經被稱為Omana的土地深深地扎根在基督裡,充滿愛心和信心地安穩住在基督裡!

  • 我們祝福這片曾經被稱為Arabia Felix的土地在神的面前興旺發展,結出累累碩果,漫遊生命和喜樂!













Oman's Names: Mazuna

A look back at Oman's ancient names

The land currently known as the Sultanate of Oman has had several names over the centuries, many of which are still in common use around us. Let's explore these names and their spiritual significance.

Mazun/Mazoon. The Sassanid (neo-Persian) empire ruled over much of the Middle East and Asia from approximately 200 AD until the Islamic conquest around 650 AD. They called this province 'Mazun' which means a land of abundant water. The Arabic word connotes clouds, rainfall, and flowing water, and refers to the greater water resources that existed in past centuries, and subsequent agriculture and greenery.

The early church diocese in Sohar was known as Bet Mazunaye, reflecting the name of the region in the 3rd-5th centuries.

As the 11th-century Omani historian Al 'Awtabi described it: "Mazun, oh friends, is a beautiful country, a country rich in fields and palm trees, of pastures and inexhaustible sources."

Declaration for Mazun:

“Rain down, O heavens, from above, Let the clouds pour down righteousness [all the blessings of God]; Let the earth open up, let salvation bear fruit, And righteousness spring up with it; I, the Lord, have created it." Isaiah 45:8 (AMP)

  • We bless this land once known as Mazun to receive the rain of God's blessings-in both natural and supernatural realms.

  • We bless this land to bear the fruit of salvation, and reap the abundant harvest!

Worship with us!: Rain Down Your Glory by Planet Shakers. May God’s glory rain down on this land once known as Mazun!

Matthew 18:14 Focus—‘Your Father in heaven does not want one of these little ones to be lost.’

Please bring these towns and villages before the Father:

Adh-Dhuwayhir, Al Hamra district, Ad-Dakhliyah region. Population: 380

Uqdat al-Ghaf, Al Hamra district, Ad-Dakhliyah region. Population: 339

Al-Arid, Al Hamra district, Ad-Dakhliyah region. Population: 335

Al-Minthar, Al Hamra district, Ad-Dakhliyah region. Population: 289

Hayl ash-Shas, Al Hamra district, Ad-Dakhliyah region. Population: 263

















  • 我們祝福這片曾經被稱為Mazun的土地,讓它在自然和超自然領域接受神的賜福之雨。

  • 我們祝福這片土地結出救恩的果實,收穫豐盛的成果!












Identity and Purpose

What's in a Name?

Everything! Biblically, a name confers identity, and relationship. It describes one's purpose and sets destiny. There is power and authority in naming someone or something, just as God named Adam, and gave him authority to name the animals. God changes names as part of salvation history-Abraham and Sarah, Jacob, Peter, Paul to name a few.

So it is no accident that Oman has received her various names over the centuries. We bless this nation to walk in the power, authority, and purpose of its names!

Declare This:

But now, O [Majan], listen to the Lord who created you. O [Mazun], the one who formed you says:

“Do not be afraid, for I have ransomed you. I have called you by name; you are Mine. When you go through deep waters, I will be with you. When you go through rivers of difficulty, you will not drown. When you walk through the fire of oppression, you will not be burned up; the flames will not consume you. (Isaiah 43:1-2)

We bless Oman to walk in the confidence of her names:

  • Majan: as a nation that is refined and purified

  • Omana: as a nation that settled and secure

  • Mazoon: as a nation that is abundant and flourishing

Worship with us!: He Knows My Name by Tasha Cobbs Leonard. May Omanis know that God knows their name, and cares for them intimately!

Matthew 18:14 Focus—‘Your Father in heaven does not want one of these little ones to be lost.’

Please bring these towns and villages before the Father:

As-Sudi, Al Hamra district, Ad-Dakhliyah region. Population: 224

Hirimt, Al Hamra district, Ad-Dakhliyah region. Population: 216

Misfat al-Khawatir, Al Hamra district, Ad-Dakhliyah region. Population: 216

Al-Hutah, Al Hamra district, Ad-Dakhliyah region. Population: 183

Lifraydah, Al Hamra district, Ad-Dakhliyah region. Population: 173

Riwaygh al-Ali, Al Hamra district, Ad-Dakhliyah region. Population: 162















  • Majan:代表一個被精煉和淨化的國家

  • Omana:代表一個安定和穩固的國家

  • Mazoon:代表一個富饒和繁榮的國家














50 years of Sultan Qaboos and Modern Oman

Today marks the passing of Sultan Qaboos, the founder and father of modern Oman. He ruled for nearly 50 years, from July 23, 1970- January 10, 2020.

Sultan Qaboos bin Said came to power in a bloodless coup, overthrowing his father in 1970. Although reigning as an absolute monarch, he benevolently and wisely developed the nation into a modern state. He was briefly married but had no known heirs. He had suffered medical problems for several years, and there was much speculation about who would succeed him. Thankfully, the transition was smooth and Haitham bin Tariq, his cousin, was chosen to be the next Sultan.

Watch this short prayer video about Sultan Qaboos and Oman’s government here.

At the time, many had sensed that 2020 was to be a Year of Jubilee for Oman, with 50 years of the Sultan’s reign. In the natural realm, the Sultan’s passing, 40 days of mourning, followed shortly by Covid shutdowns all seemed nothing like Jubilee. However, we believe that significant things still happened spiritually in the nation, and the promises of Isaiah 61 will still be fulfilled! 

Declare this over Oman:

The Spirit of the Lord, the Eternal, is on Me. The Lord has appointed Me for a special purpose. He has anointed Me to bring good news to the poor. He has sent Me to repair broken hearts, and to declare to those who are held captive and bound in prison, “Be free from your imprisonment!” He has sent Me to announce the year of jubilee, the season of the Eternal’s favor: for our enemies it will be a day of God’s wrath; for those who mourn it will be a time of comfort.

(Isaiah 61:1-2, The Voice)

  • Jesus says He is the fulfillment of this passage (cf. Luke 4:17-21), and we declare that Jesus is Oman's Jubilee!

Worship with us!: Did You Hear the Mountains Tremble? by Hillsong United. The time of Jubilee has come to Oman!

Matthew 18:14 Focus—‘Your Father in heaven does not want one of these little ones to be lost.’

Please bring these towns and villages before the Father:

Riwaygh as-Safil, Al Hamra district, Ad-Dakhliyah region. Population: 158

Tawi al-Jahlah, Al Hamra district, Ad-Dakhliyah region. Population: 158

Dar al-Qill, Al Hamra district, Ad-Dakhliyah region. Population: 143

Dar al-Bayda, Al Hamra district, Ad-Dakhliyah region. Population: 99

Dar al-Baydan, Al Hamra district, Ad-Dakhliyah region. Population: 95

















  • 耶穌說他應驗了這段經文(參見路加福音4:17-21),我們宣告耶穌就是阿曼的禧年!












Accession Day

Blessing Sultan Haitham

Today marks the accession of the current Sultan, Haitham bin Tariq. He came to power in 2020, upon the death of his predecessor, Sultan Qaboos bin Said. Both Sultan Qaboos and Sultan Haitham are family members of the Al Busaidi dynasty, which has ruled Oman (or portions of it) since 1749.

Sultan Qaboos (ruling from 1970-2020) catapulted Oman into the modern age with its oil wealth and fathered the nation like his own child. Loyalty and affection towards Qaboos was—and still is—high. Haitham, Sultan Qaboos's cousin, was his chosen successor, as Qaboos had no heir. Sultan Haitham has pledged to continue forward in the spirit of Qaboos, while at the same time has been making some significant political and economic reforms.

Sultan Haitham (b. in 1954) is married to Ahad, and they have two sons, Theyazin (the Crown Prince and Minister of Culture, Sports and Youth) and Bilarab (an architect), and two daughters, Thuraya and Omaima.

Haitham went to university at Oxford, and has been described as 'outward-looking and Western-oriented.' His government experience is wide, from heading the Oman Football Association, to serving in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, to being Minister of Heritage and Culture, to chairing the 'Oman 2040' economic development committee.

Pray for Sultan Haitham, that God would:

  • Give the Sultan discretion, foresight, and understanding in making decisions. — 1 Chronicles 22:12

  • Enable the Sultan to make decisions according to God’s truth. — Proverbs 2:10-11

  • Protect the Sultan from harm, and bless and protect his family. — Psalm 21:11; Ezra 6:10

  • Enable the Sultan to carry out his duties with humility toward You and toward others. — 1 Peter 5:5

  • Give the Sultan the courage to do the right thing even when urged to do the wrong thing. — Proverbs 2:11–15

  • Give the Sultan a tender heart of compassion toward those he leads and serves. — Colossians 3:12

Worship with us!: Authority by Elevation Worship. The ultimate authority in Oman belongs to God, and we bless the Sultan to come under that authority!

Matthew 18:14 Focus—‘Your Father in heaven does not want one of these little ones to be lost.’

Please bring these towns and villages before the Father:

Dar As-Sawdah, Al Hamra district, Ad-Dakhliyah region. Population: 95

As-Sibayb, Al Hamra district, Ad-Dakhliyah region. Population: 89

Al-Ghubayrah, Al Hamra district, Ad-Dakhliyah region. Population: 88

At-Tananiyah, Al Hamra district, Ad-Dakhliyah region. Population: 85

Al-Qiwaytu, Al Hamra district, Ad-Dakhliyah region. Population: 81















  • 在蘇丹做決定時給予他判斷力、遠見和認知。-歷代志上22:12

  • 使蘇丹能夠根據神的真理做出決定。-箴言2:10-11

  • 保護蘇丹免受傷害,賜福並保護他的家人。-詩篇21:11;以斯拉記6:10

  • 在蘇丹履行職責時使他能夠以謙卑的態度對待你和他人。-彼得前書5:5

  • 給蘇丹勇氣去做正確的事,即使被慫恿去做錯誤的事。-箴言2:11-15

  • 讓蘇丹對他所領導和服務的人有一顆憐憫的心。-歌羅西書3:12













Fertile Ground

Adam (Arabicأدم not the same as Adam - the prophet آدم) is a town in the Ad-Dakhiliyah region, and seat of the district of Adam (population 28,163). The history of the district of Adam dates back to pre-Islamic times. This area has several archeological sites, where you can see ancient forts, mud-brick homes, mosques and deserted traditional markets. One site, Harrat Al Jamii, contains the house of Imam Ahmed bin Said Busaidi (1744-1783): the founder of the Al Busaidi dynasty and the ancestor of the current ruler of Oman, Sultan Haitham bin Tariq.

Adam has several meanings in Arabic but most likely means ‘the fertile land’. It is the last green oasis before entering the vast desert of the Empty Quarter.

Pray for the City and District of Adam:

  • Glory of God. That God would be glorified and exalted and worshipped in Adam. (Habakkuk 2:14, Psalm 138:4-5)

  • Expansion of the Kingdom. That many people in Adam will come to know Jesus, and that communities of believers will be planted, that movements will be ignited. (Luke 1:32-33, 2 Cor 10:15-16)

  • Hearts and Minds. That spiritual blindness and bondages will be lifted from the minds of the people in Adam, and that hearts will be stirred with hunger for Jesus and truth. (2 Cor 4:4, Luke 24:45)

  • Authority. Pray with the authority that Jesus gives you over principalities, powers and spiritual strongholds in Adam. Pray that God would release prophetic words over the land, releasing visions, dreams, signs and wonders in Jesus’ name. (Matthew 18:18, 2 Cor 10:4)

  • Revival. That any believers living Adam would be awakened by the Holy Spirit, have love and passion stirred in them for the lost, and rise to meet the need in their neighborhood. (Luke 10:2, Ezekiel 37:10)

  • Provision. That God would bring His provision and blessing to all those in need in Adam. That He would show His eternal kindness, demonstrate the blessing of His Kingdom, and cause His people to prosper. (Philippians 4:19, Jeremiah 29:7)

Worship with us!: Fertile Ground by Godfrey Birtill. May Adam truly be fertile ground for the Gospel!

Matthew 18:14 Focus—‘Your Father in heaven does not want one of these little ones to be lost.’

Please bring these towns and villages before the Father:

Al-Hawb, Al Hamra district, Ad-Dakhliyah region. Population: 80

Daan Daqiqah, Al Hamra district, Ad-Dakhliyah region. Population: 79

Duwayrat al-Fayl, Al Hamra district, Ad-Dakhliyah region. Population: 79

Al-Hajir, Al Hamra district, Ad-Dakhliyah region. Population: 73

Aqbat al-Barzah, Al Hamra district, Ad-Dakhliyah region. Population: 69











  • 神的榮耀。神將會在亞當得榮耀,尊崇和敬拜。(哈巴谷書2:14;詩篇138:4-5)

  • 神國的擴展。亞當的許多人將會認識耶穌,信徒群體將會扎根,激起植堂運動。(路加福音1:32-33;哥林多後書10:15-16)

  • 心靈與頭腦。亞當人民的頭腦中,屬靈的盲目和束縛將被破除,他們的心靈將萌發對耶穌和真理的渴慕。(哥林多後書4:4,路加福音24:45)

  • 權柄。用耶穌給你的權柄禱告,這權柄勝過亞當的公國統治權、權勢和屬靈的營壘。求神奉耶穌的名在地上賜下先知的話語,賜下異象、異夢、神蹟和奇事。(馬太福音18:18,哥林多後書10:4)

  • 復興。願任何生活在亞當的信徒都能被聖靈喚醒,對失喪之人的愛和熱心在他們裡面被激發,並起來滿足他們鄰舍的需要。(路加福音10:2,以西結書37:10)

  • 供應。願神將祂的供應和福氣帶給亞當所有有需要的人。祂要顯示祂永遠的慈愛,顯明祂國度的賜福,使祂的百姓興旺。(腓立比書4:19,耶利米書29:7)____________________________________












Falaj Daris

River of Life

The Falaj Daris is the biggest falaj (irrigation canal system) in Oman, and one of the five collectively listed as UNESCO World Heritage Sites in 2006. Nizwa’s former prosperity was due to its abundance of water supplies, with over 134 aflaj (plural for falaj) in the Nizwa district. One hundred of these are still in use today.

According to UNESCO, this site represents 3000 such systems still in use throughout Oman. The origins of this particular falaj date back to AD 500, but similar water systems have been used in this arid region since 2500 BC.

These shared community water systems tap into an underground water source and distribute to towns and villages for domestic, commercial, and agricultural use. Besides making civilization possible in these rugged environments, they have shaped Omani culture with its high values for cooperation and consensus.

He who believes in Me, as the Scripture said, ‘From his innermost being will flow rivers of living water.’ (John 7:38)

  • This falaj has been the main source of life for this central region for centuries. Pray that this region would be watered by the true and Living Water, Jesus Himself!

Worship with us!: Rivers by Planetshakers. May the Dakhiliyah region be watered with the rivers of God!

Matthew 18:14 Focus—‘Your Father in heaven does not want one of these little ones to be lost.’

Please bring these towns and villages before the Father:

Dar Lawah, Al Hamra district, Ad-Dakhliyah region. Population: 68

Al Mukhaybi, Al Hamra district, Ad-Dakhliyah region. Population: 67

Al-Aqbah At-Tawilah, Al Hamra district, Ad-Dakhliyah region. Population: 63

Minda, Al Hamra district, Ad-Dakhliyah region. Population: 56

Dhahrat Al-Ur, Al Hamra district, Ad-Dakhliyah region. Population: 51

Bisya, Bahla district, Ad-Dakhliyah region. Population: 5880













  • 多個世紀以來,灌溉渠一直是這個中心地區的主要生命來源。禱告這地區能被真正的活水-耶穌自己-澆灌。













Jebel Akhdar

The Green Mountain

Jebel Akhdar (Arabic: ٱلْجَبَل ٱلْأَخْضَر, literally  'The Green Mountain'), is part of Al Hajar Mountains range in Ad-Dakhiliyah region of Oman. Its highest point is 2,980 m (9,780 ft) high, and contains the Saiq Plateau at 2,000m (6,560 ft) above sea level, one of the highest places in Oman. It is a popular tourist area for hiking, camping, and resorts with stunning views, and only accessible by 4x4. This area is known for its rugged wadis, mountain villages, and terraced farmland, where pomegranates, apricots, peaches, walnuts, grapes, and roses grow in abundance due to the mild climate and greater amounts of rainfall—hence its ‘green’ name. Agriculture here is also aided by falaj irrigation systems and terraced farmland. The mountain was declared a nature reserve in 2011, and in 2022 became its own administrative district, for the 60 remote villages dotted across it.

Pray for the Villages and District of Jebel Akhdar:

  • Glory of God. That God would be glorified and exalted and worshipped in Jebel Akhdar. (Habakkuk 2:14, Psalm 138:4-5)

  • Expansion of the Kingdom. That many people in Jebel Akhdar will come to know Jesus, and that communities of believers will be planted, that movements will be ignited. (Luke 1:32-33, 2 Cor 10:15-16)

  • Hearts and Minds. That spiritual blindness and bondages will be lifted from the minds of the people in Jebel Akhdar, and that hearts will be stirred with hunger for Jesus and truth. (2 Cor 4:4, Luke 24:45)

  • Authority. Pray with the authority that Jesus gives you over principalities, powers and spiritual strongholds in Jebel Akhdar. Pray that God would release prophetic words over the land, releasing visions, dreams, signs and wonders in Jesus’ name. (Matthew 18:18, 2 Cor 10:4)

  • Revival. That any believers living Jebel Akhdar would be awakened by the Holy Spirit, have love and passion stirred in them for the lost, and rise to meet the need in their neighborhood. (Luke 10:2, Ezekiel 37:10)

  • Provision. That God would bring His provision and blessing to all those in need in Jebel Akhdar. That He would show His eternal kindness, demonstrate the blessing of His Kingdom, and cause His people to prosper. (Philippians 4:19, Jeremiah 29:7)

Worship with us!: Mountain by Brian and Katie Torwalt. May God be praised on this mountain! 

Matthew 18:14 Focus—‘Your Father in heaven does not want one of these little ones to be lost.’

Please bring these towns and villages before the Father:

Al-Mamur, Bahla district, Ad-Dakhliyah region. Population: 4047

Wadi Qurayyat, Bahla district, Ad-Dakhliyah region. Population: 3824

Bilad Sayt, Bahla district, Ad-Dakhliyah region. Population: 3567

Al-Habbi, Bahla district, Ad-Dakhliyah region. Population: 3434

Al-Ghafat, Bahla district, Ad-Dakhliyah region. Population: 3354





艾和達爾山(阿拉伯語:ٱلْجَبَل ٱلْأَخْضَ,字面意思是「綠色的山」),是艾曼達希利亞行政區哈賈爾山脈的一部分。它的最高點有2,980米(9,780英尺)高,包括海拔2,000米(6,560英尺)的賽伊克高原,是阿曼最高的地方之一。這是一個受歡迎的旅遊區,可以徒步旅行和露營,也是度假勝地,景色壯麗,只能通過4x4進入。該地區以其崎嶇的河道、山中村莊和階地農田而聞名,由於氣候溫和,降雨量大,這裡盛產石榴、杏、桃、核桃、葡萄和玫瑰,因此得名「綠色」。這裡的農業也得到了灌溉渠灌溉系統和階地農田的幫助。這座山於2011年被宣佈為自然保護區,並於2022年成為自己的行政區域,60個偏遠的村莊遍佈其中。




  • 神的榮耀。神將在艾和達爾山得榮耀,尊崇和敬拜。(哈巴谷書2:14;詩篇138:4-5)

  • 神國的擴展。艾和達爾山的許多人將會認識耶穌,信徒群體將會扎根,激起植堂運動。(路加福音1:32-33;哥林多後書10:15-16)

  • 心靈與頭腦。艾和達爾山人民的頭腦中,屬靈的盲目和束縛將被破除,他們的心靈將萌發對耶穌和真理的渴慕。(哥林多後書4:4,路加福音24:45)

  • 權柄。用耶穌給你的權柄禱告,這權柄勝過艾和達爾山的公國統治權、權勢和屬靈的營壘。求神奉耶穌的名在地上賜下先知的話語,賜下異象、異夢、神蹟和奇事。(馬太福音18:18,哥林多後書10:4)

  • 復興。願任何生活在艾和達爾山的信徒都能被聖靈喚醒,對失喪之人的愛和熱心在他們裡面被激發,並起來滿足他們鄰舍的需要。(路加福音10:2,以西結書37:10)

  • 供應。願神將他的供應和福氣帶給艾和達爾山所有有需要的人。他要顯示他永遠的慈愛,顯明他國度的賜福,使他的百姓興旺。(腓立比書4:19,耶利米書29:7)____________________________________












Rose Water

Fragrant Crushing

Jebel Akhdar is famous for its rose water production, done by traditional methods passed down for centuries. The villages of the mountain harvest the pink Damask roses from March-early May, and distill the precious elixir through a time- and labor-intensive process. It takes about 1.5 kg (3¼ lbs) of petals to produce 700 ml (3 cups) of liquid. Roses are picked by hand and the petals are delicately removed. The petals are steamed and crushed in a traditional clay oven, and the aromatic steam condenses and is collected, forming the rose water.

Omani rose water is distinctive in that it produces a yellow/red, smoky liquid, as the petals are charred in the distillation process. This unique flavoring is highly prized, and Omanis use it to flavor Arabic coffee and Helwa (the national sweet). It is also used in perfumes or sprays, often applied at special events like weddings or Eid holidays. It is also used for cosmetic and medicinal purposes.

“We Christians have the unmistakable “scent” of Christ, discernible alike to those who are being saved and to those who are heading for death. To the latter it seems like the very smell of doom, to the former it has the fresh fragrance of life itself.”—2nd Corinthians 2:15-16​

  • Let’s pray for believers in Oman today (both local and expat) to proudly carry the aroma of Christ.

  • Pray for believers who are being crushed by persecution and burned in the fires of tribulation--may their lives produce a beautiful fragrance.

Worship with us!: Roses by Andrew Ripp. May believers in Oman ‘know the beauty that pain exposes,’ just like Jesus!

Matthew 18:14 Focus—‘Your Father in heaven does not want one of these little ones to be lost.’

Please bring these towns and villages before the Father:

Al-Wadi al-Ala, Bahla district, Ad-Dakhliyah region. Population: 2478

Sint, Bahla district, Ad-Dakhliyah region. Population: 1868

Jabrin, Bahla district, Ad-Dakhliyah region. Population: 1825

Sayh al-Maashi, Bahla district, Ad-Dakhliyah region. Population: 1825

Sayfam wa al-Uqayr, Bahla district, Ad-Dakhliyah region. Population: 1425

Muaylif, Bahla district, Ad-Dakhliyah region. Population: 1098











  • 讓我們為今天在阿曼的信徒禱告(無論本地的還是外籍的),他們會自豪地攜帶基督的香氣。

  • 為那些因逼迫而被壓碎,在患難之火中焚燒的信徒禱告-願他們的生命散發出美麗的芬芳。













Al Hamra

Red Mountain Town

Al Hamra (Arabic: ٱلْحَمْرَاء) is a 400-year-old town (population 14,035) in the Ad-Dakhiliyah region. It is also the seat of a district (population 28,228) with a number of picturesque mountain villages. The town and district lie on the southern slopes of Jebel Akhdar. The name is related to the Arabic word for ‘red’. Al Hamra is also known as ‘Hamra Al Abryeen’, referring to the Al Abri tribe who live there.

Some of the oldest preserved houses in Oman can be found here, built on a tilted rock slab in the Yemeni style. Many of the houses have two, three and even four stories, with ceilings made of palm beams and fronds, topped by mud and straw.

Al Hamra is also the gateway to Jebel Shams (meaning ‘Mountain of the Sun’), the highest mountain in Oman.

Pray for the Town and District of Al-Hamra:

  • Glory of God. That God would be glorified and exalted and worshipped in Al-Hamra. (Habakkuk 2:14, Psalm 138:4-5)

  • Expansion of the Kingdom. That many people in Al-Hamra will come to know Jesus, and that communities of believers will be planted, that movements will be ignited. (Luke 1:32-33, 2 Cor 10:15-16)

  • Hearts and Minds. That spiritual blindness and bondages will be lifted from the minds of the people in Al-Hamra, and that hearts will be stirred with hunger for Jesus and truth. (2 Cor 4:4, Luke 24:45)

  • Authority. Pray with the authority that Jesus gives you over principalities, powers and spiritual strongholds in Al-Hamra. Pray that God would release prophetic words over the land, releasing visions, dreams, signs and wonders in Jesus’ name. (Matthew 18:18, 2 Cor 10:4)

  • Revival. That any believers living Al-Hamra would be awakened by the Holy Spirit, have love and passion stirred in them for the lost, and rise to meet the need in their neighborhood. (Luke 10:2, Ezekiel 37:10)

  • Provision. That God would bring His provision and blessing to all those in need in Al-Hamra. That He would show His eternal kindness, demonstrate the blessing of His Kingdom, and cause His people to prosper. (Philippians 4:19, Jeremiah 29:7)

Worship with us!: At the Cross (Love Ran Red) by Chris Tomlin. May the people of Al-Hamra know the love of Jesus demonstrated on the cross!

Matthew 18:14 Focus—‘Your Father in heaven does not want one of these little ones to be lost.’

Please bring these towns and villages before the Father:

Tawi an-Nisf, Bahla district, Ad-Dakhliyah region. Population: 1029

Fall, Bahla district, Ad-Dakhliyah region. Population: 789

As-Sifayha, Bahla district, Ad-Dakhliyah region. Population: 726

Wadhhah, Bahla district, Ad-Dakhliyah region. Population: 625

Al-Jaylah, Bahla district, Ad-Dakhliyah region. Population: 623













  • 神的榮耀。神將在哈姆拉得榮耀,尊崇和敬拜。(哈巴谷書2:14;詩篇138:4-5)

  • 神國的擴展。哈姆拉的許多人將會認識耶穌,信徒群體將會扎根,激起植堂運動。(路加福音1:32-33;哥林多後書10:15-16)

  • 心靈與頭腦。哈姆拉人民的頭腦中,屬靈的盲目和束縛將被破除,他們的心靈將萌發對耶穌和真理的渴慕。(哥林多後書4:4,路加福音24:45)

  • 權柄。用耶穌給你的權柄禱告,這權柄勝過哈姆拉的公國統治權、權勢和屬靈的營壘。求神奉耶穌的名在地上賜下先知的話語,賜下異象、異夢、神蹟和奇事。(馬太福音18:18,哥林多後書10:4)

  • 復興。願任何生活在哈姆拉的信徒都能被聖靈喚醒,對失喪之人的愛和熱心在他們裡面被激發,並起來滿足他們鄰舍的需要。(路加福音10:2,以西結書37:10)

  • 供應。願神將他的供應和福氣帶給哈姆拉所有有需要的人。他要顯示他永遠的慈愛,顯明他國度的賜福,使他的百姓興旺。(腓立比書4:19,耶利米書29:7)













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