Questions to ask your Muslim friends
A closer look at Islamic beliefs and texts
Beth Peltola & Tim Dieppe
2 | Questions about faith 關於信仰的問題 | 33 | How did you become a Muslim? | 你是如何成為一名穆斯林的? |
34 | What made you decide Islam is true? | 是什麼讓你決定伊斯蘭是真的? | ||
34 | What does it mean to be a Muslim? | 成為一名穆斯林意味著什麼? | ||
35 | What do you think God is like? | 你認為神是怎麼樣的? | ||
36 | What do you think Christians believe? | 你認為基督徒相信什麼? | ||
36 | What does Allah think about you? | 真主對你有什麼看法? | ||
36 | How does Allah show his love for you? | 真主如何表達他對你的愛? | ||
37 | What do you think of sects or groups within Islam? | 你認為伊斯蘭內部的教派或團體是怎樣的? | ||
37 | How does prayer work for you? | 祈禱對你有什麼作用? | ||
37 | What is worship in Islam? | 在伊斯蘭中什麼是崇拜? | ||
38 | Do you pray five times a day? | 你每天都做五次禱告嗎? | ||
38 | How can I pray for you today? | 今天我如何為你祈禱? | ||
39 | Do you know God’s forgiveness? | 你知道神的寬恕嗎? | ||
39 | Do you know if you will be with God when you die? | 你知道你死後是否會與神同在? | ||
40 | Is God personal? | 神是個人的嗎? | ||
40 | What difference does your faith make to your life? | 你的信仰對你的生活有什麼影響? | ||
40 | Does Ramadan bring lasting change to your life? | 齋月會給你的生活帶來持久的改變嗎? | ||
41 | If you found Christianity to be true, would you become a Christian? | 如果你發現基督教是真的,你會成為一名基督徒嗎? | ||
41 | Have you read any of the New Testament? | 你讀過新約的任何內容嗎? | ||
41 | What does Allah think of me? | 真主對我有什麼看法? | ||
42 | Would you read and let me know what you think of this book? | 你會閱讀並讓我知道你對這本書的看法嗎? | ||
3 | Questions comparing Jesus and Muhammad 對比耶穌和穆罕默德的問題 | 43 | What has Muhammad done for you? | 穆罕默德為你做了什麼? |
43 | Is Muhammad alive today? | 穆罕默德今天還活著嗎? | ||
43 | What do you know about Jesus? | 你對耶穌了解多少? | ||
44 | Have you ever compared the lives and actions of Muhammad and the Lord Jesus? | 你有沒有比較過穆罕默德和主耶穌的生活和行為? | ||
45 | Why was Isa born of a virgin and Muhammad wasn’t? | 為什麼爾撒是由童女所生,而穆罕默德不是? | ||
46 | Isn’t it interesting that Jesus demonstrated extraordinary spiritual knowledge even as a child? | 耶穌甚至在孩童時期就表現出非凡的靈性知識,這難道不有趣嗎? | ||
47 | Why are Muhammad’s spiritual and life experiences so pagan in nature? | 為什麼穆罕默德的靈性和生活經驗是如此的異教? | ||
47 | Does it bother you that Jesus performed multiple miracles whereas Muhammad didn’t perform any? | 耶穌行了多個神蹟,而穆罕默德卻沒有行任何神蹟,這讓你感到不安嗎? | ||
48 | Since Jesus performed numerous miracles, doesn’t that mean He is a better representative of God? | 既然耶穌行了無數的神蹟,難道這不意味著祂是神更好的代表嗎? | ||
49 | Why, according to the Qur’an, is Isa sinless, while Muhammad was not? | 根據古蘭經,為什麼爾撒是無罪的,而穆罕默德卻不是? | ||
50 | Why do Muslims call themselves “Slaves of Allah” (Abdullah) when Jesus sets us free from slavery? | 既然耶穌讓我們擺脫了奴役,為什麼穆斯林卻稱自己為「真主的奴僕」(阿卜杜拉)? | ||
50 | Why was Isa taken up to heaven, but not Muhammad? | 為什麼爾撒被帶到了天堂,而穆罕默德卻沒有? | ||
50 | Why is Jesus coming back, but not Muhammad? | 為什麼耶穌要回來,而穆罕默德沒有? | ||
51 | Consider Jesus who never murdered anyone, whereas Muhammad had many killed | 考慮一下耶穌,他從未殺過任何人,而穆罕默德卻使很多人被殺 | ||
53 | Did you know that Jesus never owned slaves, but that Muhammad owned and distributed slaves? | 你知道耶穌從不擁有奴隸,而穆罕默德卻擁有和分配奴隸嗎? | ||
55 | Why is Muhammad not prophesied in the Bible? | 為什麼穆罕默德在聖經中沒有被預言? | ||
4 | Questions about Muhammad 關於穆罕默德的問題 | 59 | By what authority does Muhammad speak? | 穆罕默德是憑什麼說話的? |
60 | Why does the Qur’an put Muhammad on a level with Allah? | 為什麼古蘭經把穆罕默德與真主相提並論? | ||
60 | How do you know that Muhammad is from the true God? | 你怎麼知道穆罕默德是來自真神? | ||
61 | Does Muhammad speak by the authority of the Bible? | 穆罕默德是憑聖經的權威說話的嗎? | ||
61 | If Muhammad is just a man, then why is it blasphemy to speak against him? | 如果穆罕默德只是一個人,那麼為什麼說話反對他是褻瀆? | ||
62 | If Muhammad is just a man, why does the Qur’an say we have to obey him alongside Allah? | 如果穆罕默德只是一個人,為什麼古蘭經說我們要服從真主時一起服從他? | ||
62 | Why did Muhammad have so many wives? | 為什麼穆罕默德有那麼多的妻子? | ||
63 | Why did Muhammad marry a 6-year-old girl and consummate the marriage when she was 9? | 為什麼穆罕默德娶了一個6歲的女孩,並在她9歲時完婚? | ||
63 | Why did Allah break up a marriage for Muhammad? | 為什麼真主要為穆罕默德拆散婚姻? | ||
65 | Why wasn’t Muhammad from God’s chosen line of prophets? | 為什麼穆罕默德不是來自神選定的先知的系列? | ||
66 | Why did Muhammad kill so many people in Medina? | 為什麼穆罕默德在麥地那殺了那麼多的人? | ||
67 | If Muhammad is the greatest example, why does he seem so unwelcoming? | 如果穆罕默德是最偉大的榜樣,為什麼他看起來如此不受歡迎? | ||
5 | Questions about the Qur’an 關於古蘭經的問題 | 70 | Have you read the Qur’an in your own language? | 你用自己的語言讀過古蘭經嗎? |
70 | Why do you say the Qur’an should only be read in Arabic when the Bible can be read in any language? | 為什麼你說古蘭經只能用阿拉伯語閱讀,而聖經可以用任何語言閱讀? | ||
71 | Why does the Qur’an have random stories that don’t always have a beginning or end or meaning? | 為什麼古蘭經的故事是隨機的,不一定有開頭、結尾或意義? | ||
72 | What is the actual message of the Qur’an? | 古蘭經的實際信息是什麼? | ||
72 | Where is the Shahadah in the Qur’an? | 古蘭經中哪裡有清真言? | ||
73 | Is the Qur’an, or the Hadith, or both, the word of Allah? | 古蘭經或聖訓或兩者都是真主的話語嗎? | ||
74 | Did you know that the Qur’an testifies to the inspiration of the Bible? | 你知道古蘭經見證了聖經的默示嗎? | ||
75 | Why does the Qur’an say Jesus didn’t die by crucifixion when historical references to it from the first two centuries say He did? | 為什麼古蘭經說耶穌沒有被釘死在十字架上,而首兩個世紀的歷史記載卻說祂死在十字架上? | ||
75 | Why did Muhammad not quote from the Old Testament? | 為什麼穆罕默德不引用舊約的內容? | ||
76 | Did you know that many Qur’anic stories of characters from the Bible come from heretical literature, Jewish stories or Christian traditions outside the Bible? | 你知道許多古蘭經中的人物故事來自於異端文學、猶太故事或聖經以外的基督教傳統嗎? | ||
6 | Questions on women in Islam 關於伊斯蘭中婦女的問題 | 79 | What does the Qur’an say about women? | 古蘭經對婦女是怎麼說的? |
81 | Why are there so few verses in the Qur’an instructing men to be kind to women? | 為什麼古蘭經中指示男人要善待女人的經文很少? | ||
82 | Why does the Qur’an treat women as lesser citizens? | 為什麼古蘭經把婦女當作低等公民? | ||
82 | Why does the Qur’an allow women to be abused? | 為什麼古蘭經允許婦女受到虐待? | ||
83 | Does the Qur’an support sexual-slavery? | 古蘭經支持性奴役嗎? | ||
85 | Does Islamic marriage reflect your relationship with Allah? | 伊斯蘭婚姻是否反映了你與真主的關係? | ||
7 | Questions on violence 關於暴力的問題 | 87 | Why does the Qur’an advocate so much violence? | 為什麼古蘭經提倡如此多的暴力? |
88 | Why does the Qur’an command killing for simply disbelieving Islam? | 為什麼古蘭經命令對不信伊斯蘭的人進行殺害? | ||
89 | Why does Islam teach the death penalty for apostasy? | 為什麼伊斯蘭教導叛教者要被判處死刑? | ||
89 | How do you feel about Muhammad imposing severe punishments on sinners? | 你如何看待穆罕默德對罪人實施嚴厲的懲罰? | ||
91 | Why are there so many direct commands encouraging violence towards unbelievers in the Qur’an? | 為什麼在古蘭經中有那麼多直接的命令鼓勵對不信的人使用暴力? | ||
93 | Is Islam a religion of peace? | 伊斯蘭是一種和平的宗教嗎? | ||
95 | Is Islamic law kind to unbelievers? | 伊斯蘭法律對不信的人仁慈嗎? | ||
8 | Miscellaneous questions: abrogation and Satanic verses 雜項問題:廢棄和撒旦詩篇 | 97 | Why does the Qur’an have abrogation? | 為什麼古蘭經會有廢棄? |
98 | Why does the Qur’an have abrogation if it was preserved by Allah in heaven? | 如果古蘭經是由真主在天上保存的,為什麼會有廢棄的情況? | ||
98 | What is your view of the ‘Satanic verses’? | 你對「撒旦詩篇」的看法是什麼? | ||
99 | The Qur’an commands obedience to Muhammad, (not just to Allah). Isn’t this shirk (idolatry)? | 古蘭經命令服從穆罕默德,(不僅僅是服從真主)。這難道不是以物配主(偶像崇拜)嗎? | ||
9 | Questions on historical inaccuracies in the Qur’an 關於古蘭經中歷史不準確的問題 | 101 | Why does the Qur’an say that there were crucifixions in the time of the Pharaohs? | 為什麼古蘭經說在法老時代有釘十字架的情況? |
102 | Why does the Qur’an say that Jesus was sold for a few dirhams (coins)? | 為什麼古蘭經說,耶穌以幾個迪拉姆(硬幣)被出賣了? | ||
102 | Why does the Qur’an say that the golden calf was moulded by a Samaritan? | 為什麼古蘭經說金牛是由撒瑪利亞人(撒馬里)鑄造的? | ||
103 | Why are there so many errors of historicity in the Qur’an? | 為什麼古蘭經裡有那麼多的歷史性錯誤? | ||
103 | Why does the Qur’an say that Jews believe Ezra is the son of God? | 為什麼古蘭經說猶太人相信以斯拉(歐宰爾)是神的兒子? | ||
103 | Why is Mary, the mother of Isa, the only woman mentioned in the Qur’an by name? | 為什麼爾撒的母親馬利亞(麥爾彥)是古蘭經中唯一提到名字的女人? | ||
104 | Why are there differences between the earliest Qur’ans? | 為什麼最早的古蘭經之間會有差異? | ||
105 | Are you aware that there are multiple versions of Arabic Qur’ans in existence today? | 你知道今天有多種版本的阿拉伯古蘭經嗎? | ||
105 | Why does the Qur’an misrepresent Christian theology? | 為什麼古蘭經會歪曲基督教神學? | ||
106 | How do you prove that the Qur’an came from God? | 你如何證明古蘭經來自於神? |
10 | Questions Muslims ask 穆斯林提出的問題 | 109 | How can God have a son? | 神怎麼會有一個兒子? |
111 | Did God have sex with Mary? | 神是否與馬利亞發生了關係? | ||
112 | How can human beings be made in God’s image? | 人類怎麼能按照神的形象被造? | ||
112 | How can God become a man? | 神怎麼能成為人呢? | ||
115 | Why do you believe in three gods? | 為什麼你相信有三個神? | ||
116 | Has the Bible been corrupted? | 聖經被篡改了嗎? | ||
116 | Why are Christian countries so corrupt? | 為什麼基督教國家如此墮落? | ||
117 | What about the crusades? | 十字軍東征的情況如何? | ||
119 | Who is Jesus? | 耶穌是誰? | ||
119 | Did Jesus say the Old Testament speaks of Him? | 耶穌是否說過舊約中講到了祂? | ||
122 | Do the Old and New Testaments teach the same about Jesus? | 舊約和新約對耶穌的教導相同嗎? | ||
123 | Is the Gospel in the Old Testament? | 福音在舊約中嗎? | ||
125 | If Jesus is a warrior who will lead his people into battle, doesn’t that make him violent? | 如果耶穌是一個戰士,要帶領他的子民去戰鬥,這不就使他變得很暴力嗎? |